HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 74

Chapter 72 Rebellion plan

The attitude of the witch outside the door is very obvious.

It is good if he is willing to go. If he is not willing, he will wait until the execution time has passed.

But magic has a time effect. He can afford to wait, but magic can’t afford it. Once the time limit is over, all the arrangements are gone.

Only the last signpost is left. As long as it is completed, then the agreement between the Association and the Dark Lord will be all over, and at that time, he will be the biggest hero.

Edmund was holding a water glass, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly calculated the possibility of completing the plan ahead of schedule.

Although he is trapped in the basement now, it does not mean that he is willing to be trapped here.

Since the originally planned execution time did not work, it was implemented ahead of time, and the last one was a try. Everyone was happy when it was completed. If the mess was not completed, it was thrown to the British dark wizards.

Touched the piano box with his left hand, and Edmund lay down on the bed again.

Take a good rest first, and wait until the evening, that is my home court.


Hogwarts, self-study room of the Hufflepuff Institute for Magic Research.

Jon is finishing the transformation class homework and the spell class essay that is about to be handed in here, Fren and Scully are sitting behind him, also struggling to write.

The only Steven who was not there had completed his homework a week ago, when the homework was just assigned, and this classmate who was not here should now communicate with Eddie from Ravenclaw College somewhere.

Homework is not difficult for Jon, and the paper is a piece of cake. After writing these tasks in a hurry, Jon and the two roommates sitting behind him greeted them and went straight back to the dormitory.

Steven is already waiting for him in the dormitory.

“How’s it going?”

Steven made a good gesture: “He agreed, and he accepted your bracelet, but he said he wanted to ensure his safety. I agreed to this for you.”

Having been involved in the management of the Magic Research Society for so long, Stephen is really handy in doing this kind of thing.

11 years old, in fact, is not too young, only those children who are protected by their parents in the ivory tower will reach this age and remain naive.

“How did you do it? I think he is tricky.”

Stephen smiled mysteriously and leaned in front of Jon: “Because I am Stephen, secret.”

Let’s go, the secret is secret.

Jon didn’t really want to know what Stephen did. Compared to the results that have been achieved, the process is not so important.

I just don’t know how the obstinate Eddie now became the Eddie who had escaped character in the original book.

“By the way, are you going?”

Inside Stephen’s bed curtain, Jon leaned on the bed ladder and looked at Stephen looking for something in the storage shelf.

“Where are you going?”

Steven was taken aback, then reacted.

“I’m not going, I’m not as reckless as you guys, besides, you’d better take this opportunity to have a good relationship with that Eddie, I won’t influence you.”

“It’s like I’m doing something bad.” Jon raised his eyebrows: “I’m serious about this to you, don’t talk about those useless, your strength is always better than Eddie. Up.”

“Don’t go.”

Steven is concise and blunt: “A good student never travels at night.”


Coming out of Stephen’s bed curtain, Jon tidied his clothes, turned his head and left the dormitory.

Earlier this evening, he received a note from Professor Sprout, hoping that he could go to the office.

Although I don’t know why he was called over suddenly, Jon was still ready to respond.

Soon after.

“Professor, can I come in?”

Jon knocked on the office door respectfully, and after a while, Professor Sprout’s kind voice came from inside.

“come in.”

Professor Sprout sits awkwardly behind the desk, looking like he has been waiting for some time.

“Have been waiting, Professor, do you have anything you need me to do?”

“Sit, Jon.” Professor Sprout had the same smile on his face: “That’s it, Professor Flitwick and I discussed that I want to let a few lower Ravenclaw students join our magic research. Learn, what do you think of this proposal?”

Ravenclaw’s student? What is going on here? Did you steal the teacher?

Jon was silent, but he also knew that Professor Sprout would call him to mean that she had no opinion on this matter, and calling him over was just because of habit.

For such a long time, whenever there is anything related to the Magic Research Society, Professor Sprout will at least say a few words to Jon, because Jon is relatively early and can make many good suggestions.

Jon doesn’t think there is any problem with this, others don’t know, but his opinion still weighs a bit in the whole society.

“There is nothing wrong with this matter. If it is just a lower grade student, it will have no effect on us. Professor, you can agree. I believe everyone will be warm and hospitable.”

The improved spells of the Magic Research Society are not taught in the first and second grades Professor Flitwick must have freshmen whom he values, and he can only use this method to teach under the premise of not breaking the rules. .

In fact, to put it bluntly is a face problem. Although the senior Ravenclaw students have learned Hufflepuff’s improved spells, they have no tendency to give these spells to their younger students—teaching. It is tantamount to admitting that the reform curse of his academy is not as strong as Hufflepuff, let alone Ravenclaw, who has always been known for his wisdom, and the students of Gryffindor and Slytherin will not bear it. This kind of thing.

Except for Bella, she had already got the Improving Charm from Jon, but she didn’t teach it. Instead, she beat Jon to show her righteousness.

A college with the most stringent admission conditions is relatively speaking, and it loses to a college with the least stringent admission conditions. This kind of thing will be difficult to accept for adults, let alone children who are easily impulsive. Up.

That’s why Professor Flitwick can come up with this method. Students join a club in their spare time. Isn’t that club in the school made up of students from multiple colleges?

Externally speaking, it is exchange and learning, and learn from each other, and no one loses.

Jon didn’t think the original intention of this incident was “no one loses”, but he does have a way to make this thing “no one loses”. By then, the students of that college will learn more and it’s still hard to say. It.

got the support of Jon, Professor Sprout also relaxed a lot.

So the witch wrote back to Professor Flitwick on the spot, and Jon took the opportunity to leave the office.

Speaking of exchange studies, Eddie might also be able to come here, in that case.

should help him instigate rebellion.

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