HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 136

Chapter 128 go away

The world will always go through all kinds of parting. Jon knows this and doesn’t feel so sad.

was just a night’s sleep. It was not a long time for Helga’s long life, and it was not a big deal for Jon.

Helga is his very important family member and teacher. Regardless of whether the memory he grew up in Huaxia, whether it is a real existence or a world trend perfused into his soul, he has already been affected by those contents.

Moderate, humble, hard work, self-improvement.

Everything, plan and move.

Even without Helga’s existence, Jon had his own plan a long time ago. Although this plan has been easier several times, it is now almost completely different from his original plan, but he doesn’t think it is anything. Big problem.

Just as the high-dimensional world can be compatible with the low-dimensional world, it is not difficult to transform from a plan with a higher difficulty coefficient to a simple model, even because the two are originally from the same source, the process of transformation is much easier.

Jon watched Helga’s figure turn into smoke and dissipated in front of him, and the sense of exclusion from the magic fairy castle space suddenly struck, and after touching the necklace that Jon was wearing on the neck of his body, it suddenly dispersed again. .

The back door left by Helga is indeed still normal.

After confirming this, Jon left the passage.

So, the silence is restored here.


Lockhart’s teaching lasted only one month, because he had other arrangements, and Jon also had other arrangements, so there was no way to wait until Jon had mastered all the magic, and now it seems that Jon’s learning is almost the same. No need for Lockhart to stay for too long.

“It’s just that Mr. Lockhart is going home?”

Jon stood outside the guest room and looked at Lockhart who was packing his things. He didn’t yet know where Lockhart was going.

“I don’t have a fixed residence. My house was sold because of insufficient expedition fees, and I never bought it again.”

Lockhart is actually not short of money. He just likes to live a life of wandering everywhere. There is no need to worry about life, and there is no need to worry about too many ties in a certain place. Such a romantic life is actually very beautiful.

So when Jon offered to arrange him a casual job at the University of Greenwich, Lockhart refused.

“If this time is not safe, I will still protect myself. Don’t worry, Jon.”

Although the motivation was not pure when everyone first met, after all, Jon was Lockhart’s first student, so naturally he still had a little emotion.

It’s just that his new book is almost finished. During this time, he plans to go out for a stroll, and he has chosen a place.

The Hawaiian beaches in America have great scenery recently, which is the best place to relax.

Although his magic level is average, his combat experience is one of the best, and his safety is guaranteed.

“Speaking of which, I heard a little gossip two days ago.”

After finishing the outfit and preparing to leave, Lockhart still wanted to tell Jon a few words before leaving.

“Your defense against the Dark Arts teacher for the next semester seems to have been replaced by Quinnus, Quinnus Quirrell. This person has a good reputation. Before he taught Muggle studies at Hogwarts, you probably don’t know. Because he left Hogwarts for a trip a year before you enrolled.”

Jon nodded, how could he not know Professor Quirrell?

That is a temporary Horcrux of Voldemort, which is still very important in the first plot.

It’s just that there is no need to show that he is well-informed at this time. Lockhart naturally has his own consideration when he talks to him about this matter.

“That Quirrell turned out to be pretty good, but something went wrong later. He said that he met a vampire in the dark forest of Albania, but I still know where the vampires are in the dark forest. The place he went was basically nothing. Human area, and at that time, vampires were basically preparing for the full moon parade, so they wouldn’t run around.”

“Full Moon Tour?”

Jon, who knew the cause and effect in his heart, naturally ignored Lockhart’s previous words, but was rather curious about this vampire’s full moon cruise.

“I have a chance to tell you in the future, it’s not early now, I have to catch the plane, anyway, be careful not to go around in front of Quirrell.”

“Good, good.”

Jon nodded like a chicken pecking rice, making Lockhart feel very uncomfortable.

He still understands Jon’s character, and he promises to be so happy that he will forget his warnings when it is not complete.

But at that time, he couldn’t control it anymore. If you want to have the protection of the founder, it shouldn’t be a big deal.

So he patted Jon on the shoulder, turned and walked into the fireplace.

Jon, who watched Lockhart leave, did not leave the basement after Lockhart’s figure disappeared, but stood there and waited silently.

Soon after, Stephen’s figure also appeared here, accompanied by Caledy.

“Are you making an appointment? All choose to leave on this day Steven did not take Jon’s complaint as a thing, just like Jon perfunct Lockhart before.

He just stood at the door of the fireplace and said goodbye to the elf. After all, his free time was spent chatting with the elf during this time. This made Caledy tearful and could not stop sobbing… if not Jon is here, it is estimated that the scene should be very moving.

“I have been disturbing here for too long, you haven’t noticed, when I lived here, even Bella-senpai rarely came here?”

There is also a mother who is a fan of Mr. Lockhart in the family. Of course, Stephen also knows how attractive Lockhart himself is for those fans.

And there hasn’t been any movement there before, which made me worry more and more.

“They just came because I didn’t let them come. If Mr. Lockhart’s things here were discovered by my mother, it would be nothing interesting… Besides, Blair (Jon’s sister, Blair Smith. Hufflepuff) is so young, I don’t like children who are too small.”

It’s better to…

Stephen took a deep look at Jon, did not say anything, hugged Jon and turned and left.

As for the contract and the guardian, as well as the things Helga explained, Jon asked him not to worry about it. There will be a lot of time to deal with this matter in the future.

Send this one away, and Jon should also go.

This holiday is still a wonderful holiday.

But it is still a busy holiday.

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