HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 168

Chapter 160 Preparation of blood purification medici

Jon must be concerned about his subordinates, after all, in addition to favors, this is at least related to his money, so sloppy.

A.O. The current state still needs his input, but it has become a simple system. In this state, basically many things can run on their own, and Jon’s decision is not necessarily required.

He had already known the things in Eastern Europe. If Lena is really as good as Anthony said, then he has already given a method. She will not be unable to do it. War fortune is the best way to make money. Up.

After making the decision, the rest of Jon doesn’t need to be taken care of. Anthony rented him a laboratory of the College of Chemistry with a relatively high specification. In addition to the day when he needed to adjust his status, Jon didn’t have time. Intend to waste it on other things.

He doesn’t worry about his safety at all. Firstly, his coming to America is a secret, and he uses false identities along the way. Secondly, even if the dark wizards do come, he has to ask those outside the laboratory. The meaning of security personnel.

In order to protect Jon, Anthony made the best possible arrangement.

So for the next time, Jon pounced on the rented laboratory.

“The idea of ​​making bloodline purification potions is based on the possibility that the bloodlines of wizards and magical creatures can be unearthed.”

Standing in front of the experimental platform, Jon’s eyes were bright, and he recalled Helga’s words in his mind: “There are countless lives in this world, and every creature that can multiply from the beginning of the world to the present, their blood is undoubtedly possessed of huge Potential. Just like those in the Holy See believe that the blood of gods is flowing in the human body, the wizarding world generally believes that wizards can possess magic power because their blood contains magic power. This is even the case for Luo. Ina never denied it.”

“However, this is not the case. The ancestors of some wizards have gone back more than ten generations and there have been no wizards. Salazar studied this phenomenon and finally attributed the reason to a certain kind of blood dormant in the blood of humans. Before the age of eleven, if this bloodline has not been discovered, then it proves that this person has no possibility of becoming a wizard.”

“But there is no absolute truth. In the experiments conducted by some evil wizards, they transferred the blood of magical animals to ordinary people without magic, trying to stimulate the blood of these ordinary people. Although they did not succeed, they did not succeed. Therefore, lives such as vampires and werewolves were created.”

Jon summed up this theory from a scientific point of view, that is, there are certain powerful genes in the human body, but this gene is usually recessive and can only become a dominant gene after it is combined with magic elements. And the children born from parents with this dominant gene, although there are still recessive genes in their bodies, the possibility of combining magical elements with this gene becomes higher, so the possibility of becoming a wizard becomes higher. This is Pure blood descendants, but this possibility is fluctuating, it will increase and then decay-Jon is the kind of wizard who has raised this possibility again with the efforts of several generations, so he is still a pure blood wizard A member of the.

The blood purification potion created by Salazar was originally intended to be used to a higher level. He believes that since the wizard has the blood of the gods in his body, he will surely be able to become it by continuously improving the purity of his blood and strengthening magical affinity. God, it turns out that he was wrong.

The increase in the magic power of the wizard is accompanied by the enhancement of the blood in the body. This is true, but the enhancement to the legendary wizard is already at the top, and it is impossible to continue to purify it-that way will only return to the ancestors instead of becoming a god.

If you want to become a god, you should improve your soul essence.

This point Helga has already proved. After her soul essence was elevated to a “demi-god” state, Jon began to discover that Helga’s existence was no longer a pure soul body, but more like a high-dimensional orientation. The low-dimensional projection, at this point, what Jon felt most intuitively was the will of the deep blue sea.

However, for the current Jon, the bloodline purification potion is already an extremely useful potion. Considering that the resistance of this thing is even much stronger than that of ordinary potions, Jon estimated that he used it about three times. .

In Helga’s calculations, these three uses can completely allow Jon to progress from the “teacher” to the “professor” level by 50%, reaching the level of sixth grade or even weaker graduates. However, the bloodline purification potion can only be used once every four months, and it will take Jon at least a year to reach this point.

This is already very fast.

If it weren’t for the imminent increase in strength, the bloodline purification potion was a potion that could only be used three times, and Jon even wanted to wait until his next upgrade.

Jon scanned the surrounding experimental equipment, then took out various materials from the box and placed them in their respective areas.

He didn’t plan to use the cauldron to configure the potion this time. After consulting Helga, Jon’s instruments used to configure the potion were the ones in his memory for chemical experiments although it was in memory. He didn’t study medicine, but the basic principles of experiments all over the world were similar. He just wanted to use these instruments to extract the essence of medicine. If the result of the extraction would destroy the power of the medicine, Jon would immediately turn to the original crucible.

But Helga said that many years ago, wizards didn’t use the cauldron to configure potions, and the equipment was also evolving, so he didn’t need to worry so much.

Jon is skeptical about this. A wizard of Helga’s level can deploy potions with his hands and air as a container, but he can’t.

“It’s been a long time since I have conducted such a high-end experiment, I hope you don’t have to hand it!”

Jon murmured to himself, he looked at the line of test tubes, put on a mask, and started the extraction.

Extracting the essence of medicine is actually a rather boring process. The extraction of some medicines is very time-consuming, but with the help of magic, these are not problems.

When the extract of the first medicinal material was confirmed to be usable, Jon speeded up his action. The magic glasses ensured that he extracts the essence of the medicine to the maximum. At the same time, Jon’s magic seal can ensure that the medicine in the previous extraction The magic element will not evaporate and dissipate, which plays a role of insurance.

The    special glass test tube is indeed very strong. The flame fruit extract is very hot, and the snake vine beard extract is quite corrosive. Jon wondered if he was doing some poison.

“Next, it is prepared.”

Looking at the row of test tubes in front of him, Jon, who became a little numb in the process of repeating the experiment and cleaning, finally began to look forward to it again.

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