How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain

Chapter 114

114 – Expression (6)

I took out a bottle containing golden liquid from my pocket and handed it to Selen. Selen asked, curiosity filling her voice.

“What’s this…?”

“A medicine that can cure any illness in the world.”

“What? Where can such a thing exist… Are you joking with me…?”

“Selen, do you trust me?”

Thinking that I was teasing her, Selen puffed up her cheeks and pretended to be lightly annoyed. However, she quickly changed her expression, realizing that I was serious.

“…I trust you… It’s your word after all…”

“Then take this. Keep it safe and use it when you really need it. Understand?”

“…Yes. I understand… Hmph…”

The liquid I handed her was a small vial of potion. Regardless, I couldn’t completely ignore Eugene’s dream, so I needed to make some preparations at least.

After Selen smirked and took the bottle, she made a face as if she remembered something she had forgotten.

“By the way, Eugene said something strange yesterday…”

“Something strange?”

“Yeah… I tried to tell him to stop, but he kept saying that he saw something in his dream…”

It seemed like Eugene had told Selen the same story as well. After explaining to me, Selen looked slightly puzzled and tilted her head.

“…But he’s not the type to make up lies like that…”

“…What would you do if his words were true?”

“What do you mean? That I have to be with Eugene to be happy…?”


Upon hearing my question, Selen asked with a slightly annoyed expression, furrowing her brows.

“Why are you asking me that? Even though I clearly don’t like it written all over my face.”


Suddenly, I felt a sinking feeling in my chest upon hearing Selen’s response. I was about to force out some words, but Selen looked at me and burst out laughing, waving her hands enthusiastically.

“Fool. Why would you say something like that? It’s obvious from your expression that I don’t like it.”

“…Is that so?”

“Don’t worry. Why would happiness come from looking at that? I’m just happy with the present. And whatever happens, it doesn’t matter. You have given me the medicine…”

Selene got up from her seat and smoothed down her clothes. Then she came closer to me and gently placed her hand on top of mine.

“But Edwin.”


“I’ve been thinking… about what some people are gossiping about, saying that you… forced me…”

“That? I don’t really care. As long as you’re okay…”

“It’s not that… If you’re still feeling guilty, wouldn’t those rumors stop?”

“It’s a valid point, but…”

“Heh… Fool. You’re embarrassed again. Just a moment…”

The change did not only occur on my side. For the past few days, Selene had always been the one leading me.

At first, I thought it was just because she was trying to achieve her goal, but gradually, it was the other side’s imagination that occupied my mind.

“…Is it okay…? It feels too gentle…”

“Isn’t it enough? And I think we should go now.”


Selene asked with a disappointed tone. Then she clung closer and leaned her shoulder against mine.

“What if we just run away if things go south?”

“Heh… I would be fine with that…”

“I’m just kidding. Don’t worry. We will definitely win.”



Although there was still time before the duel began, the vicinity was already crowded with people. Those who saw me made way like waves, and I headed towards the spectator seat.

As I sat still, all sorts of sounds flooded into my ears. The cheers made my heart race and blood rush through my body.

Finally, the bell rang three times to signal the start of the duel. A well-dressed male student stepped forward in the center of the dueling arena. He put his hand on his neck and recited an incantation, then cleared his throat a couple of times before opening his mouth.

“Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. I am Hemph Perrault, representative of the Dueling Club.”

The voice of a man under a magical spell boomed loudly in all directions.

“Today’s duel is also a trial. I have received a letter of delegation from Lord Carson of the Academy and Redville, granting me authority over the duel and its aftermath. I hereby announce that the result of the duel holds full legal binding. The parties involved shall proceed.”

As his words fell, I lifted the tent flap of the waiting area and stepped into the dueling arena. On the opposite side, I saw the familiar sight of a blond male student stepping forward.

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In the narrowing distance, his face became clearer. It was filled with anger towards me and a desire for victory.

“Today’s duel will proceed according to long-standing tradition. The use of swords, mana-enhanced attacks, close combat, and all other means of attack are allowed.”

The male student continued explaining the rules. Meanwhile, as we revealed ourselves in the dueling arena, the audience erupted in jeers and cheers.

However, it seemed that the cheers for Eugene were slightly louder than those for me.

“Dropping the sword or being unable to continue the duel will result in defeat. If the situation is not clear, judgment will be made by the invited jury. Now, let the two parties…”

– Is that the Holy Maiden?

