HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 784

Chapter 771 Snape’s visitor

A few minutes ago, many miles away from the Magic Research Association.

The mist that once wandered outside the Prime Minister’s window is now floating on a dirty river.

The river twists and turns, weeds grow on both sides, and **** piles up.

A huge chimney, a relic from an abandoned mill, stands high up, gloomy and ominous.

There was no sound around, only the black water was whimpering, and there was no sign of life, only a lean fox sneaked down the river bank, hopefully sniffing a few fried fish and potato chips in the deep weeds. Wrapping paper.

At this time, with a soft pop, a slender figure wearing a hood appeared out of thin air by the river.

The fox was stunned, staring at the new strange figure with alert eyes.

The figure seemed to be figuring out its own position, and after a while, he strode briskly forward, the long cloak rustling across the grass.

There was another puff, louder than before, and another figure in a hood appeared.

“and many more!”

The fox was almost lying in the low bushes at the moment, and he was even more frightened when he heard the hoarse shout.

It whizzed out from where it was hiding and ran to the shore.

With a green light and a scream, the fox fell to the ground and died.

“It turned out to be just a fox,” a woman’s disdainful voice came from under the hood, “I thought it was an Auror–Cissy, wait a minute!”

However, the person chased by her just stopped to look at the flash, and was crawling on the bank of the river where the fox had just fallen.

“Cissy-Narcissa-listen to me -”

The second woman caught up with the first woman and grabbed her arm, but she broke free.

“Go back, Bella!”

“You must listen to me!”

“I’ve heard it, and my determination is made. Leave me alone!”

The woman named Narcissa climbed to the bank of the river, and an old railing separated the river from a narrow pebble alley.

Another woman, Bella, followed immediately.

They stood side by side, looking at the rows of dilapidated brick houses on the side of the alley. The windows of the houses looked black and lifeless in the night.

“He lives here?”

Bella asked contemptuously, “In this Muggle trash? Our people must have never visited before—”

But Narcissa did not listen. She had drilled through a gap in the rusty railing and was hurriedly crossing the alley.

“Cissy, wait a minute!”

Bella followed, her cloak floating behind her.

She saw Narcissa swiftly passing through an alley between the houses and turning into another almost identical street.

Several street lights have been broken, and the two running women are sometimes illuminated by lights and sometimes shrouded in darkness.

Just when the woman in front turned around another street corner, the one behind caught up with her, and this time finally grabbed her by the arm and turned her around, and the two stood face to face.

“Cissy, you must not do this, you must not trust him—”

“Even the Dark Lord believes him, doesn’t it?”

“The Dark Lord must be… I believe… he must have made a mistake.”

Bella said breathlessly. She looked left and right to see if there was anyone, her eyes twinkling under her hood.

“Anyway, we can’t disclose the plan to anyone. That means betraying the Dark Lord—”

“Let go of me, Bella!”

Narcissa roared, drew a magic wand from the cloak and held it threateningly in front of the opponent.

Bella just smiled.

“Cissy, do this to your sister? You won’t—”

“There is nothing I can’t do now!”

Narcissa lowered her voice and said, with a hint of hysteria in her tone. She slashed her wand down like a knife, and there was another flash of light. Bella seemed to have been burned by the fire, and immediately let go of her sister’s arm.


But Narcissa had already rushed forward.

Bella rubbed her hands and followed again, but now she and Narcissa kept a distance, and the two of them walked deeper into the maze of abandoned brick houses.

Finally, Narcissa walked quickly to a street called Spider’s Tail Alley. The tall mill chimney rose in the sky like a huge finger raised in warning.

She walked past dilapidated windows nailed with wooden boards, and her footsteps on the cobblestones echoed.

She came to the last house, and a dim light leaked from the curtain in the room downstairs.

When Bella came up with a curse, she had knocked on the door.

Together they stood outside the door and waited, panting slightly, sniffing the smell of the sewage river blown by the evening wind.

After a few seconds, they heard movement behind the door, and then the door was opened a crack. A man looked at them, with long black hair draped on both sides like curtains, with a gray face and a pair in the middle. Jet black eyes.

Narcissa lifted her hood behind her head. Her face was very pale, as if glowing white in the night, with long golden hair draped behind her back, making her look like a drowning person Naxisha! ”

The man said that he opened the door wider, and the light not only hit her, but also her sister.

“It’s amazing and happy!”

“Severus,” Narcissa said nervously, “may I talk to you? It’s urgent.”

“of course.”

He stepped back and let her into the house.

Her sister, who was still wearing a hood, also followed, although she was not invited.

“Snape.” She greeted briefly as she passed him.

“Bellatrix,” Snape replied, his thin lips twisted into a slightly sarcasm smile, and the door closed behind them with a click.

They walked directly into a small living room, which felt like a dark, soft-walled cell.

A room in a mental hospital or prison where the walls are lined to prevent self-injury by the prisoner…Several walls are books, most of which are old black or brown leather covers; a candle-lit lamp comes from the ceiling It hung down, casting a dim aperture, squeezing and squeezing close to each other a frayed sofa, an old armchair, and a rickety table.

There is a desolate and deserted atmosphere in this place, and it seems that no one lives normally.

Snape motioned to Narcissa to sit on the sofa. Narcissa took off her cloak and threw it aside, and sat down, staring at her pale and trembling hands that crossed her knees.

Bellatrix slowly lowered his hood. Her sister is surprisingly white, but her skin is very dark, with thick eyelids and a wide chin.

She walked over and stood behind Narcissa, her gaze did not leave Snape for a moment.

“So, what can I do for you?” Snape asked, sitting down in the armchair opposite the sisters.

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