HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Hogwarts: a dream

There is nothing special about Hufflepuff’s common room, except for the large space. I heard from senior students that Hufflepuff’s lounge is twice as large as other colleges, but Jon didn’t want to understand what it was. What a proud one.

The common room of the Badger Yard is located on the basement floor, very close to the kitchen, and not far away is the entrance of the Slytherin common room. It is said that badgers are natural enemies of snakes, but now it seems that it is not so real.

“Don’t be afraid of Slytherin, badgers will never be afraid of snakes!”

When passing by with the Slytherin team, Jon heard Hufflepuff’s prefect say, and he had no choice but to smile.

Not to be afraid is not to be afraid, but usually the main fights with snakes are the little lions. Hufflepuff basically has no sense of existence in the original work.

The entrance to the common room is a still life painting above the corridor. To enter the common room, you need to tap the correct barrel in the rhythm of “Helga Hufflepuff”.

After    entered, there was a round, low-roofed room with a touch of earthy fragrance. The room was covered with yellow curtains, and there were many upholstered sofas and chairs.

The passage from the lounge to the dormitory is decorated with wine barrels, a total of fourteen, arranged on both sides of the fireplace, leading to the boys’ dormitory and the girls’ dormitory, and there is a smiling middle-aged witch hanging on the fireplace. The portrait, underneath the portrait is a silver nameplate with three-line squiggles engraved on it.

“Helga Hufflepuff (964-1032

“One of the greatest witches in the history of British magic”

“I want to teach many people and treat them equally.”

Jon stood in front of the portrait and looked at the legendary witch. Her eyes were green, just like Jon, which made Jon feel a strange familiarity.

seems like it should be.

really weird.

“Jon, don’t you go to rest? Tomorrow is the weekend, I think you can have a good night’s sleep.”

Cedric’s voice came from behind, which made Jon a headache.

This good old man is good everywhere, just this inexplicable love and caring for others is really annoying.

But he can’t say that Cedric was wrong. The old Chinese saying goes that you don’t hit smiley people with your hands, especially in the aristocratic Britain.

“Thank you, I think I’m going to find my dormitory now.”

Jon nodded slightly towards the portrait, then turned around and said a few words to Cedric, then got into the wooden barrel on the left side of the portrait.

In the common room, the portrait of Hufflepuff smiled softly as always, as gentle as Hufflepuff’s academy.

Hufflepuff’s student dormitory accommodates four people in one room, but everyone’s space is separated by themselves, with thick curtains and curtains in the middle, ensuring that everyone has their own space.

The interior of the space is arranged like a small tent. The bed inside is similar to Jon’s bunk in his previous life, except that the bed is lower and the table is not under the bed, but on the side. Below the bed is a row of lockers, just right to put things.

The curtain at the entrance seemed to have a simple spell, which greatly enhanced the privacy of this space. Jon was very satisfied with it.

The small suitcase has been placed next to the table under the bed. Jon opened the suitcase and put his textbooks, clothes and crucible in the locker. The small space was divided by the candlelight. Quiet outside.

After finishing these things, putting the quill and pens away separately, Jon took off his clothes and climbed onto the bed.

Tomorrow is the weekend, so I can sleep well.

Jon stretched, the sunlight in front of him was a little dazzling, making him feel a little uncomfortable.

In the next second, he reacted and quickly looked down his head.

Lying on the recliner, he was completely dressed in his clothes, a suit of compliant robe, and he was holding a copy of “Introduction to the Basics of Spells” in his hand. It looked like he was watching and falling asleep.

Everything looks normal, only Jon is very surprised.

Myself, this is… Have you crossed again?

He stood up from the recliner solemnly and tried to draw the wand from the ring in his hand, but there was nothing on his index finger, and then he raised his hand again. Although these hands are young and smooth, they are not Jon’s own. hand.

It wasn’t until after a long period of thought that he found the old lady sitting on the opposite sofa.

The old man with a familiar face was holding a teacup, and watching Jon’s eyes were full of exploration: “I knew that you could come in.”

Jon was taken aback for a moment, then reacted immediately, and asked tentatively: “Are you… the one?”

“Who?” The old lady asked calmly, “If you are talking about the one hanging in the Hufflepuff common room, I am correct.”

Jon’s mind seemed to be disconnected for an instant, he smiled awkwardly, and thought it was not polite to laugh like this: “Then you called me…”

“Oh, nothing. I haven’t seen my descendants for a long time. I always want to see you when I think about it. Hufflepuff’s kids always like to go to Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. The sweetheart, even the old house at home has been sold… You are the first to appear in Hufflepuff in nearly a hundred years. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com” Old Witch, Helga Hufflepuff , Talking in front of Jon for a long time, the amount of information in the words exploded: “However, it seems that you don’t know me. Why, has the Hufflepuff family not fallen to this point? I know how old you are. The house was sold, but you didn’t even leave a portrait of me?”

Jon felt he was dreaming, in fact, according to the witch Hufflepuff, he was indeed dreaming.

This is a blood curse. Hufflepuff left a soul on all the portraits he left at Hogwarts. It is different from the way Voldemort creates the Horcrux to split the soul. This legacy is only in the body. The remnant thoughts left behind after death inherited all the memories and survived with the help of the unique magic on the portrait, which is a very profound magic.

“But the other three founders did not leave their own souls. Salazar left the school. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw believed that their spirits were passed on by descendants, but in fact, Ravenclaw did not have any. Posterity.”

Helga also poured a cup of tea for Jon. It has been a long time since no one came to talk to her in the portrait space, and the legendary witch seemed a bit silly.

Jon showed the most qualified quality of a listener. He listened to the old lady silently, as if he was accompanying his grandmother, occasionally smiling and echoing the last two sentences.

to please the old lady, he is too good at it.

Of course, there are other things in his mind, for example, he can publish a book when he wakes up.

Since Lockhart’s book about the liar can sell well, my own book about the legendary witch should sell better.

Is it the name, it’s Hogwarts: A Dreamland, how about it?

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