How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain

Chapter 119

119 – Ellie (5)

“Let me properly introduce myself. I am Ergo Galleilsae. I am entrusted with the task of supplementing the royal family to the best of my abilities.”

“I am Edwin Reed. It’s an honor to meet the esteemed Galleil-Lord…”

The middle-aged man extended his hand for a handshake. His hand, covered in abundant hair, was no less than a bear’s paw. When I shook hands, he held my hand and shook it up and down.

“Ergo, it’s all right. Aren’t we on good terms?”

“…Our relationship is as cold as ice… How long has it been since that incident…”

Keisha furrowed her brow upon seeing Ergo’s actions. Ergo, hearing her grumbling, tried to appease her.

“Keisha. Is the time we spend together not more important? What’s important is that this boy corrected our mistake. You know that, don’t you? That incident was…”

“Oh, I understand! I understand!”

Keisha messed up her hair. Then, she took a deep breath and approached me. She extended a smooth and elegant hand, contrasting with Ergo’s hairy one.

“…Sorry. I wasn’t angry at you. That man should be the one to blame…”


“The Chancellor… I…”


With a cough, Kisha continued speaking.

“Ahem… Kyrke Aladraga. I am currently a court mage. You can just call me Kisha. It doesn’t matter if you call me older sister or…”

“Listen, calling you older sister wouldn’t be accurate considering your youth…”


Ergo didn’t say anything further. I couldn’t help but sense the unusual atmosphere that reached me as well.

When I first saw Ergo, I simply thought of him as a top-ranking guard. Kisha’s exceptional skills seemed suspicious, but I couldn’t deduce anything beyond that. However, now that I knew everything, I naturally understood their true identities.

Before me stood the leader of the Imperial Palace Guards and the leading court mage. Ergo was the top swordmaster of the current era, while Kisha held the title of the youngest grand wizard.

On the other hand, they were also considered among the top ten strongest individuals in the empire, occasionally appearing in Eugene’s stories. They even passed on their knowledge to him and his companions whenever they met.

Such individuals often appeared in Eugene’s stories. I have pondered why things couldn’t be resolved if these skilled individuals joined forces.

But it was a problem that I couldn’t answer just by thinking. In the complex web of cause and effect, it was impossible for everyone to unite.

“I am Edwin Reed. It is an honor to meet the esteemed grand mage.”

“No need for formalities… It’s embarrassing.”

Kisha extended her hand. However, a fleeting expression of disappointment crossed her face. Could it be that she expected to be called older sister? I remembered hearing that women are more sensitive to age than men.

I thought I had made a mistake, but fortunately Kisha continued speaking as if nothing happened.

“…Ahem. And thank you. Thanks to you, His Highness could survive. I will sincerely show my gratitude…”

“I merely saved a friend. It seems you have a close relationship with Duke Elly… His Majesty.”

“Naturally. His Majesty and I were together even when he received the prophecy of the capital’s doom. I also taught him basic magic.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. I especially put effort into transformation magic. It should not be easy to discern at a student level.”

Kisha shrugged her shoulders, pride evident in her mannerisms. As I heard her words, a question suddenly arose in my mind.

“…Then does Evangelin also know about this?”

“Of course she knows. Would it make sense for the headmistress to be unaware? Most likely, the professors are aware as well. While they were accommodating, it also aligned with the Academy’s principles. It was like relinquishing privileges.”

I finally understood why the headmistress had sighed deeply when granting me permission to leave.

I recalled an incident from the past. Despite hearing rumors that I was seen with Ellie, the principal was actually pleased to find out that I was close with her. At the time, I thought it was just a rumor because I hadn’t heard any concrete details.

But of course, he would react that way since he knew everything. After all, I thought of Ellie as a commoner. Looking back now, it truly felt like a play of its own.

“By the way, are you really not going to tell me?”

“What are you talking about?”

“How exactly did you heal the Queen? No matter how much I think about it, I can’t understand. No one else could have done what you did…”

“…I’m sorry. I can’t say.”

“I’m curious… Should I strongly imply it…”

Kesha mumbled a dangerous remark to herself. The race of magicians was always driven by curiosity. If someone as skilled as her decided to uncover the truth, I had no way of stopping her.

