How to Live with the Golden Totem

Chapter 27

After the intense speech of the Star God, which was far too powerful to be simply referred to as the principal’s address, several formal procedures followed in quick succession.

As I passively passed the time, thinking to myself that such things were the same in any world, the man acting as the host began to speak.

“Ah, we have now reached the end of the prepared entrance ceremony. From here on, we will provide guidance on academy life and announcements, so we kindly ask the audience members to rise and leave their seats.”

One by one, the audience began to vacate the premises, leaving only the students in the auditorium.

Stepping onto the podium was a woman with blood-red long hair, exuding a bewitching aura—she was Istel.

With a magic tool designed for amplification in hand, she opened her mouth.

“Hello, everyone! It’s nice to meet you for the first time since last year’s entrance exam. I am Istel von Lebenshtein.”

Her unexpectedly friendly and warm greeting caused the students, who had been nervously recalling the entrance exam, to exchange bewildered expressions.

Although her tone hadn’t changed since then, the first impression she had made back then, suddenly knocking out one candidate, was simply too strong to forget.

“Now, I will explain life at the academy. If you have questions during my talk, please raise your hand to speak.”

As everyone silently fixated on the podium, she continued.

“From now on, as students of the academy, you will be living in the dormitories. Each of you will have your own room, and meals will be provided free of charge. There is also a shopping district located in the outskirts of the academy, so feel free to use it.”

One student raised their hand.

After Istel nodded, a student who appeared to be of noble birth spoke up.

“Is it mandatory to live in the dormitory? Living alone without a personal attendant feels a bit… troublesome.”

“Yes, everyone must live in designated accommodations. There are no exceptions—at least, not for now,” she replied, leaving a hint that perhaps allowances would be made in the future.

“Oh, and we are not concerned at all about what your status was out in the world. Whether you were a noble or a commoner, or whatever past jobs you may have had. Obviously, no special treatment will be granted. So it’s best to avoid the delusion that you might gain preferential treatment by using your family’s name.”

With that bombshell about disregarding the class system, many students raised their hands in unison this time.

There were those who appeared quite displeased, but Istel effortlessly quelled them with a single statement.

“It’s an imperial decree.”

In other words, if they had complaints, they should take it up with the emperor, or rather, with the Star God himself, who would ultimately issue those commands.

Naturally, there was no way they could do that.

Among the students, some belonged to the royal family of other kingdoms or were high-ranking nobles of their own, but even for them, the absolute presence of the imperial family, who ruled the continent, was overwhelming.

Even if that wasn’t the exact reason, those who had just experienced the terrifying aura of the Star God were hesitant to voice any opinions in opposition.

Even if their grievances were perfectly justified, how could they dare to ask to change sleeping arrangements or have an attendant just to make life a bit more comfortable?

As the students withdrew their hands quietly, smiling, Istel continued.

“The first week will be a trial period. You will experience ‘Martial Arts’, ‘Magic’, and ‘Support’ as your three combat subjects, each for one day. For the remaining three days, you will experience seven types of auxiliary subjects.”

“Sunday is for resting,” she added, before proceeding to provide a rough overview of each subject.

I listened closely, comparing it with the memories of my past life.

‘There’s not much difference from what I already knew.’

A curriculum designed for practical combat, with a structure that allowed students to choose one subject from both the main and sub categories.

Most students reacted to the news that they would dedicate a whole day to resting, while only learning two subjects over six days, with a sense of relief that it was “more manageable than expected”.

Having already passed the terrifying entrance exam, they were worried about how tough the schedule ahead might be, yet the unexpectedly laid-back timetable felt like a pleasant surprise.

Among those who had received strict heir training as nobles, there were quite a few who smiled, thinking that this was hardly a challenge at all.

However, it didn’t take long for that blissful misconception to shatter.



The professor in charge of the ‘Martial Arts’ subject was Istel von Lebenshtein.

Since she had mentioned it during the entrance ceremony, no student was surprised by her presence.

As soon as the class began, Istel—no, Professor Istel—opened her mouth.

“Students who are unsure about physically fighting, please step back.”

About a quarter of the students, including Fiore, moved back, and I did as well.

Fiore asked, “Brother, I thought you were quite skilled with weapons, wouldn’t you be okay staying?”

