How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain

Chapter 17

17 – Find hidden pictures (2)

The place I headed after leaving Maidhead was Baron Rossdale, which was the easternmost territory of our territory.

My father begged me to take an escort with me because it was at least a little bit better for me, but if there were eyes watching from the side, it would be very difficult to achieve the goal I had originally intended.

After resisting invitations for dozens of minutes, I was finally able to set off on my own.

And in fact, although there was a troll incident this time, the southern part of the empire as a whole is a very peaceful region.

In the original work, Eugene traveled to various regions, but he never visited the South.

In the southern part, there were no large monsters, and the climate was warm and the soil quality was good, so it could be said that it was a very optimal geography for humans to prosper. That’s why our family was able to grow rapidly like that.

If there is one thing that can be said to be the only bad luck here, it is that you will be at the forefront of the war against the demons that will happen later.


After a full day’s ride on horseback from Maidheaden, we arrived at the guard post at the westernmost point of Rossdale.

The guards were very surprised when I revealed my identity with the family badge, and they probably hadn’t imagined that a high-ranking noble would come to such a rural area.

I asked them to shut up and indicated that I wanted to pass quietly.

However, I must have been too high a person here for the guards to just shut up, so I ended up running into Baron Rossdale, who came to meet me half a day after passing the guard post.

“Princess Edwin! What are you doing without this message?”

“It’s been a while, Baron. How have you been?”

The baron was a very easy-going old man with white hair and a long beard that would have been mistaken for an old man from the countryside if not for his outfit and company.

Having been captured by the baron, I had no choice but to confess the purpose of my visit.

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Baron Rossdale didn’t participate in the last meeting and didn’t know about the troll, so when I told him about it, he looked very surprised.

“oh my god. I’ve heard it with my own ears, but it’s a really hard story to believe. Trolls in the South… ”

“I saw it right in front of my eyes, too, but the baron’s feelings are shocking. Anyway, I came here because my father ordered me to inspect the outdated villages outside the castle in the east and to listen to the residents and come.”

What I informed Baron Rossdale was, of course, for ostensible reasons. The baron listened to my words, then nodded in agreement.

“Um, if that’s the reason, then of course there’s nothing I can’t do. By the way, to think that he would take the lead in such a thing, at such a young age, is truly amazing. I hope my son learns from such a Confucius, hahahaha.”

“It is overrated. Prior to that, I had no choice but to reveal my identity at the guard post, but I would like to walk around quietly, alone if possible, in order to prevent the residents from becoming agitated. Could you please cooperate with me on this?”

“Confucius-nim asks you this, and there is nothing that cannot be done. Would you rather be better than that? I hate to say this with my own mouth, but Rossdale is a place where there really isn’t anything. Since it is an underdeveloped province with a small population, there are a lot of shortages of facilities.”

“That’s fine. More than that, Baron, since we’ve met like this, I’d like to ask you a few questions. By any chance, what is the easternmost town in Rossdale?”

“It is the most eastern. Let’s see, Kirkside, East Hall, Goldford, if I remember correctly. These three places are the closest to the Eastern Wasteland.”

“Is that so. I would like to visit the three furthest places first, but are there any special notes or points to be aware of? Or even the peculiarity of the town… ”

“Anything to watch out for? Heh heh, nothing like that at all. They are just rural villages. ah! Speaking of features, East Hall has a bit of an eccentric side to it. Perhaps, if you go there too, Confucius will understand what I mean.”

Some weird place? I was listening to the baron without much expectation, but I suddenly felt my ears open. I think I might be able to get some clues.

I asked the Baron for a little more explanation.

“hahahaha, since it’s a weird place, you seem to have suddenly become interested. In fact, there’s nothing big about it. The residents of East Hall are famous for their large bodies and many good-looking people. It’s not widely known, but there are It’s a story everyone knows.

Not only is he big, but he’s also very strong, so when you look at his labor, it’s normal for one East Hall man to easily do the work of three other village men. Oh, is it so strong that there is anything else to eat besides potatoes in that country? Sometimes, we joke among ourselves and say, “Isn’t it because we grew up drinking magi from the Geumyeok?”

He has a big body, and there are many good men and women…

It’s vague, but it raises a little suspicion. To be honest, there was a bit of an awkward side when I came to the East Coast, but I feel like I can see a little bit of the way with even this level of clues.

“I see. After hearing what the baron said, I seem to be more curious. What kind of person is the chief?”

“Ah, now the village chief is in charge of the second generation after the previous generation, and he said that he is very good at leading the village. He has never been taxed. If there is something to do outside, they say that they delegate it to the villagers they are close to. Oh, I know you’re young, but how did that happen…”

The baron clicked his tongue and seemed genuinely sorry. Well, if I’m right, there must be another reason why we’re not talking about it. I think I got all the information I could get from the baron.

“I think that’s enough. After hearing what you said, I definitely feel like I should go to the East Hall first. The baron’s thoughtful explanation was a big help. Thank you.”

“Nothing. Even though it’s a rural area that doesn’t help much, Rossdale is always a loyal servant of Reed. The villager is very satisfied that Confucius recognized it. We will do our best to help as best we can.”

I said goodbye to the baron, mounted my horse again, and set off.

And after following the directions given by the Baron for a full day, I was finally able to arrive at a village that appeared to be East Hall.

