HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 War anticipation (thanks to Changan Wang

(It is still recommended to read this chapter repeatedly.)

“Daily Prophet” December 27, 1989:

“After November 9, 1989, in response to the fiscal deficit caused by the fall of the Berlin Wall, Germany began to issue its own currency on a large scale. This action directly aggravated the domestic inflation in Germany, and huge inflationary pressure forced the Bundesbank to raise its own interest rates. , But under its seemingly ordinary surface covered by the economic crisis, we still have reason to doubt that the dark wizards of the German magical world still survive to rescue their former leader Gellert Grindelwald from Numontgard. Thoughts.”

Jon closed the newspaper in his hand and tapped his fingers on the table twice, attracting a roll of the librarian Mrs. Pince.

said a little sorry, Jon rolled up the newspaper in his hand and put it on his arm, turned and walked out of the library.

It has been a week since he came to Hogwarts. This week, Helga will meet with him every two or three days. The two have a tacit understanding. The time of each class is very accurate. It would make Jon too spiritless the next day.

As for Hogwarts homework, it is not difficult for Jon. It takes a little time to get a fairly good score, and Jon did not show extraordinary talents in flight lessons. So the Quidditch sport, as long as he doesn’t take the initiative to join in, it has nothing to do with him.

And Helga left him with a wide range of homework. For example, the Daily Prophet he just read was the homework that Helga left him after he and Helga talked about his thoughts on Wednesday night.

Today is Saturday, and he will continue to enter Helga’s portrait space in the evening. Before then, he will sort out the content so that he can tell Helga.

Then Helga will make some inferences, including various possible inferences, and Jon is responsible for finding the most likely one.

Of course, this is not homework, this is part of Jon’s study.

As Helga said, a good wizard must have keen judgment so that he can avoid danger as much as possible.

Jon recently found a small corner on the eighth floor of the castle. The window of that place is in the corner of the castle, and you can see the entire Hogwarts view. And because the place is on the eighth floor, although students are not forbidden to go up, it is very Few people will go to that place.

Jon comes here often, most of the time in meditation. The magical environment at Hogwarts is quite good, and it is gratifying to meditate here.

During the rest of the time, Jon usually spends his time in a daze, and his state and meditation are similar.

But when Jon was in a daze, he thought more than usual.

It’s like the article he just read. In fact, let him know that the magic world is not all fools, and there are people who can see emergencies.

But if I chose to publish this inference on the Daily Prophet, the mistakes made were too great. The people in the Daily Prophet had already lost their credibility over the years.

This newspaper is the mainstream media in the wizarding world of Britain, yes, but it has reached the point where no one believes these inferences except for some factual news.

No one believes that it is not a big problem. At least Jon has a memory of this incident in his mind, and he did not react to it in the first time. Who would have thought that the violent dark wizard also started to use his brain and tried to use the Muggle world. Has economic war concealed their true purpose?

In the wizarding world, one of the biggest problems is that wizards stand on their feet. On the one hand, pure-blood wizards are hostile and contemptuous of Muggles. On the other hand, they are too high on themselves, but they did not expect that Britain today is not as strong as it was back then. The sun never sets in the empire, and the situation in the wizarding world is not much better than in the Muggle world. New wizards from various countries have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain. Even though Dumbledore is still one of the most powerful wizards in the world, But after all, it is difficult to support a single tree. It is already very difficult to maintain the right to speak of the British wizarding world in the entire wizarding world.

Especially after experiencing World War II, the country above North America has already taken the greatest right to speak from the hands of the sun never set under the leadership of the wheelchair leader. Correspondingly, the wizards of this country also The tide has risen and the boat has gained more say in the International Magic Conference.

It is precisely because of this that in 1990 the British Muggle government decided to join a new currency system created by Western European countries in order to get rid of the restrictions of the United States. This currency system, the European exchange rate system, is actually a treaty to convert the currencies of various countries The mechanism is locked together. To put it bluntly, each currency can only float within a certain range of exchange rates. Once this range is exceeded, the central banks of each member country need to intervene in the market to stabilize the currency exchange rate.

And these are all operated with the German currency “Mark” at that time as the core operation.

This system quickly became a tool. The Muggle representative of the Black Wizard, a businessman named George took advantage of the weaknesses of this system and launched a monetary “hunt” on British Muggle society in Jon’s In my memory, the United Kingdom in the previous life was basically beaten by this George helpless, and was beaten to an economic crash in 1992. At this point in time, the British Muggle society is facing a rapid economic recession and deflation. The problem.

At a time when German Muggle society was facing inflation and had to raise interest rates, British Muggle society needed to increase inflation because of economic decline, so it was urgent to lower interest rates at this time to stimulate the economic recovery of its own society.

The conflict appeared at this time. In order to maintain this “European exchange rate system”, the United Kingdom must maintain an extremely high exchange rate and interest rate like Germany. This puts the United Kingdom facing a dilemma.

According to Mundell’s ternary paradox, (that is, under the conditions of an open economy, the independence of the country’s monetary policy, exchange rate policy, and the free circulation of capital cannot be achieved at the same time. At most two goals can be met at the same time, and the other goal needs to be abandoned. To achieve the purpose of regulation), under the premise of maintaining a stable exchange rate and free capital flow, the United Kingdom still wants to maintain high interest rates, which in itself is an impossible thing to do.

And Jon knew that this representative of the German Dark Wizard, George, was betting that the British Muggle government could not maintain these three at the same time, and had to abandon exchange rate stability and withdraw from the European exchange rate mechanism. At that time, the British currency pound sterling would collapse. Fell.

Jon doesn’t know much about economics, but one thing is obvious.

If the economy collapses, it will inevitably cause social panic. At that time, the British wizarding community based on Muggle society will become a large sieve, which will be infiltrated and disintegrated by those dark wizards.

“That is the real disaster!”

Jon murmured, sitting by the window.

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