I answered, “I just don’t want to get hit when the result is so predictable.”

“Excuse me?”

While Fiore looked puzzled, Professor Istel spoke again.

“Students who do not know how to use magic, please step back.”

This time, a considerable number moved back, leaving around fifty students near the professor.

Most of them were nobles who had been educated in the use of magic since childhood, and among the others were about ten, including Ligret.

Looking at those students, she stated, “Alright, everyone who’s left—please come at me one after another.”

A momentary look of confusion crossed the students’ faces.

A handsome young man with blonde hair and striking features, Alphonse, stepped forward to ask, “So, um, are we really going to duel with the professor in turns?”

The gaze directed at him felt less like admiration and more like that one gives to someone who doesn’t grasp simple instructions.

“No, I said everyone just rush at me! Are your ears blocked or something?”

Having never received such a glare from a woman before, Alphonse looked momentarily startled but quickly regained his composure and shook his head.

“I understand that the professor possesses outstanding skills, however, even so, it’s not appropriate for this many people to rush at once—”

“Wow, could you stop blabbering already?”

An overly casual young man wielding two swords interrupted Alphonse.

“Hey, professor, are you really okay with us all coming at you at once? Just making sure you won’t regret it later?”

“Your manners could use some work, but I appreciate your understanding! So just charge at me already!”

The brash youth turned to Alphonse.

“If the professor says it’s okay, we have to go along with it. Don’t you think?”

Alphonse frowned.

“It’s quite dishonorable.”

“Disregarding a professor’s words is honorable, then?”
“Don’t get caught up in semantics. What’s so exciting about surrounding a single woman and slashing at her?”

“Huh? And what makes you so special to act all high and mighty—”

As I watched the two of them continuing their argument, neglecting the professor, I thought, ‘They’re just playing with fire in front of a powder keg.’

And sure enough, the powder keg exploded.


A short, crisp sound echoed, and the two young men, their jaws dropping, crashed to the ground like flimsy paper.

As the students’ eyes widened, Professor Istel, despite having a seemingly smiling face, wore a smile that radiated a murderous intent as she spoke.

“Hey, you clueless bunch of ragamuffins? I’m about to tell you the fundamental rule of my class, so listen closely, will you?”

With a thud, as she stepped forward, the ground shook beneath her.

“—When I say do it, just shut up and do it. Don’t make me repeat myself.”

And thus, the bloodbath began.


The luxurious-looking armor crumpled in a single punch, sending its owner soaring through the air.


The delicate blade, aimed to strike down her slender physique, broke without piercing her skin, not even drawing a drop of blood.

*Thud. Thud. Boom!*

A towering giant, over two meters tall, was sent rolling across the ground with a powerful kick, while an archer who had expertly shot an arrow amid the chaos was knocked down by a returning stone.


“Your physical abilities and weapon skills are somewhat acceptable, but your magic manipulation is sorely lacking.”

Even Ligret, who had been holding on till the end, was taken out with a single kick, and looking at the pile of bodies sprawled on the floor and the terrified students shaking in the back, she said:

“‘Magic’ is something easily found anywhere in the world, and every living being possesses it in some quantity. Those who pride themselves on close combat, like knights, warriors, and fighters, have studied ways to enhance their bodies with this magic or infuse it into their weapons, gaining overwhelming advantages over those who cannot use magic.”

But she continued, brushing back her crimson hair.

“Even these magic users have often found themselves overpowered in battles against those known as demons. The purity of the magic was the issue. Unlike the demons, who refined and held magic specialized for a single function, the magic that humanity used was chaotic and disordered.”

As she spoke each sentence, she responded to the piercing gazes of those who were still conscious even while lying on the ground, each word clear and distinct.

“To solve this, the Barhart Empire gathered visions that had been passed down in secrecy within prestigious houses, developing methods to specialize magic for specific purposes, just like the demons. One of these is this.”

As if summoned, a visible aura began to ripple around Professor Istel’s body.

Red magic with vivid hues—like blood, like flames, like roses.

“Magic specialized in enhancing, protecting, and healing the user’s body. Named, 『Red Light』.”

She declared, as if introducing herself once more to her students.

“I am Professor Istel von Lebenshtein, responsible for 『Red Light』. If you wish to learn the new ‘martial arts’ that will change the future, please choose this subject.”

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