How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain

Chapter 35

35 – string(1)


I sighed and got up from my seat.

The day before, I went to a top-notch inn and went to sleep buried in a fluffy and soft blanket, but it feels like I haven’t slept for almost an hour.

When I fell asleep, in my dream, a bully with a knife stuck in my throat welcomed me, vomiting blood, and seeing that, I woke up screaming and repeating it all morning.

At least the shaking of my hands had barely stopped, but the incident of yesterday was still vividly played back in my head and tormented me.

Am I being particularly sensitive? Do you remember the ethics of your previous life? Or did everyone else here go through the same process I did after the first murder?

… You have to get used to it though.

It’s a process you’ll have to go through anyway. It just came a little earlier than I thought.

I thought to myself as I got on the carriage from Drachton to the academy.

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Contrary to the common impression given by the name of an educational institution, St. Clifford’s Academy is a place with a powerful power comparable to one great family.

The territory of the academy almost equaled that of the Grand Duke of the North, which is said to be the largest in the empire, and thanks to its location bordering the western kingdoms, various goods and the latest fashionable cultures flowed endlessly into the academy territory. Although the headmaster of the academy never received any official title, he was always treated with the highest level of respect in imperial ceremonies.

It is the same with the forces that they have on their own, but since they receive large-scale donations and various supplies from all walks of life as an annual event, it can be said that causing a huge rift in the power structure of the empire is not a big deal.

However, the reason why the members of the academy, including the faculty members, are respected by all people, is probably because they always use their mighty power only for nurturing and protecting the students, not for their own benefit.

“Finally, you’re back… ”

I was standing in front of the academy’s main gate, admiring the magnificent artifact I hadn’t seen in a long time.

If things had gone the way they did, I would have been sucking my fingers in the South by now. Thinking of going against fate and coming back like this somehow makes me feel thrilled.

Looking back, the past two months have been very busy.

Avoiding expulsion can be seen as the greatest achievement of all.

He also made some friendship with the demons, solved the problem of surplus grain in the Gyeomsa Geumsa Territory, and even obtained many useful items.

He handed Cynthia’s holy relic to the upright Archbishop of Westford as bait, and eventually succeeded in capturing him.

We have struggled to get out of the way of the bleak future that will unfold over the next few years, and considering the achievements so far, fortunately, it seems that the first step has been successfully taken.

But the real work starts now.

First of all, the most important things are the first shovel, so I’m going to take care of the rest, but then how should I live at the academy.

Even if it was for survival, I showed a different side of myself in Territory, Pandemonium, and Archbishopric.

But is that still the case here?

A person’s rapid change, especially a positive change, has a powerful force that makes people around him approach with curiosity.

If the students, faculty, and especially the main characters who lead the original work recognize that I have changed from before, there is a very strong possibility that troublesome things will happen.

Above all, this is a very natural cliché.

It is the situation in which the characters of the original work are approaching with curiosity due to the 180-degree change in appearance and personality.

If I misbehave, the scene described in the numerous web novels I read in my previous life could happen to me too.

I need a way.

Even if I can’t help but think that my appearance has changed, I don’t think people around me will bother to approach me if they realize that my appearance is no different from the old Edwin.

If so, what should I do?


‘Let’s just bury it.’

The conclusion I came to was surprisingly simple.

I don’t want to go around bullying others just because I have a different social status or because I’m annoying.

It’s not very temperamental to persecute innocent people for my personal reasons.

If so, just bury it.

Anyway, my image will have already been pierced by half, so even if I don’t take the initiative to bully anyone, there won’t be any reversal of that evaluation.

I just received a severe punishment of suspension, so I guess I just think I’m a bit down.

Don’t do too much trash like you used to, just do something like the unlucky aristocrat you’ll find everywhere. Show a moderately arrogant attitude, and when commoner students talk to you, slightly ignore them…

you can do it. To be honest, this isn’t too difficult.

If you do just this much, you will be able to successfully graduate from the academy as an extra 41 without being involved with the main characters.

However, it is a bit sad that if you do that, it will be difficult to make friends with commoners, let alone nobles. Since they are half of the students at this academy and my way of thinking is closer to that of an ordinary person, I thought it would be good to have someone there to become friends with.

Although I feel a bit bitter… are you okay.

I can’t help it because there are things I have to prioritize. And if you feel lonely, then you can go back and think again…

Fortunately, I wonder if I can manage my academy life as long as I don’t openly fool around like I used to.

Edwin… I’ve caused dozens of problems, and that doesn’t mean I’ve never been good at it, but I haven’t committed the worst of human crap, such as s*x crimes, murder, and devil worship.

Of course, what I did was beyond the standard of the academy’s school rules, so it’s clear that I was punished.

However, due to the nature of this era where barbarism still exists everywhere, the percentage of people who take the act of violence seriously, regardless of their status, is not very high.

And to them, the seriousness of what I’ve done may seem far less than I realize.

Anyway, it means that I can somehow cover the level of the criminal record I have now.

Should I say this is fortunate? It was garbage, but it wasn’t even garbage garbage.

Let’s try our best. If you don’t get involved in strange things and endure for a few years, a happy life in the estate will be waiting for you after graduation.

I only need to deal with things that are likely to harm me in moderation, and leave the rest to the main characters.

I drew one last conclusion, took a couple of deep breaths, and stepped toward the front door.