On the outskirts of the village, surrounded by a high fence, two men stood guard on either side of the road, both quite large.

One of them spotted me and motioned for me to come closer.

“Welcome to East Hall. What is the purpose of your visit?”

“I’m a tourist visiting the South, but I came across a town by chance. I’m having a hard time with my job because there’s no place to sleep nearby. Could I just stay for one night?”

I decided to pretend to be a tourist for now.

If my guess is correct, unlike before, I can’t be sure what will happen here if my identity is immediately known.

The two guards exchanged glances, and after a while one of them stepped forward and said:

“I will post the report, but our village’s original principle is not to receive outside visitors unless it is a special event. It would be best not to expect much.”

After the explanation was finished, the guard went into the village, and I sat by the roadside and waited for him while tying up grass and playing with my hands.

The guard came back about 10 minutes later and stood next to me and started talking to me.

“Let’s come in first. As I said, lodging is not possible, but I think we can at least provide tea for a while. Now, let’s do a brief body search before taking you into the village…”

ok, that’s it! I cried out in joy. I was thinking about what to do if I was denied entry at all. Once you get in, there is a way somehow.

After the body search, I followed the guard into the village.

In the village, I met eyes with some of the residents, who were watching the stranger carefully with wary eyes.

And, as Baron Rossdale told me, most of them, both men and women, were certainly tall and handsome.

Unlike an ordinary rural village, most of the population seemed to be young, but what was unusual was that there were no children to be found.

Several circumstances are making my suspicions more and more intense.

While I was thinking about this and that, the guard and I soon reached the front of the large mansion in the center of the village.

“Let’s go in. This is the village chief’s house, and it is sometimes used as a place to entertain outsiders. However, the village chief is not well, so even if you go in, it will probably be difficult to meet him in person. Please take note of this. pardon.”

The guard guided me only to the front door of the mansion and then returned to his original position.

When I opened the gate and entered the mansion, a plain-dressed young woman was waiting for me inside.

In contrast to her attire, the woman’s appearance showed off her eclectic color, and her beauty was so great that even compared to the sophisticated ladies of the capital, she was not inferior at all.

One peculiarity was that around the woman’s neck was a necklace that did not match her modest attire.

A necklace that exuded a very wild feeling of its own, as if it was made by weaving animal teeth and small jewels.

And the necklace, which was an unexpected existence, was the last piece that completed my conviction.



I had to make a desperate effort to keep that happy inner feeling from being revealed.

A woman approaches me, bows her head, and greets me.

“Welcome, customer. My name is Isana. I am in charge of entertaining guests on behalf of the sick chief. Now, this way…”

The woman led me to the reception room inside the mansion. Then he sat me down and told me to wait, and he brought out a kettle and two teacups.

“Because it’s an insignificant country town, the only thing we can serve you is this flower tea. Even if you’re not satisfied with it, I’d appreciate your understanding.”

“It’s okay. I’m rather overdeserving of receiving unexpected hospitality.”

“hehehe, you are a very generous person. But as the guard said, our village does not accept outside visitors, especially those staying overnight. In fact, it is very unusual to bring them into the village like this. Please kindly understand.”

“hahahaha, it’s fortunate. Actually, I didn’t come here for the purpose of lodging.”


When I replied that I did not come for that purpose, the woman looked puzzled for a moment.

After confirming his true identity, I decided to speak directly without going back.

“So, how are things going in the West Continent?”


“It was a really great camouflage. If someone I didn’t know saw it, they would have been fooled. In fact, looking at it like this now, I can’t find anything different from us.”

“Guest, I don’t know what you’re talking about, but you seem to be over joking. Stop…”

“Play with words. You still don’t know what I mean? I’m just giving you a chance to find out for yourself.”

After my words were over and there was a moment of silence, the bewildered woman’s face suddenly began to distort viciously.

Her pupils had turned into snake-like, vertically-slit shapes, and on both sides of the top of her head, small projections sprouted, which soon grew like horns.

The woman instantly released her energy and filled the room, and the warm steaming tea cooled down before she knew it.

A hissing voice came from the throat of the woman glaring at me.

“Who are you?”

To be honest, I was a little taken aback by that cool voice, but I soon made up my mind.

There are still a lot of things to do, but I can’t do anything if I’m already eaten up by the momentum.

“Who are you…”

I lifted my chin and looked down at the woman, and answered with my voice exaggerated to make me look as arrogant as possible.

“If you dare to ask, I’ll answer. My name is Edwin Reed. Even you guys have been here for a long time, so of course you’ve heard of our family, right?”

“Lead… Lead…?”

“Yes. My father, Albert Reed, Earl and Protector of Maidheaden by right of the Emperor, Baron of Gross, Palmer, and Loxley, rightful and rightful owner of the land on which you now stand. And he I have come to this place on behalf of you. You, inhabitant of East Hall, must set the example you should take.”

After a lengthy introduction, I glanced at the woman.

Ever since I mentioned my last name, the woman was visibly embarrassed.

Her momentum, which had been sharpened, disappeared somewhere.

Even those who live in hiding in the countryside will know who is at the top of them, so they must have heard the name ‘Reed’.

I think it was successful enough to take the initiative.

When I added one more word to this, the woman made an even more puzzled expression.

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“Now that we know each other’s identities, would you like to talk openly?”

This is Isana who solved the transformation.

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