HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 In the name of continuing the family blo

Jon was sitting on the table with huge doubts, and he was fidgeting.

He is indeed a little afraid of his father being a little green man, and of course he is also afraid of having a father from a pure-blooded family.

Or, I was actually adopted?

Oh, my God.

Jon’s mind was spinning quickly, trying to think about which of the Holy Twenty-Eight Clan had distinctive features that could match him, and another very serious matter.

In his impression, if you don’t count the thin-blooded pure-blood family like your grandmother’s family, there is almost no pure-blood family in Hogwarts that is not Slytherin related, except for the Weasley family.

Of course he will not be a member of the Weasley family, at least his hair is black.

The sky is a lesson, he doesn’t want to have a relationship with those pure-blood wizard families in Slytherin at all.

Perhaps noticing that her grandson was a little embarrassed, Mrs. Carolina blinked at her daughter. Then the elegant old lady took out a delicate small wooden box from under the table and waved it to Jon’s. before.

“My dear, we haven’t officially congratulated you on being a prospective freshman at Hogwarts.”

Jon glanced at the box in front of him, always feeling that there was a very big secret hidden inside.

He ignored the box, just set it aside, raised the wine glass and touched his grandmother at a distance, and took a sip of the watermelon juice inside.

“Why don’t you open it? This is a pretty good gift.”

Mrs. Carolina said with a smile.

Jon’s heart became more and more disturbed. The contents of the box—or the truth or something—are Schrodinger’s cat to him. As long as he doesn’t open it, he won’t know the final result.

“I think it’s better to wait for dinner and go back to the room to see it. It might be a little bit mysterious.”

Mrs. Carolina laughed, but Mrs. Smith turned her head and motioned to Jon to open the box.

I have to listen to the mother’s order. After all, no matter who the father is, the mother will definitely have no problem.

Jon reluctantly picked up the box, ready to accept the final result.

“Does father know about this?”

Before opening the box, he still wanted to determine if the truth touched his bottom line.

“Open it, dear Jon.”

Mr. Smith obviously didn’t understand what his son meant. He replied: “I just learned about it just now. To be honest, I’m as shocked as you.”

That is to say, what he guessed is actually correct?

But why do you say this with a smile, father, is this something to be happy about?

Jon was a little surprised and confused, but didn’t show it.

Isn’t he a real kid, some emotions can be handled very well.

Then he gently turned the **** on the box and opened the box.

Very good, there are a few stacked sheets of paper inside, because it has been left for a long time, it has become a little yellow.

Could it be the letter left by the father who has never met?

Jon opened the pieces of paper with a slightly trembling hand, looked at it again with great courage, then silently put the paper down, and looked at his mother with inquisitive eyes.

He didn’t understand.

But one thing is obvious, this is not a letter, but something like a contract.

“This is the title deed to the Smith’s old house, the old house next to the manor.”

It was not Mrs. Lynn Smith who explained aloud, but Mr. Smith who was sitting next to her.

And his tone rose, obviously in an excited tone: “I only learned today that the Smith family was once a wizarding family, but it has not been a wizard for several generations, but Jon, my proud son, You inherited the blood of the wizard of our Smith family and became a new little wizard. Starting today, our family’s old house and Gringotts vault will be yours.”

Jon: “?”

sounds pretty awesome, but I didn’t understand it too much.

Fortunately, Mrs. Carolina is a considerate old lady. She explained to her grandson in time: “The Smith family was still a wizarding family a few generations ago. At that time, our two families lived together, but I don’t know why. A few generations ago, the blood of the wizards of the Smith family was suddenly cut off. Even if they were intermarried with other pure-blood wizard families, they did not give birth to magical children. This phenomenon continued until your father. After discussing with your grandfather, I decided Try it again, I didn’t expect that you really inherited the wizard blood.”

…This is really incredible news.

“Well, let me sort it out. My father is actually a descendant of a pure-blood wizard family. He chose to marry his mother in order to awaken the blood of the family wizard. Is that right?”

“Simply put, yes.”

Mr. Smith nodded: “But your mother and I really love each other. We didn’t know about this before. I thought you just inherited your mother’s wizarding blood.”

What a coincidence, he thinks so too.

With a series of horrible conjectures triggered by Bella’s foreshadowing, although this answer sounds incredible, it is more acceptable to Jon.

The Smiths were very satisfied with the receptive ability shown by their sons. The expected surprise did not appear, which made them very happy.

“Then, this matter is settled like this. I will contact you tomorrow to renovate the old house. You can live in your grandmother’s house for a few days, and then you can move in. It may be unaccustomed to live alone. You may be able to invite Bella will go to live together.”


Jon suspected that he was under the Forgetting Curse, why didn’t he remember when he agreed to it, and: “Why should I live by myself? Don’t you two stay with me?”

“This, I’m afraid it will not work.”

Mr. Smith looked distressed: “You know, mom and dad both have jobs. It’s better to live in Greenwich. And it’s good to live here alone. I heard your mom say that you can live here. You are free to use magic, and the Ministry of Magic will not send you warning letters.”

Yes, I know all this!

Jon suspected that his father was not telling the truth, and then asked: “But mom doesn’t need to go to work for work! Let her stay here with me.”

“Don’t worry, Jon.”

This time, it was not Mrs. Smith who spoke, but Aunt May, who had been silent. The middle-aged witch said in a gentle voice: “Aunt will take good care of you. Your family has finally reappeared in the blood of wizards. I miss your father. Mom needs to give birth to some younger siblings.”


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