How to Live with the Golden Totem

Chapter 14

#014 School Preparations – Family Clean-Up – (2)

In the background explanation of the “Greedy Debauchee,” it’s mentioned that he has faced assassination threats since his childhood.

Additionally, the most likely suspects for these threats are not just the nobles of the former royal family holding a grudge against the Midas family or victims suffering from Vern Midas’s wicked schemes, but also siblings blinded by power struggles, and rival wives vying for the vacant position of the legal wife.

It truly is a family of chaos, but considering that the head of the family is such a person, what else can one expect?

In any case, I had long anticipated that there would be an attempt on my life.

That’s why I’ve been diligent about conducting poison inspections and only getting rest in places where safety is assured.

After all, how unfair would it be to die from a knife in the middle of the night just because I let my guard down?

Yet, the reason this incident occurred is simple.

“It’s all that damn father’s fault…”

It’s been nearly half a year since I welcomed Ligret as a companion and began preparing for the upcoming entrance exams.

During the incident at Baldwin’s territory, I expressed to Vern Midas my desire to head to the academy, and he replied that he would allow it on the condition that I contribute to the family for two years.

Honestly, I wasn’t too worried hearing that.

By that time, I had already conceived a plan for a cube heist using my abilities, and during my journey to the academy as the “Greedy Debauchee,” there wasn’t any event where the head of the family would try to stop me.

To get straight to the point, I underestimated the merciless bastard known as Vern Midas far too much.

– Here’s this month’s quota of cubes. Hurry and sort them out.

– In the antique market of Constantine City, all kinds of junk and treasures intertwine. I have a feeling you could pick out only the useful things. Go take a look.

– Count Garod. An old man who lost power due to political strife and still boasts without paying back money. He’ll come to his senses after being grilled by a kid who hasn’t even lived a quarter of his life. What are you doing? Hurry up!

– You’re back home after a month? So what, am I supposed to do something with that? Rest period? That’s a boring joke.

Endless work, work, work!

There was a typical case of child labor exploitation here.

I wanted nothing more than to report this and feed them some hard time in prison, but unlike my previous life, the concept of compulsory education doesn’t exist here, and talking about protecting minors in a place where slavery is still legitimate wouldn’t hold any weight.

No matter how much I try to spend time in safe places, what happens? That damn head of the family tosses me around like a game piece, making me run errands everywhere!

It’s not like I can build a fortress every time I go somewhere for guild business, so I inevitably end up in less secure places compared to the main house, and each time that happened, I was tense and couldn’t get proper rest, spending the nights wide awake.

Even with a cheat character like Ligret escorting me, how much tougher would it have been for the “Greedy Debauchee,” who had to overcome such a childhood alone?

In my previous life, I was puzzled as to why someone who grew up in a well-to-do environment had such pathetic basic abilities, but now I understand.

#014 School Preparations – Family Clean-Up – (2)

With survival taking precedence, who had the luxury to focus on enhancing their specs?

“Ah, I really want to go to the academy,” I sighed, lamenting aloud, and Ligret shrugged in response.

“Why not send a letter to the emperor, or rather the former emperor? Tell him not to slack off and hurry up with the academy.”

“That sounds good. I’ll just put your name, Ligret, as the sender.”

“I should testify that I’m an ignorant fool who hasn’t learned anything in court and can’t write. Or should I cry and say I had no choice because of my wicked employer?”

“Wait, you even have tears? I’d swear you wouldn’t shed a drop even if you were pricked with a needle.”

“Maybe if I smack that talkative employer around a bit, I’ll awaken some emotions.”

Not wanting to be the subject of a beatdown by my own guard, I zipped my lips, and just then, a knock on the door announced the now familiar voice of Dorf.

“Master Chrome, may I come in?”

“Come in.”

The door creaked open without the typical sound one would expect from an expensive setup, and in walked Dorf, who has noticeably slimmed down in the belly department recently.

“I’ve obtained a confession from the captured assassin.”

“And the culprit?”

“As you predicted, it was Holter Midas.”

“Surprised he opened up that quickly, considering he usually keeps his mouth shut.”

“Can I compare that to the fact that you personally caught him, Master?”

