How to Live with the Golden Totem

Chapter 1

#001 The Youngest Son of the Notorious Newly Rich Family (1)

Among the many citizens of the Spero Kingdom, there are hardly any who speak well of the Midas family.

Fifty years ago, in a fierce competition among four kingdoms vying for supremacy on the continent, the Spero Kingdom was defeated by the Barhart Kingdom, and most members of the royal family perished, leaving only a few women and children alive.

The young king of the Barhart Kingdom married one of the surviving women from the Spero royal lineage, establishing a new Spero monarch. Thus, the long-honored Spero Kingdom was reduced to one of the vassal states of the Barhart Kingdom, now known as the Barhart Empire.

The proud nobles of Spero resisted the invaders and the royal family they deemed a usurper, but not all citizens shared the nobles’ sentiments.

For instance, Noden, the progenitor of the Midas family’s revival, felt otherwise.

At that time, Noden was merely a commoner without much property or a castle. One day, while conducting mining operations, he managed to discover a new vein of ore.

The new royal decree stated that those who discovered such veins and informed the country would be entitled to 5% of the profits from the developed mines, but such laws were seldom honored.

In cases where a mine was developed, during the previous royal family era, the full ownership was recognized by the lord of the territory. However, under the new royal family’s rule, 30% of the profits from the mine had to be paid as tax, significantly reducing the income of the lord, especially when considering the share owed to the discoverer.

Fearing that the poorly-rated lord would not provide adequate compensation, Noden opted to report the existence of the vein not to the lord but rather to an administrator dispatched by the new royal family to inspect the territory, which caused quite a stir.

The scale of the discovered vein was unprecedented, and it contained Mystic Stones (마석) recognized for their value even beyond that of precious metals. Most importantly, it was revealed that many nobles from the anti-royalty factions had been aware of the Mystic Stone vein’s existence long before and concealed it from the new royal family.

The new king of Spero reacted with great fury, and the families involved were left in ruins.

Noden became an overnight wealthy man, surpassing even most nobles, receiving the title of Midas from the king. However, he was simultaneously branded an enemy by numerous nobles of Spero.

Knowing he was despised, Noden Midas restrained himself from excessive extravagance, content to maintain a comfortable lifestyle without drawing too much attention. In contrast, his son, Vern Midas, looked down upon his father’s cautiousness as cowardice.

Unlike his father, who hoarded wealth, Vern plunged into business using capital, and after establishing his footing in trade, he even extended his reach into money lending, actively increasing his wealth.

However, many were appalled by Vern’s overly rough and malicious business tactics, leading others to denounce his family as a shameless line of nouveau riche.

Such a reputation also cast a shadow over his children.

“…Wow, treated as traitors by the nobles for siding with the empire against their homeland, and deemed an avaricious merchant family by the common folk. Now all that’s missing is a reckless heir to make them the perfect villains standing in the protagonist’s way.”
#002 Life as Chrome Midas: An Unexpected Detour (1)

Well, perhaps I’ve already met all the conditions, maybe.

Among Vern Midas’s numerous children, quite a few seem to carry rather unsavory rumors, just a notch below their father.

Shaking my head, I looked at the mirror placed in one corner of the room.

That bleached blonde hair gave off an inexplicable air of frivolity rather than nobility or elegance.

A young boy with a small stature and a face brimming with disdain stared back at me from the mirror.

Chrome Midas.

The second name bestowed upon me, following the traffic accident that claimed my previous life, and the reference to the character I had set based on the “Greedy Debauchee” template in the game “Planetarium”.

“Seriously, if I had to be reincarnated, couldn’t it have at least been as the ‘Nameless Demon’ or the ‘Heir of the Red and Blue Blood’? Why this, of all things? Starting off as someone that’s already cleared is probably easier to handle than something brand new!”

Even while grumbling, I fully recognized that I was just being spoiled.

After all, the stroke of luck that afforded me a second chance at life, however unceremoniously it had originally ended, was bountiful enough.

In a fantasy world where social class structures are firmly established and human rights? What’s that? I was born into a wealthy family that wouldn’t be worrying about tomorrow’s meals.