– It’s the Holy Maiden!

– Did she come to cheer for Eugene? As expected…!

Suddenly, a commotion was heard from the audience area. As I turned my gaze, I saw the Holy Maiden dressed in pure white robes. Without saying a word, she headed towards the VIP seats on the second floor and took her seat there.

It was the first time the Holy Maiden had appeared since the Holy Sword Ceremony. With the conclusion of her mysterious actions, the public’s attention couldn’t help but be drawn. Did she come to lend strength to Eugene? Or was it just an obligatory attendance?

If I were the Holy Maiden, I wouldn’t want him to lose.

As the commotion died down, Hemp cleared his throat and continued speaking.

“…Ahem. Let’s proceed. First, Eugene. What do you desire in this duel?”

“He wants Edwin to release Eugenea.”

“Edwin, what do you desire?”

“I want to break off Eugene’s engagement with Celestia…with Eugenea. She never wanted to be engaged, and it has been a long time since she became mine.”

Eugene and I were already approaching each other closely. As my words ended, there was visible tension in his clenched fist.

“All rights belong to the winner. Whatever you desire will be granted only after the victory. May you obtain what you seek.”

Following the signal from the announcer, Eugene and I distanced ourselves once again. And then, under a gloomy sky, I raised my longsword.

As mana flowed into my palm, the sword felt lighter. Eugene on the other side also seemed to be poised.



-Get ready! Prepare!

With Hampf’s signal, Eugene rushed towards me like petrification. Within the screams of the audience, our swords clashed and the enclosed mana burst forth.

-Get ready!

-Get ready! Prepare!

The duel progressed in a similar manner as before. When Eugene charged, I would deflect his attacks. The only difference from last time was that I showed no signs of counterattacking.

-Get ready!!

We exchanged a few more moves. Since I didn’t retaliate at all, Eugene attacked more fiercely. The cheers from his side grew louder, while the students supporting me started sighing with disappointment.

However, contrary to those reactions, I was currently experiencing the opposite sensation.

“Definitely… much better than last time.”

If there was one area where I was clearly superior to Eugene, it was in mana flow control and bodily vision. Reconstructing my body with elixirs had completely opened the blocked pathways. In addition, I had learned the mana techniques of my family from a young age.

The fully awakened eyes of Lakisha allowed me to react to even the fastest movements.

On the other hand, it hadn’t been more than a year since Eugene realized he was a mana user. He only had a beginner’s understanding of imperial standard mana techniques, so his control was not proficient.

His movements were indeed remarkable, but not so much that my eyes couldn’t react at all.

These factors combined to shape my current impression. If it were a fight based solely on pure martial artistry like last time, my weaknesses would be unknown. But in a fight like this, it was clear that my disadvantages were further emphasized.

Encased in mana, my sword moved much lighter and coordinated with my body. I was able to deflect his attacks even more effortlessly.

-Get ready!

-Get ready!

-Wow!! Eugene!!

-Push forward!!

Unknowingly, the duel was progressing in a similar manner to last time. However, the pace was much faster. Since I didn’t retaliate at all, this was inevitable.

Eugene had a overwhelming advantage in terms of physical stamina. The holy sword provided its wielder with immense physical strength, mental fortitude, and recovery capabilities.

With the added innate animalistic senses, there was no way I could keep up in that aspect, even though I also possessed some items that supported me in that regard.

So, I chose to rely on endurance. I had already confirmed that Eugene could easily dodge my intermittent counterattacks.

What I was waiting for now was a decisive opportunity. After the previous duel, desperate to defeat Eugene, I had searched for a way. And I had come up with a certain method.

There was one weakness that currently existed in Eugene.



As a test, I intentionally created an opening and Yujin seized that moment without hesitation. I barely managed to defend myself from the attack, but the cheers supporting him grew even louder. And with this attack, I was certain.

‘…It shows.’

When I revealed a flaw, Yujin shifted his weight and launched a powerful attack. And I witnessed that moment with my own eyes. When he swung his sword, his body tilted to one side.

Just like his mana art, Yujin had first encountered proper swordsmanship when he entered the academy. He supplemented it with overwhelming talent, but it was inevitable that there were still shortcomings in his fundamentals.

I had only checked for contingency purposes, but now there was no need for it anymore.


