HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 134

Chapter 126 protector

Although I have been exposed to so many things with Jon, it is obvious that Steven still doesn’t know enough.

For example, he didn’t know why Helga was able to switch between the portrait and the ghost form, but his blind worship of the legendary witch made him feel that there was nothing abnormal in this matter.

That is Helga Hufflepuff, the founder of Hogwarts.

Because of this, Helga’s words didn’t bother him.

Isn’t it about cultivating forces? As long as there is sufficient support, it is not a problem at all.

It’s the same even if it’s a fool.

It’s just that he didn’t want to understand why he chose himself.

Is it okay because of his relationship with Jon?

If you are favored because of this, are you lucky?

Even if it is a tool man, that is also the tool man of the legendary witch, the kind with guarantee behind it.

This is a dangerous enough world, even the passionate teenagers who have received capital-developed education from childhood to most of them know this.

So for those self-righteous pure-blood wizards in the wizarding world, Stephen has always felt that there is a problem with their brains.

Don’t say anything else, it’s just a flaw if there are fewer people.

The former empire that never sets in the sun is gone. Now if the magical world really goes to war, I am afraid that the entire West will not be able to sustain the offensive in Africa or Asia.

Unlike science and technology, the development of science and technology belongs to the liberation of manpower, and the improvement of the level of technological weapons means that the advantage of manpower will be offset.

But magic is different. As a sign and an important manifestation of a single combat power, the number of wizards is always an important condition for determining superiority and victory.

Especially when the combat power of the legendary wizards can’t equalize the number of people, the small number of the West appears to be extremely declining.

Fortunately, the Muggle world is still confining the wizarding world so far. The wizarding world’s wars are still limited to the West, and the Eastern wizarding world has not yet intervened.

“But in fact, they have no way to intervene. The East is also overwhelmed. China has to protect itself from being affected. The collapse of the Soviet Union is imminent. The slackers in Africa have no magic wands and their control and advancement of magic are very weak. Number advantage.”

Steven watched the materialized legendary witch speak in front of him, and he seemed to see a female version of Jon.

It was midnight. After the training in the training room, Stephen returned to his room and saw the legendary witch waiting in the room.

Even if Helga had curtailed his deterrence, Stephen still had the urge to bow down.

So he stood far away and didn’t dare to come close.

Helga doesn’t care about Stephen’s restraint. She wants to find someone to do something about it. Lockhart is good but unqualified, so naturally she can only find Stephen here.

“If chaos continues to create chaos, then order naturally becomes meaningless, do you understand?”

Helga turned his back to Stephen, trying not to make the kid too nervous.

“I understand what you mean, but obviously, we don’t have the ability to influence the world now.”

We have no abilities, because no one cares what children say.

“Why don’t you go to Principal Dumbledore?”

Helga turned his head to look at him, blinked, and said, “Because I don’t think Dumbledore can do anything.”

“Stephen, I admire you precisely because you are different from Dumbledore. You still have the blood of a young man, Dumbledore, who is old.”

“His heart is getting old.”

Or because the appearance of Helga in front of him is too young, Stephen always feels unreal.

The tone that seemed to be commenting on a child playing house, combined with her young face, made Stephen like a dream.

That weird feeling drove him to listen, even if he knew how big the gap was between him and Headmaster Dumbledore, he still let Helga compare the two of them.

even thought this should be like this, there is nothing surprising.

“Dumbledore does have incomparable influence and power, but he is now thinking about how to maintain the stability of the British magical world. He does not want his efforts for so many years to be destroyed by Voldemort. If Voldemort is willing to honestly Hiding outside England, Dumbledore would not do anything to him.”

“Because of this, I feel that this matter is useless to him. Unless he can make some changes and return to the passionate young man when he was young, his maturity and stability are the biggest obstacles to this matter. ”

Steven nodded slightly: “However, according to your statement, it seems that Jon is also such a person.”

“So I don’t like his character, but this character is not bad, it’s just a waste of time to be safe.”

Of course it’s a waste of time. After all, no one is a legendary witch who is almost omniscient and omnipotent like you.

Of course, this cannot be said in front of Helga, otherwise it would be to challenge the patience of the legendary witch.


“My character doesn’t seem to be too different from Jon.”

“There are already a lot At least you still have a little willingness to pay and think for this magical world. Jon is the one who has nothing at all. Sometimes, the difference between 0 and 1 is the biggest.”

From 1 to 100 is just a process of quantitative change, from 0 to 1 is the essential change.

“Then I’m willing to try my best, but I can’t assure you of what it can do.” Stephen bowed his head and pondered: “The possibility of this thing being done is not optimistic, and my ability You know too.”

“Ability is not a problem, you are still young, and with me, you have plenty of time to prepare.”

Helga just wanted Stephen to agree, after all, the specific plan had to be decided according to Jon’s progress, she just wanted to plan ahead.

“You can try to form your own magic power first. It’s in your club. I heard Jon say that you are still a little influential. So it’s better to start from the lower grades. Don’t need me to teach you.”

Of course not, Stephen is a smart man, he can see it at one point.

“Speaking of which, there is one little thing.

I have experienced a situation where future generations almost all died, so after thinking about it, I always feel that it does no harm to be more careful. ”

Stephen was taken aback, not sure what Helga was going to say.

“I heard Jon say that you have plans to move your family here? So, in the future, are you willing to become the guardian of the Hufflepuff family?”

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