“The incident has already been left behind by Her Majesty…”

“…Really? That’s a shame… I guess there’s nothing I can do…”

Kesha made a disappointed expression and finished her meal. I felt a chill run up my arm. I quickly changed the topic.

“Anyway, I have something I want to ask both of you…”

“What? Ask anything. I’ve already been ordered to accommodate you as much as possible.”

Ergo, who was waiting for an opportunity, joined the conversation. What I wanted to ask was about the princess’s attack.

Now I knew that Ellie and Alcmena were the same person, and the story I heard at the auction house was not just a simple rumor but a fact.

But this incident was peculiar. Alcmena was a character who hadn’t properly appeared other than a few mentions in Eugene’s story. Still, with such a significant event occurring, there should have been at least some mention or reference to it.

Furthermore, the venom of the basilisk is an extremely fatal poison that cannot be cured without an elixir. If my memory hadn’t returned, there would have been no way for Alcmena to survive.

And if a major incident like the princess’s death occurred, it wouldn’t make sense for it to pass by without any mention.

Moreover, even after a considerable amount of time had passed, Alcmena was still alive. I clearly remembered seeing her name mentioned in the final part of Eugene’s story.

So it is reasonable to consider the current events as something that should not have happened originally. There must be something that has clearly changed at some point.

“I would like to hear a detailed account of Alcmena’s attack, Your Majesty. Could you please explain?”

“…I did expect you to ask that… um…”

Ergo looked embarrassed upon hearing my question and exchanged glances with Kesha. Kesha sighed and stepped forward.

“I’ll tell you. There were orders from Her Majesty as well. But I have to use the seal of silence. It’s not because I don’t trust you, you know? The matter is just too serious…”

“I understand.”

“Thank you. Well then…”

As I nodded, Kisha began reciting the spell. Soon, with a sizzling sound, a small pattern started to be engraved on my arm. It was a circular shape with two snakes biting each other’s tails.

“…It won’t be a cheerful story, for sure. Where should I start explaining? First…”

After the engraving was finished, Ergo began his explanation. He used wicked sorcery to dry the guardian tree and break the barrier, infiltrating the palace.

However, the Emperor suddenly went missing, and the palace was in an unguarded state. Ergo and Kisha were staying by the Emperor’s side for his protection, and the enemies targeted Alkmena instead.

Fortunately, they were subdued by the maids and other guards, but the princess received a small injury. However, she didn’t listen to any treatment, and Alkmena’s condition only worsened as the days went by.

Since Ergo had to protect the royal family, a pursuit squad was organized with the vice commander of the knights at the center. After days of pursuit, they were able to catch the tail of the culprits near the ruins in the east.

And while interrogating the captured cultist, they were attacked by an unknown enemy and the pursuit squad was completely wiped out.

“Fortunately, we had synchronized our senses with our side for the interrogation. Thanks to that, we were able to identify the poison’s nature and the attack method. But that was it.”

As Ergo finished speaking, saying that the mage who synchronized his senses was drowsy when the vice-commander’s throat was slit, his expression could not be described as empty words.

“But I couldn’t possibly guess his identity. The vice-commander is a formidable warrior who wouldn’t easily fall… someone like him…”

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“…I express my condolences. Are there any other distinguishing features?”

“Well, his appearance was quite unique. Clearly… he wore a bronze mask and a crown made of thorns on his head.”

Ergo looked troubled, but as soon as I heard the description, I could immediately imagine his identity.

A bronze mask, a crown made of thorns, and although Ergo didn’t mention it, he would have definitely been wearing an old white robe.

As far as I knew, there was only one person with such an appearance. The cult’s high priest. One of the villains in Eugene’s story.

But he wouldn’t make his move until much later. What in the world motivated the high priest to act like this?


“Hmm… You seem to have a hint as if you know something. Do you have any insights?”

“…No, I don’t.”


Seeing me lost in thought, Kisha gave me a strange look.

“…Hey, by any chance…”


Kisha was about to open her mouth to speak again when the tightly closed door of the room suddenly opened, and three people walked out.

Alcmena seemed to have relaxed compared to earlier, but there was still a lingering sense of dissatisfaction. Her mother, Clotina, placed her hand on her shoulder and gently patted her.

Barion had a facial expression that seemed to have aged by ten years.

We stood up and prepared ourselves.

Barion raised his hand to stop me and said,

“…Tell Edwin to come here. He has something important to discuss…”

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