HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 110

Chapter 104 Parting and Reunion (Happy New Year)

The bookstore is on the right after the hotel, and the shopping mall is on the right.

Jon came out of the bookstore with his hat, carrying two Muggle story books in his hand.

This is a gift for my sister. At present, besides him, the only gift prepared by the offspring of Hufflepuff.

Of course, this is what Helga ordered.

Besides, I have to buy some toys that little girls might like.

But the child is so young, can he really tell the difference between toys and toys?

Jon has never raised a child, so he is puzzled.

But, Helga said, then do it.

Who allows oneself to have an ancestor who keeps pace with the times? !

Anthony, who was guarding outside the bookstore early, followed Jon into the mall, and quietly approached Jon’s side.

When two people stand together, they really look like brothers.

“Boss, how did he go?”

“Will I invite him to dinner if I don’t leave?”

Jon raised his head slightly, looked at the dazzling array of dolls on the shelf, and said calmly:

“I asked him to go back and think about it. If he thinks about it well, he will come to me before we leave.”

“Don’t you worry about him running away?”

“Do not worry.”

Jon took a little doll casually and looked at it in his hand:

“He can’t run, I gave him a condition that I can’t refuse; moreover, even if he wants to run, he has to think about whether he can run away, and the cost of running away.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Anthony listened silently, and then asked: “Then do I need to prepare a position for him first?”

“He won’t go to the company.”

Jon took a dolphin pillow about the height of himself and stuffed it into Anthony’s arms: “He only serves me. I asked someone to be a teacher. You have a better attitude.”

“I see.”

Isn’t it the training of agent level? I heard that the descendants of those big families have to go through this kind of training.

Jon looked at Anthony’s expression and knew that what he understood was obviously not the same as what he wanted to say, but at this time, he didn’t bother to explain it. If it was a misunderstanding, it was not a big deal.

Anyway, Anthony and Lockhart are destined to only see this once.

After picking things up, Anthony went to the counter to check out, and Jon left the mall early.

The sky has darkened.

He has seen the night in London, but he has not seen the night in Manchester.

is also a big city. The night here seems to be more prosperous. The bright lights and dazzling colored glaze add radiance to each other, and the large luxury shops are crowded with people who enjoy a good night here.

pretty good.

No matter where it is, such a quiet and peaceful scene can always comfort and make people feel comfortable.

But, how long can such days last?

Jon leaned against the wall and stared at the bustling streets above.

Although he also knows what the country will face next, what does it have to do with him?

The capital society is cold and ruthless, others are quiet and weak, and can only protect their family and friends.

Besides, he is a wizard.

There is a solid wall between    and Muggle society.

He can indeed use some means to remind this matter, but there is no benefit in doing so.

has been almost killed by the black wizard of America, Jon does not want his family to suffer any harm because of his relationship.

Especially his father is still a dumb gun without the ability to protect himself.

This is something that can’t be ignored. As long as Love Smith stays in Muggle society for a day, Jon can’t revoke his father’s protection.

Who knows what those crazy dark wizards can do.

Fortunately, Love has promised that Jon will resign as soon as possible, and then go home to enjoy the boring life of the rich. This time he invited Lockhart to come. In fact, Jon also had a little idea of ​​seeking protection for his father.

After all, in addition to memory magic, Lockhart also has something else in him.

Anthony quickly came out of the mall with two large packages. When the two returned to the hotel, they met Bella, who had finished purchasing, coming out of the room for dinner.

This is their last dinner in Manchester. Jon finished waiting for Lockhart’s news tonight, and then left here to go home.

Besides, they are not walking together.

Tomorrow morning, Jon and Bella will be sent by Anthony to the station to take a normal train home, and then Anthony will fly directly back to the United States. After they arrive in London, Love will pick them up.

The things Bella bought were basically sent home directly by mail. The two big bags that Jon bought can also be carried.

Of course, this is what Anthony said.

Things are of course stuffed directly into the box and brought back. The mailing time is too long and Jon also finds it troublesome.

His things had been sent back by Owl Kane when they were in school.

So now the box has so much space, it’s empty when it’s empty, so you don’t need it for nothing.

This night, two people were not peaceful.

Jon read the book all night on the bed, and Lockhart wrote the letter all night in front of the desk.

until early morning.

An owl fluttered into Jon’s room and brought a letter to Jon.

Lockhart’s letter.

Jon opened the letter, and it was written by Loha in his reply.

A few words, anyway, it means that he agreed to Jon’s invitation and waited for Jon’s reply.

Of course, Jon had already prepared a reply for Lockhart’s owl to take home.

He provided Lockhart with the address of the Smith family’s old house. He would not wait for Lockhart’s arrival here, but let Lockhart pass by himself.

He wants to take the train back, caring about Anthony’s existence, and Lockhart’s goal is too big and inappropriate, so they can’t go together.

When he has finished dealing with matters here in these two days, he will naturally find a safe way to Jon’s Biro Manor.

Besides, Lockhart still needs time to deal with matters here.


The next day, Manchester Railway Station.

Anthony drove the two brothers and sisters here, and then they separated here.

“Then, boss, I’m leaving.”

Jon reached out and patted the back of Anthony’s hand, and said softly, “Over there, pay attention to safety.”

“Boss, don’t worry, I will call you to report when I get there.”

Not long after returning to China, he will leave again. Of course, Anthony is reluctant to give up.

But this is work.

Jon watched Anthony get into the car and drove away slowly, turned around and followed Bella’s footsteps, and entered the station.

Life is always about gathering less and more, and there is no need to be sentimental for a temporary parting.

“Sister, let’s go too.”

:. :

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