HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 781

Chapter 768 Past (below)

“HP approached the magic world (

But they met again later.

In less than a year, the distraught Fudge suddenly appeared out of thin air in the cabinet meeting room, telling the Prime Minister that “Ghost and Strange” (at least it sounds like these words) was in trouble at the World Cup, and several Muggles were squandered. “Involved” in, but the Prime Minister need not worry, although the mysterious person’s mark has appeared again, it doesn’t explain much of the problem.

Fudge believed this was an isolated incident, and while they were talking, the Muggle Liaison Office was busy revising the memory.

“Oh, I almost forgot,” Fudge said again. “In order to hold the Triwizard Tournament, we have to import three fire dragons and a sphinx from abroad. This is a common practice, but the people from the Department of Fantastic Beast Management and Control told me that in accordance with It is stipulated that if we bring particularly dangerous animals into this country, we need to notify you.”

“I—what—fire dragon?” the Prime Minister stammered.

“Yes, three,” Fudge said, “and a sphinx.

Well, I wish you all the best. ”

The Prime Minister luckily hoped that there would be no more terrible things than the Fire Dragon and Sphinx, but he was wrong.

In less than two years, Fudge emerged from the fire again, and this time the news was: A mass escape occurred in Azkaban.

“Collective escape?” the Prime Minister repeated in a hoarse voice.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry!”

Fudge said loudly, one foot had stepped into the flames, “We will kill them all at once-just think we should let you know!”

Before the Prime Minister yelled “Hey, wait a minute!” Fudge had disappeared into a green spark.

Regardless of what the media and the opposition say, the prime minister is not a stupid person.

He noticed that even though Fudge had promised him when they met for the first time, they actually see each other often now, and every time they meet Fudge, they seem to be more upset.

The Prime Minister was reluctant to think of the Minister of Magic, but he couldn’t help but worry that the next time Fudge appeared, he would definitely bring even worse news.

Therefore, when he saw Fudge stepping out of the fire again, he thought it was the worst thing that had happened this hapless week.

Fudge was disheveled, looked irritable, and seemed to be angry and surprised at how the Prime Minister didn’t understand why he was visiting.

“How would I know-um-what happened in the wizarding world?”

The Prime Minister said bluntly at this time, “I want to manage a country. There are enough things to worry about at the moment -”

“The things we worry about are the same.” Fudge interrupted him. “The Brockdale Bridge is not in disrepair; the wind is not actually a hurricane; the murders were not Muggles. .

Also, if Herbert Jolay is gone, his family will be safer.

We are currently arranging to transfer him to the St. Mungo Hospital for Magical Injuries, which can be done tonight. ”

“How are you… I’m afraid I… what?”

Fudge took a deep breath and said, “Prime Minister, I regret to tell you that he is back.

The demon who can’t even mention his name is back. ”

“I’m back? You said he’s back, he’s still alive? I mean—”

The Prime Minister searched his memory for the specific content of the terrible conversation three years ago. At that time, Fudge talked to him about the sorcerer whom everyone talked about, the sorcerer who mysteriously disappeared after committing countless heinous crimes 15 years ago. .

“Yeah, still alive,”

Fudge said, “Is it alive-I can’t tell-is a person who can’t be killed still alive? I don’t understand what is going on, and Dumbledore refuses to explain it-but no matter what Said that he must have a body that can walk, talk, and kill people, so I think, as far as the topics we are talking about, he is indeed alive.”

After hearing this, the Prime Minister didn’t know what to say, but he had a deep-rooted habit. No matter what topic he talked about, he would show that he knew everything, so he searched hard in his memory for the last few conversations. Content.

“Is Black Wolf and-um-with the demon who can’t even mention the name?”


Fudge said upset, turning his yar top quickly with his fingers.

“You mean Sirius Black? Black is dead, and only later discovered that, well, we made a mistake about Black.

He turned out to be innocent, and he didn’t collude with the demon who couldn’t even mention his name. I mean,”

The yar top turned faster in his hand: “All the evidence shows-there are more than fifty eyewitnesses-but he is dead.

It was actually killed.

Right where the Ministry of Magic is located, this matter must be investigated…”

Hearing this, the Prime Minister suddenly felt compassion towards Fudge, which surprised him himself.

However, his sympathy was fleeting, and was immediately replaced by a feeling of self-satisfaction.

He thought that although he did not have the ability to show himself from the fireplace, there had never been a murder case in the government department under his jurisdiction… at least not yet…

The Prime Minister secretly knocked on the wooden table. This is the habit of many peoples in the world: If you talk about or think of something unlucky, knock on the nearby wooden thing quickly to avoid it.

Fudge continued: “But Black’s matter is over. The problem now is that we are in the middle of a war Prime Minister, and some measures must be taken.”

“During the war?” the Prime Minister repeated anxiously. “This must be an exaggeration.”

“Some of the followers of the demon who can’t even mention the name, after escaping from Azkaban in January, went to him again.”

Fudge spoke faster and faster, and the bowler hat turned like flying, turning into a fuzzy yellow-green. “Since their public appearance, they have caused a lot of damage.

The Brockdale Bridge—he collapsed, the Prime Minister, he threatened that unless I was with him, he would massacre Muggles—”

“Oh my God, those people who were killed turned out to be your problems, but I was forced to answer those inexplicable questions about rusty equipment, decayed expansion joints, etc.!”

“my question!”

Fudge flushed and said, “Are you saying you would succumb to such a threat?”

“Maybe not,” the Prime Minister said, standing up, walking around the room in strides, “but I will try my best to catch the person who threatened me and prevent him from committing such a cruel crime! ”

“Do you think I didn’t make every effort?” Fudge asked excitedly. “Every Auror in the Ministry of Magic is trying to find him and round up his followers to this day! But what we are talking about now happens to be He is the most powerful wizard ever, and he has been at large for nearly 30 years!”

“I think you will tell me next, he caused the hurricane in the west too, right?”

With every step he took, the anger in his heart increased by one point.

He discovered the cause of all those terrible disasters, but he couldn’t tell the public. It was so irritating. It would be better if it was the government’s fault.

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