The first place I visited after returning was the Bed Town in the Academy Territory, where mansions were concentrated.

The new students of the academy were divided into six classes, from A to F, according to their entrance grades, and although it was not an official name, they were usually referred to as upper classes from A to C and lower classes from D to F.

Before being disciplined, I was in the upper class B, so I used a single room in a fairly good place in the dormitory, but now that I have been demoted to D, the dormitory provided by the academy must have been assigned a facility that is two levels lower than that.

Of course, the number of users will also be a dormitory in the form of sharing, not just one person.

Of course, this is the academy. Of course, it’s not like it’s a facility that you’ll never be able to use, but if there’s an alternative, you don’t have to stay in such a place.

Anyway, like me, who terribly hates group life with commoners – that’s the setting on the surface, it was a bed town like this that could be said to have been prepared for refraining from a precious house, and that’s why the real estate agency within the Academy Territory Demand never ceased.

Although it was rare to be demoted to two levels like me, there were often cases where I was sentenced to one level of demotion, and the number of children of nobles who were assigned to a lower class in the first place was not very small.

The slightly high price was the only flaw, but what those who need a place like this have in common is that the only thing left is people with money.


“As you said, I tried to find a mansion in a secluded place, but it seems that the facility in such a place is obvious… This is considered to be the best sale within the conditions presented… How are you… ”

I was touring the mansion, guided by a broker.

I had requested a mansion in a remote place in advance for freedom of action, but he was sweating and desperately putting all his energy into packing the mansion, probably thinking that I might not like the facilities here.

But contrary to his futile concerns, I think I like this place very much.

“It’s fine. It perfectly matches the conditions I was thinking of. Let’s make a contract here.”

“Yes, yes? ah… ! yes! What an excellent choice! So, this way… ”


Without thinking for a long time, I boldly signed the contract.

The broker couldn’t hide a smile on his face, as if he was satisfied with selling the malicious property to the ignorant boy.

As he said, it was true that the mansion was a bit old, but that wasn’t such a big deal to me.

The degree of distance from the surroundings was just the distance I wanted, and it was a detached mansion, and the simpleness and lack of decorations in the mansion was rather suitable for my taste. It’s because I haven’t gotten used to the sensibility of a noble aristocrat yet.

It’s small, so there’s no need to have a servant there.

Dust was lightly piled up everywhere in the mansion, but I thought I could clean this much enough before the suspension was lifted.

Three days later is the day the suspension is lifted, so you should be able to relax and unpack and clean the house until then.

It was the beginning of his first self-sufficient life in his previous life.


“This is the Academic Office of St. Clifford Academy. How is the business of your visit?”

“I am here to apply for eviction before the suspension is lifted. It’s because I’m looking for a separate mansion.”

“Suspension… ? Ah yes… Hey, see the sign? If you go to the Academic Support Department, the staff there will guide you.”

The guide, who greeted me with a smile, crumpled his face when he heard the word ‘suspend’.

With superhuman work spirit, he soon returned to normal, but…

Come to think of it, the female students who had asked for directions earlier because they didn’t know how to find the Academic Affairs Office gave them directions, and they kept glancing at me and whispering among themselves.

Even if you lose weight, do you still have a bad impression when others see you?

This is the image of Edwin I wanted, but… I feel something strange.

“This is Edwin Reed from Class D. I’m here to apply for eviction from the dormitory.”

“Yes, hold on a second. Class D… Edwin Reed… R… R… Ah, here it is. Just come over here and sign here… noodle… I can. Hey, is that you? Dormitory-related documents must come in person.”

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An employee working under a wooden sign that read ‘Academic Support Department’ looked for my name in a pile of documents, and for a moment looked at the documents and me alternately with a suspicious expression. Why are you doing that? Oh, is it because the portrait on the paper differs too much from my face?

“I am right. It’s because I lost some weight during my suspension.”

“what… It’s not like you’ve been suspended for two years, it’s only two months, so how can people change like that? Don’t talk nonsense, come yourself. It’s annoying to work on a weekday, but… ”

“No, there must be a resident priest at the academy. Wouldn’t it be nice to have him confirm your identity?”

“Didn’t you hear that it’s Sunday? The priest is at church on Sundays, is he here? Now, I have nothing more to say, so please leave now. If you keep interfering, I will call the guards and force you to leave.”

Despite my protests that I was right, the Office of Academic Affairs staff reluctantly drove me out.

This is a problem I could never have imagined. I never thought my appearance would change so much that I wouldn’t be able to identify myself. And why is the priest on the run?

It’s not a big deal, but if you don’t bring the dorm eviction papers to the agent from earlier, you can get into some trouble with the law.

After thinking about it for a long time in front of the Office of Academic Affairs, someone approached me from behind and suddenly talked to me.

“My dear, is there something wrong?”

When I heard the voice, I reflexively turned my head toward it. And seeing the appearance of the person who spoke, I was able to infer the true identity immediately.

Golden blonde hair resembling harvest season fields. Green eyes that evoke the freshness of summer. Pointy and sharp ears that look similar to those of the demons at first glance, but with a slightly higher angle.

Although she had the appearance of a young woman, her age-old tone and dignified demeanor made it possible for the opponent to guess the years she had lived.

“Would you like to come this way? “Maybe I can help you?”

What is calling me from there right now is a person who has protected this academy for over 100 years and has contributed to producing countless graduates… no elf.

He is the principal of this academy.

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