HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 147

Chapter 139 Harry Potter

Joanne is very good at keeping secrets, but not good at solving people’s boredom.

But a boring life can be filled with shopping. Before, Jon didn’t think shopping was fun, but now that he can spend money, the experience is different.

bought a few clothes, bought a bunch of snacks, the two people drove a car back to the rented place, and started another night of doing nothing.

This kind of day hasn’t come to an end, because Hogwarts still has some time to start school, and the highlight of Jon’s waiting is only two days.

Harry Potter will receive the admission notice from Hogwarts at the end of July, and it will be the time to watch the show.

But there are still a few days left, and waiting like this is not an option, he is still looking for something to relieve his boredom.

I originally planned to take a look at the war situation in Eastern Europe these two days to relieve my boredom. Unfortunately, there is a professional analyst next to me. The analysis of the battle situation that was originally sent every two days was enough for Jon to pass it on for a while, but Joanne analyzed it. After that, the concise and concise version of the analysis of the battle situation can be watched by Jon in half an hour.

“Or, would you go out for a stroll?”

Joanne looked at the dangling Jon while revising the manuscript, feeling cruel to herself.

“It really doesn’t work, I won’t help you simplify the analysis manuscript next time, can’t it?”

“Then you tell me, what should I do in the past two days?”

“To tell the truth, you can actually go out for a stroll.”

Joanne turned over the manuscript at hand and pulled out a photo.

“This place, I’ve been to this place before when I followed Harry Potter, he seems to go to this place often to relax.”

“Well…Well, let me go invisible and take a look.”


Harry Potter often hangs out outside recently.

After the end of the elementary school semester, there is nothing to do. Even Aunt Petunia is no longer making trouble for him at this time. Harry himself is really happy about this matter, but the only drawback at home is that he cannot avoid Dudley and him. My friends, as soon as the holiday comes, they will arrive at Lijia every day.

Pear and Danny are all stupid big guys, and they are generally stupid. Dudley is the biggest and stupid among them. When they live in the same space with them, Harry feels that he will become stupid.

And those silly guys smelled unusually unpleasant. It smelled worse than the water Aunt Petunia used to dye his new school uniform. When it came to the new school uniform, he thought that he was going to the stone wall middle school to study in junior high. I don’t know if I should be happy or worried.

But this kind of thing can still be tolerated, as long as the next learning career is not reachable, he is willing.

It’s just that he has the letter in his head now, the letter addressed to himself.

Until now, no one has ever written to him.

Who might have written that letter to him?

He has no friends,

has no other relatives;

He has never been to a library card, so he will never receive a notice from the library to return books like others do-and he has never been to the library.

But there is indeed a letter now, and the address on it is clearly written, he has repeated it many times in his mind over the past two days, and there is absolutely nothing wrong:

Surrey County-Little Huijin District-No. 4 Privet Road-Cupboard under the stairs-Mr. Harry Potter.

The envelope is made of heavy parchment paper. The address is written in emerald green ink without a stamp. There is a wax seal, a shield coat of arms, and a capital “H” surrounded by a lion and a An eagle, a badger and a snake.

What letter is that?

Harry didn’t have a clue at all, but judging from the anomalies of his aunt and uncle, it was definitely not a simple letter.

And it’s definitely not like they said, I don’t know what that letter is.

He is just a kid, but not stupid.

Because of that letter, he even moved to the bedroom upstairs. This kind of thing, in his former eyes, was almost impossible to happen than the end of the world.

Harry sighed and slumped on the abandoned swing with his head up.

If it was before, if there was a chance to move upstairs, he would definitely do anything at all costs.

But now he would rather take the letter and move it back into the cupboard than if he couldn’t get the letter.

It’s not right. In fact, it seems that letters have been delivered every day these days, but he never received it. He even stepped on the door this morning and he was sleeping at the door blocking his uncle, but he has slipped out here now. Why is there no letter sent here?

Harry sighed and was annoyed, but he had no idea of ​​how to solve the problem. He just hoped that the letter would be sent earlier before he was found running out, because he was locked up for a long time since he ran back out last time. He was also beaten severely.

So he didn’t notice that, not far away, there was a wizard who had a completely different life path from his life, looking at him under the cover of the phantom curse.

Jon has actually been standing here for a while. When he came here, he had no intention of meeting Harry Potter . On the way, he just wanted to understand why he has been in Germany recently. Harry was not seen in Siri’s home.

Because he ignored the time, he had always thought that Hogwarts’ admission letter would be mailed on July 31st, but obviously not. The admission letter sent at the end of July is a privilege for children of wizarding families. For children like Harry who grew up in a Muggle family, it is obviously impossible to receive the admission letter so late.

In the original work, it seems to be a week ahead or how long?

No wonder he couldn’t see Harry during this time. He was usually kept in the cupboard. After receiving the letter, it is estimated that he was under more strict supervision.

Jon didn’t know if he should pity Harry Potter first, but after seeing people, he forgot all these things.

Harry looked very skinny and a little dark-Jon thought it might be because he didn’t clean his face. He was wearing a large, obviously unfitting dress, and the clothes were very old. His figure was even more than three. Years ago, Jon was even thinner. You know, at that time Jon hadn’t grown to 1.5 meters, and now Jon was a head’s distance higher than Harry.

Harry’s face looks very thin-or he is very thin all over, and the exposed body parts are skinny and skinny, and the dark hair and emerald green eyes are very similar to Jon, but Similar to similar, essentially different, Jon knows this very well.

So, this is the one he always wanted to see before, the hero of the story?

:. :

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