HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 50

Chapter 49 Rowena, I saw it

Jon really didn’t expect that after he had obtained part of Ravenclaw’s inheritance, he could inadvertently receive Ravenclaw’s gift again at this time.

After all, a pair of glasses has made Jon a lot of gains. The help of this pair of glasses to Jon is very obvious and lasting. This gift is really unexpected. It is probably because of Helga’s magic circle. Unintentionally turned on the magic left on the glasses.

However, Jon estimated that Ravenclaw himself might not have thought that his last design would be obtained by an eleven-year-old wizard many years later.

And Jon also felt that when Ravenclaw decided to leave this world, he still had kindness to the world.

In other words, she still has kindness towards her friends.

This legendary witch, in the last period of her life, saw the true face of the magical world, and then through some kind of magic, she preserved what she saw.

If her friends enter her study later and get the glasses, her discovery and the world she sees will be seen by this friend.

So, this was originally a show prepared for the legendary wizard. What she wanted to prove was that her exploration of magic was not wrong, and she might even want to redeem this friendship with Salazar Slytherin. .

However, Rowena Ravenclaw has paid too much for the exploration of magic, and it has not been able to support it before all this happens.

“If you say that, it’s actually not impossible.”

After listening to Jon’s narration, the sad expression appeared on Helga’s face again. Her voice was still gentle, but Jon heard a little hoarseness.

He didn’t speak because he really didn’t know what to say.

At this time, no matter what you say, it’s not appropriate.

“Roina has been devoted to exploring the essence of magic all her life. With her understanding of magic, it is so easy to keep her soul in other ways before death. Gryffindor and I were both Very difficult to understand, but I have never doubted this-we fully respect Rowena’s decision, after all, there are already many things in the world that make her unhappy.”

When Helga talked about the past, she became like a real old lady.

But this state did not last long, and Helga also considered that Jon had just experienced a magical overdraft, and it was time for an urgent need to rest.

“Of course, of course, I think I should go to rest now.”

Jon was taken aback after hearing Helga’s request. He originally thought Helga would take him to the portrait space to see what changed, but now his condition is actually not very good.

But before leaving, he still added a sentence.

“The memory of that part of the world that I see through my glasses is being lost. I wonder if you can get this part of the memory out. Although the perception is my own, it is left by Ms. Ravenclaw after all. Something from her friend.”

Jon is not lying.

His background is good, but for the huge amount of information such as the essence of magic, it is as thin as a soft piece of paper.

Give the picture of memory to Helga so that Helga can always see and remember.

Helga was taken aback when he heard this, and then hesitantly nodded.

She was able to bring part of Jon’s soul into the world of portraits when Jon was unconscious, and it was also possible to extract part of the memory.

is a legendary witch after all.

Jon raised his wand and pointed it on his temple. He did nothing but recalled the scenes he had just seen in accordance with Helga’s request. Then, a ray of memory broke away from his temple and followed the guide of the wand. Into the portrait.

Helga in the portrait dragged Jon’s memory in his hands, and then watched Jon leave.

She could see that the magic inspired by Jon and left over by Rowena had not really evolved.

There is still part of this magic that has not been activated, but Helga has a way.

She turned around and walked towards the depths of the portrait. This time, she and the soul depicted in the portrait were merged into one, forming a slender figure. The purple dress was spread on the ground like flowing water, and it was embroidered with gold thread. Now, the deep coat of arms shines again.

This is how she and her friends looked when they first came to Hogwarts, and now she is as if she has never grown old.

She waved her hand, the wisp of memory flew out, there was no wind in the portrait space, but Helga needed it, so a wisp of wind appeared, blowing Jon’s memory away.

That magnificent magical picture scroll slowly unfolded in front of Helga’s eyes in the huge portrait space at this moment.

Helga looked at the picture scroll, and after a while, she looked back again and looked at her side.

There is a silver figure who does not know when it will appear. On the silver-gray robe, a flying eagle is embroidered with purple silk thread.

Her appearance is also the same as when she first saw her, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has not changed much.

“Helga, long time no see.”

The woman who appeared suddenly smiled, raised her hand and patted Helga on the back.

is still as close as before.

Helga waved, and a sofa appeared behind the two people. They sat down and looked at each other’s appearance.

“Are you staying here for so many years?”

Helga nodded, the time in the portrait space was not obvious, and she didn’t feel lonely.

Rowena knew her well—even if there was only a thought left by Rowena—she leaned down gently and lay on Helga’s lap.

“Let’s just stay like this for a while, okay?”

Helga stretched out his hand to cover Rowina’s head, did not speak, but already agreed with gestures.

She embraced Rowena’s body, tenderly like an older sister.

The two quietly stared at the memory picture in front of them dissipating, watching the magic factor spread out and disappear into the endless wild.

That beautiful scene is really shocking.

Rowena’s eyes were as bright as stars, she asked softly.

“Helga, did you see it? I found the magic.”

In her eyes, there is no reluctance, no regrets, only calm starlight.

is extremely pure.

“It looks like magic, how beautiful it looks.”


Helga looked at this leftover thought, and gradually became illusory, and the pair of childlike eyes gradually closed.

She said, “Yes, I saw it.”

The appearance of magic, your hard work, and your obsession.

Rowena, I have seen them all.

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