How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain

Chapter 98

98 – Acceleration (2)

I collected Ellie and Selene’s letters and brought them to the room.

Perhaps because she had no more work to do, Adele’s face was full of regret as she stared at me.

I poured out the jumbled paper cranes on the desk and rearranged them in date order.

I first opened Ellie’s letter.

Elie’s letter paper must have been made of very high-quality paper, but it was as soft as silk and very thick, so it did not tear easily. To match, her handwriting was neat and overflowing with elegance.

Although there was nothing particularly special about her, Ellie wrote down everything about her daily life, even the smallest and most insignificant details, in dense letters.

Something like saying that my father and mother nagged me to walk around carefully, that I caught my brother who was trying to run away and made him half-roasted, and that my house was so dull and boring.

Ellie’s letters continued endlessly. I roughly calculated that it seems like I sent at least one message every 1-2 days. Does this make sense?

From noble mtl dot com

Meanwhile, as the date got closer, Ellie’s tone in her letters became increasingly aggressive.

It’s as if he’s upset because I haven’t received any reply.

‘Ed. I’m really sad. Fool. I hate you. If you don’t reply this time, I’m really going to go to the south… ‘

The date on the most recent letter was three days ago. The letter seemed to have been written in a hurry, but the concluding sentence was cut off in the middle.

Unlike previous letters, the last letter was somewhat untidy and messy. I could see dark droplets falling here and there, as if I had wet the quill too much.

A strange smell that was not felt in the writing was felt in the place where the droplets were clumped.

She smelled fishy at first glance, but it had already been a while and the scent had faded, so she couldn’t make a proper judgment. I wonder if they are using something unique with ink.

And on the bottom line of the letter, you can see traces of a sentence being written and then crossed out.

When held upside down in the light, the sentence ‘Remember what I said that day’ appears faintly.

What kind of day is that day? The days I spent with Ellie were not just one or two days. The conversation I had with Ellie was also not something that could be summarized in one or two volumes.

Perhaps Ellie also remembered that ambiguous point too late and deleted her sentence.

I wrote a reply to Ellie right on the spot. She apologized and said that she had been unable to send the letter due to family issues.

Even after struggling for a long time, I was barely able to write something that was less than half of the shortest letter Ellie had ever written. I feel its greatness once again.

When I sealed the envelope and infused it with mana, the letter folded into the shape of a paper crane and flew out the window. I hope this letter will ease Ellie’s sulk a little.

It was quite exhausting, but still, my work was not finished. Exactly as many letters as I had read so far were still piled up on the other side.

I brought the letters from Selene to me. It may have been made of rough, low-quality cardboard, or it was not durable, so tears were visible here and there.

The handwriting was somewhat crooked and sloppy, but at the same time, it felt warm and affectionate. Sometimes, when I tried to write Eugenia, I crossed out the part and replaced it with ‘Selen’.

Selene’s letter is as full of content as the one sent by Ellie. There is only a slight difference in the daily life written in it.

And as an unexpected result, I was able to indirectly find out about Eugene’s whereabouts through Selene. Clearly, in places where the area does not overlap with mine, his movements are not much different from the original.

Although we are already tired of making the future unfold exactly the same, it is fortunate that the things that can be predicted are increasing a little.

On the other hand, unlike Ellie’s letters, which came almost continuously, Selene’s letters were interrupted for some days.

And in the next letter that came a few days apart, she said she was sorry and detailed what Selene had experienced.

He encountered a corrupted spirit in a tomb he discovered by chance, and after a fierce fight, he succeeded in extinguishing the spirit.

And there I found a ring, and when I wore the ring, my intimacy with spirits and the power of magic increased noticeably compared to before.

When I saw Selene’s letter, my fist clenched without my knowledge. I felt like I was finally being rewarded for the fruits of my care and time spent together.

‘Dryad’s Ring’ is a necessary item for Selene, a spiritist.

Selene was already very talented, so if the power of the ring was added to it, he would become known as the most powerful spiritist of all time, just like before.

Of course, you will be able to join the warrior party without any problems.

When I looked down, there were a few more lines written underneath.

