How to Thrive in the ’60s

Chapter 51: Learn to Calculate

"Ah Chang, don't forget to give Widow Wang medicine." Gu Shinian washed his face and was sorting out the things he bought from the supply and marketing cooperative today. Seeing Widow Wang disappeared, he told Yun Chang.

Yunshang responded with a sigh, and asked Gu Shinian to put the kang table on the kang, and while setting the meal, he asked Gu Shinian:

"Second brother Gu, when are you going to go to the village chief's house to talk about selling grain?"

"Let's go after dinner. The price of grain in the black market is going to rise. Xinglin Village has to quickly settle the matter of buying grain."

The city management office just picked up a black market den two days ago. In the short term, no one should dare to come out and commit crimes. There are fewer sellers, and the price of black market food will inevitably increase.

Also, every year in February and March, there is no time to pick up. In addition, the past two years have been bad, and many villagers cannot meet the food rations for the New Year. If we get together and go to the black market to buy grain after another year, it is estimated that the price of grain will rise again.

The people in the village do not earn wages, and the centimeters each year cannot be exchanged for a few dollars. If the price of food continues to rise, it is estimated that most people will not be able to afford it.

In the future, the price of food will be too high, and it is difficult for him to sell low-priced food. This matter has to be settled quickly.

Yun Chang is what Gu Shinian said, everything he said was right, and she resolutely supported and obeyed.

Knowing that she had to go to the old village chief's house after dinner, Yun Chang quickly accelerated her movements.

He took a plate of stir-fried snow peas with lotus root, a plate of braised pork ribs, a sweet rice wine soup, and two bowls of rice. After greeting Gu Shinian, he lowered his head and slammed it up.

She will have to ask the old village chief to escort her later, and ask the old Wang's family for compensation.

Just after taking a few bites, Gu Shinian remembered Bai Tian's behavior of pulling him to get close to the old Han family, and asked curiously,

"Ah Chang, what's the origin of the Han family? Do you have any plans?"

Of course there are plans! It's just for you!

Yun Chang replied in his heart.

Gu Shinian's identity is really fucked up, the old lady is a workaholic, and she doesn't even know that her son hasn't come home for a few days, and the cheap dad is a selfish, cold, scumbag who is full of calculations.

Such parents are not only unreliable, but will become a drag on Gu Shinian in the future.

He is eleven years old this year, and when he is sixteen, he can start working. It is estimated that his cheap scumbag will be locked in the cowshed.

At that time, there will be a father who was locked up in the cowshed. Whether Gu Shinian is working or joining the army, the political trial is not easy to pass. Even if he passes, he will have a better chance of promotion in the future than others. Much less.

Thinking of this, Yun Chang worried for Gu Shinian.

But what can be done?

I have worn all my clothes, and I have to find a way to live the day.

Gu Shinian has a father who is holding him back, so she will find a way to find a few people who can pull him and make connections for him, so that she can help him at work in the future.

This old Han family is ready-made and the most suitable object to win over.

The eldest son of the Han family works in the provincial capital, and the daughter, Han Weihong, is apparently a doctor in the county hospital, but the hand she showed when she noticed that someone was eavesdropping on the outside was obviously acting like a soldier, not to mention that there were still people in the Han family working in the capital. Officers are equipped with cars and guards, and their positions are obviously not low.

It's fine if you can't make contacts like this at ordinary times, but now there's a chance, if she doesn't hold on for Gu Shinian, is it possible that she still has to keep it for the Chinese New Year?

She and Gu Shinian are not short of things, and they usually go back and forth a few more times, so they are familiar with each other.

In the future, Gu Shinian will stay in the county seat, run more diligently, have a sweeter mouth, and have more work in his eyes. After getting along for a few years, the relationship will become closer.

When Gu Shinian goes to join the army or work, even if he doesn't mention it, Han Shan and his wife will ask. If they encounter difficulties, they will definitely help.

This cost-effective deal, Yun Chang's small abacus is very clear.

These are the only things she can do for Gu Shinian.

Hearing Yun Chang's reason, Gu Shinian was really stunned, the chopsticks he raised slowly put down, and he was both surprised and relieved.

This little girl, who was protected by her family since she was a child, has finally grown up, and she has learned to build network resources for him in her own way, trying to escort his future.

Yun Chang didn't know Gu Shinian's thoughts, and still did not forget to tell him:

"Second brother Gu, you have to listen to me on this matter. Grandpa Han and Grandma Han are kind people. There's definitely no harm in having a good relationship with their family."

Gu Shinian's heart warmed, and nodded in response, "Okay, second brother listens to you. However, you don't need to be too deliberate when dealing with the old Han family, just get along with each other not far or near."

After all, no one can tell what will happen in the future. There are many people who have gone from being high above to being knocked down overnight, and no one can guarantee that they will not fall into the quagmire that day.

These days, it is better to rely on yourself than anyone else.

Gu Shinian put down his chopsticks after eating only six points full. When Yun Chang finished eating, the two locked the two gates of the main house and the courtyard, and walked towards the village chief's house in the dark against the wind.

The old village chief was about to go to sleep, and he was very happy to see Gu Shinian coming to the door again.

He quickly put the two of them on the kang, and asked politely, "When did you come back from the county seat? Have you eaten yet?"

Gu Shinian smiled shyly, and said, "I heard about something in the county, and Ah Chang was anxious to tell you, go home and take a sip and come over."

Upon hearing this, the village chief said, "Oh, these two children have heard something, and they are in a hurry to deliver the letter, and they don't even have time to eat.

Immediately disregarding Gu Shinian's obstruction, she asked the old lady to hurry up and get food for the two of them, and then asked about Widow Wang's situation.

Knowing that Widow Wang's madness is not good in the county, Gu Shinian and Yunshang plan to take Widow Wang to the provincial capital to see a doctor.

"Comrade Gu Xiao, what have you heard about in the county? Does it have anything to do with our village?"

"Village chief, it's like this. You asked me about food relief last time, and I took the problem of food shortage in my mind. Today I went to the county seat and I called a guy who works for a regional transportation company. Uncle, I want him to think of a way to see if he can bring some private goods to our village from other provinces, my uncle agreed..."

"Agreed?" The old village chief's excited tobacco bag almost fell to the ground, and his eyes were fixed on Gu Shinian, "Your uncle didn't say how much he could carry? What's the price? Can it be shipped back after a year?"

Gu Shinian said, "My uncle said that our land is close to Anxi, and Anxi Province is a large grain-producing province. In the past, you could find grain by wandering around a few towns and towns. In terms of price, he is not good at making money for our village households. The money is 10% lower than the black market in the county, enough for him to buy a few packs of cigarettes for some favors. It’s just…”

"Just what?" As soon as Gu Shinian paused, the village chief became anxious.

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