What he lacked was balance. When he delivered a powerful strike, his center of gravity inevitably shifted too much. And in that state, even with his innate senses, he couldn’t avoid incoming attacks.

I aimed for that exact moment. Yujin would likely improve these shortcomings to a significant extent before becoming a second-year student, so if I didn’t utilize this knowledge now, it would never come in handy.

If it’s a flaw that will eventually be fixed, I can only take advantage of it when I can.


Even so, it didn’t mean there was a significant gap compared to other aspects. It would be difficult for me to defeat him in a typical situation.

That’s why I targeted a single moment.


-End it!!

In no time, I found myself cornered in the perfect spot of the dueling area. The spectators who were certain of the outcome screamed loudly. Yujin seemed to be preparing for the final strike, just like them.


Today, Yujin had remained silent throughout. He had focused all his strength on defeating me and saving Selene, and his determination still seemed valid.

Yujin grasped his sword. And he struck with a heavier and more powerful blow than ever before.


It signified the moment I had been waiting for. I began to move as soon as I sensed Yujin’s attack. With one hand, I tried to deflect his strike by letting my sword flow through. And with my other hand, I clenched my fist and raised it, aiming for his jaw.



Yujin, already losing his balance, couldn’t properly react to my attack. As my punch landed with all the stored power, his head rang, and he struggled even to stand properly.


At the same time, a sharp pain, akin to being engulfed in flames, was felt on my shoulder. Of course, I couldn’t properly defend against his attack with just one hand. The blade that had lodged halfway into my shoulder fell out, and blood poured out from the wound like water.

But there was no time to waste now. Ignoring the pain that made it feel like my arm would detach, I began my next move.

“Clang! Clang!”


The impact that spread from my chin to the rest of my head was not easily recovered from. I continued to approach and swung my sword. Eugene barely managed to block my attack, but I kicked him with all my strength in the stomach.


Eugene writhed on the ground, but I didn’t stop my assault. Ending the fight before he could recover was my only way to win.

“Thud! Clang!”

“Thud! Thud!”

I pressed down on Eugene’s leg as he tried to get up. When he raised his arm to block the sword, I kicked him in the chest with my foot, turning his face away.

“Thud! Thud!”

Now, the spectators were silent. Those who had believed in victory without doubt refused to accept the reality before their eyes.


“Argh… Gasp!”


A strange sense of exhilaration surged through me as I watched Eugene roll beneath me. I wanted to leave him forever under my feet. To completely sever that life force so that he could never crawl back up…

“Stop! Stop!!”

In an instant, my body forcibly stopped moving. And then, I heard someone yell out. Mana burst out from the bracelet on my arm, binding my entire body.

“Edwin, my junior! Cease this! Can’t you see his condition?”

Upon hearing Hemp’s words, I lowered my gaze. There, I saw Eugene’s form, now unable to even twitch a finger.


As the excitement subsided, the pain in my arm returned. When I scowled at the unpleasant and agonizing sensation, Hemp’s expression became startled.

Quickly recovering his composure, he looked at the spectators and declared, “The duel is over. The winner… is Edwin Reed!!”

– Wow!

– Edwin! I knew it would happen!


– It’s unbelievable… how…

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Perhaps because the reaction was so vivid, the scream did not burst out so passionately. More than half of them just looked down at the arena with lost faces.

– Ttokak… Ttokak…

– Hwaaa…

“…Edwin Gongja. Can you show your shoulder for a moment?”

From behind, the sound of someone walking and the sound of blowing something could be heard. When I turned my head to the sound calling me, a woman in pure white clothes was standing there.

“…Saint? Gueh…!”

“…Please stay still. If you move like that, your wounds will worsen.”

The Saint first treated Eugene, whose condition was more severe. And she came to me. She grabbed my shoulder without hesitation and injected her divine power into me.

An endless warmth penetrated my body. Her expression was not clearly visible, hidden behind the veil.

“…You’re quite reckless.”


“To give your own shoulder and decide the outcome of the match. I don’t particularly like that way of thinking. It’s too impulsive and dangerous…”

“…It’s not impulsive. It’s a meticulously planned strategy. I only gave a minimum and achieved victory in exchange…”


The Saint did not respond to my words. After infusing her power, she turned her body and disappeared.

Soon, I was left alone in the confusing arena. The faint pleasure of victory tingled within me.

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