In the midst of the fight, he thought about himself and was able to win because of his strength. He said he would be very happy if I could comfort him for going through a hard time this time. He said he was a bit disappointed that he didn’t reply until now, but he thought he could shake it all off.

I was so happy that I picked up the quill without even thinking about it, but I later remembered that this letter had arrived a few days ago, not just now.


Of course, I did not live up to Selene’s expectations, and even though she did not receive the reply she had hoped for, Selene persevered and sent the letter once again. The date is yesterday.

It didn’t look much different from a normal letter, but for some reason I couldn’t open it easily.

But we also know very well that trials cannot be avoided by ignoring them.

I raised my trembling hand and breathed mana into the letter. Soon the crane unraveled and took the form of paper.

Selene’s letter was still long and wordy, but compared to her other previous letters, the content felt extremely concise and brief.

‘Edwin. Do you remember when we first met?

I still think about that day sometimes.

Because that was the first and last time you treated me coldly and got angry.

Edwin. Do you remember what you said back then?

He gave me a cold shot telling me not to use spirits again.

Edwin. I was really keeping your words.

I’m always curious and worried about you, but I hold back because I don’t like what you don’t like.

But if you do this, then I too… ‘

I stopped reading here because I could have guessed what happened after that without having to look. I didn’t want to delay any time.

I started writing the letter right away, and soon another origami crane flew past the window.

As I watched the back of the paper crane gradually moving away, I felt the tension in my body relax.

When I think back, it’s been quite a while since I’ve been with Ellie and Selene. We spent every day and night of the first semester together. So, I thought I had a pretty good idea of their personalities by now.

But did Selene have this side? The same goes for the Selene I knew, and I don’t think her original personality was like this.

Perhaps, in the process of Selene being alienated due to the future going wrong, she may have been shocked by something.

… At least it will be okay if my relationship with Eugene progresses a bit later…


My eyebrows furrowed due to the emotions that arose in that moment. Thinking about Eugene and Selene getting together like in the original, I got a slight headache.

… Why? Didn’t you go through all that trouble in the past to get it back to this picture?

I thought about it all day, but I could never find an answer to this unknown feeling.


I received a call from the guards and went down to the outer castle. And there, in front of the castle gate, was a completely unexpected person waiting for me.

“…Are you moving?”

Isana. A woman with blue hair and bright yellow eyes. She is always elegant, but her attitude towards me becomes bad. And a resident of East Hall, the demon’s camouflage base, and the closest aide to the demon king Faine.

When I headed to the Demon World, he accompanied me according to Faine’s orders, so he was also the one who indirectly helped me find Cynthia’s sacred relic.

“Eh…Huh. I see you, Young master.”

Isana’s expression, who was in the midst of a scuffle with the guard, suddenly brightened. And when she saw me and waved her hand happily, she made a sad expression and politely bowed.

It seemed like she was being polite in front of others, but there was a significant difference from the image of Isana in my memory, speaking informally.

“He recklessly told Young master that he had something to do with him. His attitude was so stubborn that I had no choice but to ask Young master for confirmation.”

“Huh? Oh, it’s true I called you. I have something to ask you about the territory. Please let me in.”

“…Okay. Come on in.”

“hehehe, thank you. My goodness, such a dependable person by nature stands guard…”


The guard who heard me relaxed his stance.

And when he moved out, bent her eyes into a half-moon shape and smiled at her, even his little remaining wariness melted away. That appearance of modesty is just ridiculous.

“Ugh… Follow me.”

When I gave him a glance, the guard leaned closer and adjusted his posture again. I sighed deeply and gestured to Isana. He moved out, lowered his head, and followed behind me.

“Isana. Why did you come here?”

I entered a street where people had all moved out and was about to be rebuilt. When he lifted his finger behind his back, he moved out and straightened his posture, stretching as if he was pouting.

“Why did you come? You said you had something important to say? It’s been a while and I wanted to go on an outing…”

“All you have to do is send a letter. Can’t you see the priests and inquisitors spread out over there?”

“Oh, it’s okay. I left out all the magic just in case.”

Isana waved her hand as if it was no big deal. I was surprised earlier, but hearing him say it so confidently makes me feel relieved.

“So what is it? That’s something important to say.”

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