From the moment I met Dorf, he seemed eager to impress me, but recently his attitude had become excessively devoted.

Though he made a mistake at Baldwin’s territory, he’s competent, having risen from a lowly merchant to a resident deputy. It’s favorable for my situation.

By the way, was it really him?

Holter Midas.

The eldest son of Vern Midas and my biological brother who shares the same mother.

Despite holding the title of the eldest son of the legal wife, his standing in the heir competition wasn’t particularly high. He ruined the family’s reputation in his youth by relying on the family’s wealth, causing trouble and quickly falling out of favor with Vern.

To be honest, Vern Midas isn’t in a position to criticize his children’s character, but isn’t that how a double standard usually works?

And it’s a fact that Holter doesn’t possess extraordinary capabilities either.

Ligret, looking confused, asked, “Are you saying a blood relative came to kill you?”

“Exactly because he’s my blood relative.”

With a bad reputation, mediocre abilities, and lacking Vern Midas’s favor, one of the reasons Holter Midas could survive until now is that he is the son of Vern’s legal wife.

My sister, Charlotte Midas, has long been used as a pawn in a political marriage to another kingdom, effectively taking her out of the heir competition, leaving just Holter and me.

But being the product of the same legal wife and the rumors that I’m favored by Vern Midas – how much does that get under his skin? Ah, just thinking about it makes me mad.

It’s irritating enough to be rolling around with all this work, but to be threatened with assassination on top of it?

“So what are you going to do? Just block the ones who come at you? Or should you go out and slice them up instead?”

#015 A Letter to My Dearest Siblings – (1)

“Just wait a moment.”

I halted the adorable yet frighteningly ominous words of the terrifying Nameless Demon lady and contemplated my next steps.

First, I considered using the confession from the captured assailant as leverage against Holter.

However, this might not be particularly meaningful in practice. If the other party just denies it claiming ignorance, or if he admits it but then responds with a ‘What are you gonna do about it?’ attitude, I’d be at a loss.

The next option would be to enter a power struggle. I could attempt to exploit Holter’s weaknesses or slowly undermine his support base to push him out of the heir race.

This might be the safest route in some sense, but it has its downsides: it would take a ton of time and effort. And seriously, while I’m busy dealing with that blasted dad’s infinite quest to prepare for the academy, where am I supposed to find the time for this?

That leaves just one option. So, the assassination scheme that the “Greedy Debauchee” would execute seems to be the way forward.

Do I really have to go through with this? I don’t feel guilty about attacking a brother whose face I hardly recognize, but still, I have to ask myself—am I that desperate for the Midas family heir position?


“Oh, wait. Why on earth am I even thinking about this? Dorf, what’s the status on the new branch my father was going to let me manage?”

“Huh? Oh, yes. It’s over 90% complete now. It will probably be operational soon—”

“That’s great.”

“Uh, Master Chrome?”

Dorf looked at me with an uneasy glance, but right now, that was irrelevant.

I pulled out a few sheets of parchment and began excitedly jotting down the phrases that popped into my mind.

[To my dearest siblings,

As a member of the family who hasn’t properly greeted you in person, I ask for your forgiveness for delivering this message through a letter instead.

The reason I’m sending this letter is quite simple—I need your help.

I believe you are all aware that our guild is establishing a new branch in the Armatia Territory. My esteemed father, the pillar of the Midas family, has taken notice of my abilities and entrusted me with its management. However, as someone who is timid and inexperienced, it is incredibly difficult for me to shoulder this heavy responsibility alone.

Thus, I would like to seek ‘appropriate advice’ from one of you who have already demonstrated your capabilities in various places. Please, I ask for your great generosity to assist me.

Sincerely, Chrome Midas.]

To be honest, I’m not really that interested in the position of the Midas family head.

Honestly, it’s just a position that gets you a heap of unnecessary criticism. But I don’t want to give up the weapon of wealth either.

No matter how much I claim I’m not interested in leading the family, I seriously doubt these people would actually believe me.

So here’s my pitch, beloved siblings…

How about I throw my share in the inheritance competition your way, would you buy it for a hefty price?

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