HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Meditation and blood purification potion

Chapter 10 Meditation and Blood Purification Potion

After making up his mind, Jon is not thinking about Cedric. After all, Harry Potter will not start school next year. There are still five years before Cedric’s death. Don’t worry.

He flipped through the book “Where are the Fantastic Beasts” that he took out of the ring before. He flipped through this book during his vacation and used it as a free time reading. After all, he has always liked books in this area. The author of this book, Newt Scamander, is also a character he has heard of.

After all, the Hufflepuff students who can be expelled from Hogwarts are also legendary.

Glancing at the description of the basilisk, Jon skipped the page. The basilisk was from the book “The Chamber of Secrets”. At that time, Jon was in third grade, and now I don’t have to think about it.

Cedric was very interested in the freshman who was sitting across from the “Fantastic Beasts”, but he was forced to have a good chat with Bella, so there was no way to talk to Jon. Most importantly, he always felt this There was an inexplicable compassion in the new student’s eyes on the opposite side.

The feeling of being looked at by that gaze is really uncomfortable.

But I heard that this new student named Jon will come to Hufflepuff, so there should be many opportunities to talk in the future… right? !

“By the way, Senior Sister Bella, have you heard? The new minister of the Ministry of Magic this year is actually Cornelius Fudge. I heard that he writes to Dumbledore every month, maybe we go to school. Can you still see Fudge’s owl?”

Cedric tried to provoke some topics that Jon might be interested in, but only attracted Bella’s interest in speaking.

These things he said are all things that sound big. If he talks about some side-by-side things, Jon might look up, but he has basically seen these big things from the original work, and he understands the secret behind them. It’s much more than these students.

The train quickly started. From the station to Hogwarts, it had to run from eleven o’clock to dark at night. Originally, Jon had prepared a lot of things to pass the time, but there was an extra Cedric in the carriage. Things are not easy to make.

“It would be great if I enrolled next year, with the savior on the train, who would pay attention to a little wizard who is unknown and talkative?”

The train quickly drove into the fields, and the suburbs of England were as much as he remembered, with endless barren grasslands.

Jon thought about this silently. He took out a pair of earplugs from his pocket and put them into his ears, shutting out the talk and laughter of Cedric and Bella. If he hadn’t learned how to do it, he really wanted to give it to himself. Cast a closed ear plug to listen to the spell.

He sat cross-legged and closed his eyes looking at the scenery passing by the window.

Anyway, when Bella gets hungry, she will buy her own food, so he doesn’t need to worry about it.

Take the train, why don’t you sleep?

In the past, Jon’s only activity every time he took a train was sleeping, because his eyes hurt when he swiped his phone for a long time, but now he has new activities.

In the past ten days, he buried his head in magic books and found many ways to increase his magic power.

The way Hogwarts teaches little wizards to increase their magic power is to let the wizards’ magic power grow naturally through continuous practice. This method is safe, but it’s too slow to work, so Hogwarts uses exams to test students’ learning outcomes. Yes, instead of testing the magical level of students as in Eastern fantasy novels.

Jon feels that this training method is not efficient. To be precise, it is not suitable for him.

Just like ordinary people without magic developing technology, the essence of practicing magic is to strengthen oneself. If he follows the training method of Hogwarts, can he reach the level of a great magician in the year of the monkey?

Harry Potter has to receive special training from the professors!

So after screening more than a dozen books that were banned by the Ministry of Magic for student wizards, Jon found a few “practice” methods that suit him at this stage.

“The Law of Thoughts” written by a wizard named Sri Lanka, “The Theory of Wizard Bloodline Activation” written by Salazar Slytherin, one of the founders of Hogwarts, and “Magic Strong Chemistry” written by a lady Helena “.

As these books are explicitly forbidden to be read by student wizards, each has its own unique benefits, and one of the commonality is the cultivation methods recorded in these books. Without exception, each of them is difficult.

The difficulty is right, it is difficult to prove useful!

Jon has never been a character who is afraid of hardship. People who have gone through the college entrance examination and postgraduate entrance examination will never find anything difficult.

Isn’t    just to solve the problem? This is Jon’s strength!

After several days and nights of endless study, Jon, who is sitting on the train pretending to sleep, has already practiced Sri Lanka’s meditation to an introductory state. He can already feel the magical factors floating in the air and try Attract them into your body.

The magic power of the wizard is hidden in the blood and body, and it becomes powerful magic through the guidance of the brain—that is, the soul. The magic factors in the air provide the basic conditions for the wizard to perform the magic environment.

is like the energy between the heaven and the earth or the existence that covers the consciousness. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

What the meditation thought brought to Jon was to feel the whole world quite intuitively. In Greenwich, Jon felt the prosperity of the human world and the fog over the London area, and here he felt the hard rock and the clearness. The air, a strong natural and primitive breath.

What a sweet free air!

(Note: I don’t know if the air in the United Kingdom is as sweet as that in the Americas, because I haven’t been to or watched the interview. Don’t be serious.)

Jon greedily drew the magic energy from the air, he actually didn’t know how much his magic power had reached, anyway, he was still within his control.

As long as he does not exceed his control, there is no risk of becoming silent. After Hogwarts, he will start to study potions, and strive to produce the only record in the “Witcher Bloodline Activation Theory” as soon as possible. Twenty-seven pages of potions, blood purification potions.

The reason why such dangerous potions can be published in books is that it belongs to the research results of pure-blood legendary magicians. Those pure-blood families who control the magical world have selfish intentions. Secondly, it is also because of the pharmacist society It has been proved that the feasibility of this medicine is too low. Some of the rare medicinal materials in the raw materials have been completely extinct in the passage of time, and the remaining raw materials are also extremely expensive ones.

is probably the kind of expensive that can be exchanged for thirty Smith family vaults.

But Hogwarts has a virgin forest. In the taboo forest, precious materials abound. No genuine products can be found. Alternatives can still be found. It doesn’t matter if the medicine is weaker.

Thinking of these possible expeditions after Hogwarts, Jon’s meditation effect is much better.

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