How to Survive As a Villain

Chapter 36

Chapter 36: I was threatened to do an special task.

The next day, Xiao Fengyue’s door was knocked.

Xiao Fengyue has always been someone lonely, and the only visitor he had was Yang Liuan, but this time, when he opened the door with joy, he saw the least person he wanted to see.

Qin Yu smiled and said: “Can I come in and have a chat?”

Out of courtesy, Xiao Fengyue kindly invited him into the room: “This poor room is simple, Gongzi* can sit at will.”

(T/N: *公子 gōng zǐ; son of an official / son of nobility / young master)

Qin Yu stepped into the room and didn’t sit down. He looked at the Guqin placed on the table, his fingers played the strings frivolously: “I’ve heard that Xiao-gongzi is good at playing stringed instruments, so I came here to learn from you.”

“I don’t dare, but I’ll be glad to discuss about it with you.” Xiao Fengyue suppressed the uneasiness inside his heart, picked up the porcelain cup on the table and poured tea for Qin Yu.

Qin Yu smirked and asked: “Xiao-gongzi, have you ever played the Guqin for his Majesty?”

Xiao Fengyue replied: “Humble me is not talented, his Majesty feels that my music is too muddled, humbled me had never played for his Majesty.”

Qin Yu smiled even more, his eyes narrowed slightly, they were cunning and sinister: “So, in such a large Imperial Palace, only Guard Yang had heard the sound of Gongzi’s Guqin?”

Xiao Fengyue’s hand trembled, the porcelain cup fell to ground shattering in pieces. He suddenly raised his head, his face was ghostly pale, his eyes were round and his red lips were trembling: “You, you, you…”

Qin Yu picked up a porcelain cup and filled it with clean water, took a sip, and then continued: “Oh, even if his Majesty had never favored you, you’re still not allowed to have sex with an Imperial Guard in private, you’re guilty and you should die*.”

(T/N: *罪该万死啊 Zuì gāi wàn sǐ a; be guilty of a crime for which one deserves to die ten thousand deaths / A thousand deaths will not atone for one’s crime / be guilty of a crime for which even death cannot atone / be very guilty and deserve death)

Xiao Fengyue calmed his mind and said with anger: “Don’t spit blood on people*, we’re just strangers that happened to met once.”

(T/N: *含血喷人 hán xuè pēn rén; making slanderous charges against others / casting malicious words to injure somebody / wrong / do wrong to somebody)

“Stranger?” Qin Yu suddenly started to laugh out loud. After laughing, he wiped his tears, smiled, and asked: “Who would gift his personal sachet to a stranger?”

Xiao Fengyue finally lost all his strength, he almost fell to the ground and supported himself with one hand at the table, he asked hoarsely: “What do you want?”

“Xiao-gongzi is a wise man, I will go right to the point.” Qin Yu took out a small white porcelain bottle from his sleeve and laid it on the table.

Xiao Fengyue asked: “What’s this?”

“Knockout drug.”

“Knockout drug?”

“Yes, I want you to drug Yan Heqing, pretend to have an affair with him, and then be discovered by his Majesty.” Qin Yu’s tone was indifferent, and his words were bloody.

Xiao Fengyue’s eyes widened incredulously: “Th-this, this is a death sentence.”

It’s a sin that can even bring the death penalty to the Imperial favored.

“Yes, it also a death sentence, but Guard Yang will have his name clean, doesn’t he?” Qin Yu raised an eyebrow.

Xiao Fengyue lowered his eyes and lost all the blood from his face: “But, how can I get his Majesty to…”

“You don’t have to worry about it, I’ll find a way myself. Just tell me whether you’ll do it or not.” Qin Yu cut off his words and smiled. “Please think about it, Xiao-gongzi, and give me your final answer at night.”

After that, Qin Yu didn’t want to stay too much, so he got up and left, Xiao Fengyue’s voice sounded behind him: “You’re so vicious, aren’t you afraid of the wrath of heaven?”

Qin Yu laughed instead of getting angry, and turned sideways to reply: “The wrath of heaven? At that time, my road as an Imperial Guard was bright, but I was forced into this Palace by his Majesty’s desires, I was forced to become a male concubine for him to play with. Isn’t this condemnation? Because I had his favoritism alone, I almost died by the hands of a treacherous person because of my unique appearance, isn’t that also condemnation? Xiao-gongzi, I, surnamed Qin, had lived in this Jing Yang Palace long enough, I can’t hear the words ‘the wrath of heaven’.”

After his speech, Qin Yu turned away and left.

The Emperor was at the top of the sky, and I had to climb with a weak body to gain a place inside the Imperial Palace, but then, I was thrown at the front of the main hall, put into display as part of the Imperial Harem, for long nights that lasted forever, full of sorrow.

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