“Plus, my starting point is pretty early as well.”

While there are slight variations based on the template, players generally gain control of their characters around the age of fifteen.

Prior to that, any background or specific childhood episodes appear like a movie montage, with no possibility of intervention.

But here I was at the ripe age of thirteen.

Moreover, even the forgotten memories didn’t seem to elude me; they surfaced fully, not just snippets that a standard player would come to know.

Reflecting on why I acted a certain way back then also lingered, suggesting that rather than just possessing Chrome Midas’s body, I had been reincarnated as Chrome Midas and only now realized my past life.

While I pondered on how to approach things moving forward, a knock sounded, followed by the voice of a young woman.

“—Young Master Chrome, may I enter?”

I hesitated briefly but eventually replied.

“Come in.”

“Pardon my intrusion.”

The one who walked in was a maid with silver short hair that shimmered with a bluish tint.

My current father, Vern Midas, the head of the family, was quite extravagant in nature, and the maids working in the mansion were typically quite beautiful.

If I hadn’t regularly interacted with Chrome himself, facing her might have felt a bit awkward.

“Young Master, the head of the family wishes to see you.”

“That a—… that my father?”

Almost let a curse slip there; whether she caught that or simply didn’t care, the maid maintained her poker face.

“He’s instructed me to bring you to him right away.”

“I’m not quite feeling well at the moment… Can’t you tell him I’ll go later?”

“I have been ordered to bring you to him immediately.”

“No, look…”

“I have been commanded to bring you at once, Young Master Chrome.”

And she’s persistent, isn’t she? If only my father had half her decisiveness.
Realizing that no amount of arguing would make a difference, I reluctantly followed behind, feeling a bit disgruntled.

It couldn’t be that big of a deal, right?

Upon entering, I was met by an unexpectedly composed middle-aged man.

That was my first impression of Vern Midas.

He didn’t portray the typical image of a greedy nouveau riche with an overindulgent physique or excessive jewelry.

However, his prominent cheekbones and piercing gaze held a certain ferocity, with a sharpness that could unsettle anyone facing him.

Specifically, like right now.

“From now on, you’ll accompany me on my ‘business’,” he stated immediately upon seeing my face, with no formal pleasantries.

“I’ll have a subordinate assigned to you. Observe his work and learn. It’ll soon be your responsibility, so you’d better get acquainted with it.”

And that was the end of it.

No specifics on what I’d actually be doing, whether I could handle it, or even what I thought about it—nothing of the sort.

It was simply a unilateral order: do as I say.

While I stammered in disbelief, the audience ended abruptly, and I was ushered out, where the earlier cold-faced maid awaited me.

“I will guide you to Lord Dorf. Please follow.”

“…Uh, am I really his legitimate son?”

At my question, the maid’s expression finally shifted, albeit subtly, as if to say, ‘What on earth is he talking about?’

“Yes. You are the youngest among the three siblings born to the Head of the Family and his legal wife, Lady Rozelia.”

Well, that’s a relief—I thought I was some random kid picked up off the street due to the coldness of my father and her.

By the way,

“Then, do you know about the siblings born from other mothers? I haven’t met them before.”

“I apologize, but I cannot disclose that information.”

“Why not?”

“I cannot explain the reasons either.”


Her demeanor prompted images of childhood episodes from the “Greedy Debauchee” flash in my mind, crafted into a cinematic experience.

“His (or her) childhood was fraught with blood and desire.”

“The biological mother of the ‘Greedy Debauchee’ was poisoned shortly after giving birth, and from a young age, they faced countless assassination threats.”

“Even if blood ran between them, absolute trust was impossible; in fact, they were often the greatest enemies threatening their lives.”

“The head of the family turned a blind eye to these conflicts, as long as his wife and children did not bring disgrace to the house.”

Why, those few lines captured the very essence of what I was about to face.

“With that, the ‘Greedy Debauchee’ killed all who threatened them and firmly took the position of heir.”

It seemed that the death flag had already been raised from the very beginning.

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