HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Before school starts

Two weeks before he went to Hogwarts, Jon finally lived in his own old house, and he lived in with him, as well as his textbooks, clothes, owls, cousin Bella, and A bookstore in Diagon Alley bought two gallons and a pile of old books, some of the magical objects now placed in Jon’s study from the Gringotts Smith family vault, and Jon’s house elf, Caledy.

The imprint of the elf’s enslavement has been transferred to Jon’s hands, but when Jon saw it for the first time, he felt that the elf had not lived well at the original owner’s house. He looked thin, small and taciturn. It took Jon a lot of work to adjust Caledy to a state where he can communicate normally.

Such a precious magical creature as an elf, it would be a pity to use it as a slave.

Therefore, in addition to doing housework and three meals a day, Caledy also does Jon practice magic sparring.

Although Jon knew a lot of spells, his ability to cast spells was so weak that it was a mess. The spells seemed simple, but it was very difficult to actually cast them.

Whether magic can work smoothly is actually a matter that is extremely dependent on the wizard’s own ability. Jon almost meets the standards in the main points of the book, and there is Bella’s auxiliary teaching next to it, but it is still the most basic floating magic. Can’t show it.

Hermione? How did Granger master most of the first-grade magic in a month?

With his mind full of questions, Jon’s training became harder and harder, and he was almost immersed in magic practice and couldn’t extricate himself.

Fortunately, hard work is always effective. The learning ability cultivated in the previous life has brought Jon another level of talent. As long as he enters the door of magic, he will not be unable to use it, or even be able to. By analogy, try different applications of the magic in different environments.

Just like in “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”, Ron used a floating curse to hammer down a troll.

Thank you for the exam-oriented education.

In just half a month, with Jon’s unremitting efforts, he finally mastered most of the spells that he had to learn in the first grade, and also had a certain grasp of transfiguration and potions.

Regarding his efforts, Bella showed a certain degree of confusion, because she had never had any problems with her studies while studying at Ravenclaw College, even if her grades were only at a mid-level level, she had never studied. What’s wrong with it.

So Bella couldn’t think of what a little wizard who hadn’t enrolled in so hard to practice the spell, is he afraid that he would not be able to graduate?

Naturally, Jon would not tell the real reason for doing this. He was just preparing for the coming dark age in the future. Otherwise, he could not wait for Harry Potter to defeat Voldemort and he would be killed by the Death Eaters. ?

Cousin Bella was two years older than him. When Voldemort was resurrected, she just caught up with Bella’s seventh-grade graduation. When she hid in the house, naturally there would be no danger.

Jon knows very well that his grandmother, Carolina Young, is definitely a witch with powerful magic power.

And another reason is that what he has in his mind is also very dangerous for him. Just in case, Occlumency must be learned quickly, and the magic spell, an indispensable magic for night travel, must also be learned.

He is so difficult!

The pen in Jon’s hand paused on the paper, smearing a smear of ink. After sorting out his messy thoughts, he tore off the dirty note paper and threw it into the trash.

His study has a protective curse, except for him and the elf Kaledi, it is difficult for others to enter easily.

This is also to prevent Bella from seeing some magic books. Without exception, those magic books involve the unforgivable curse.

When the elf helps him sort out the trash, it will also use magic to destroy all the trash, so that some of the words written by Jon will not be discovered by others.

Even if it is written in simplified Chinese.

According to Jon’s idea, actually entering Hogwarts at this time is not a particularly good thing.

After all, he didn’t know much about Harry Potter’s first-year students. The one he knew best was the Asian girl who fell in love with Harry Potter, Qiu Zhang, so he had to be careful with Get along with your classmates so as not to miss anything.

So the image of a lonely, eccentric, and mediocre little wizard who likes to read bizarre books appeared in Jon’s mind.

Hey? Isn’t this the image of a witch from the previous life?

Jon sighed silently, and stuffed the notebook in his hand into the small suitcase.

This small suitcase is filled with space expansion curse and weight loss curse, and it has been stuffed with all the things needed to start school and a few easy-to-action casual clothes. It is not very heavy to carry, which prevents Jon from having to carry the big The trouble of box admission. Bella also has one of the same suitcase, and Jon’s one was used by his mother when he was a child.

Lv box is very durable and its style is not out of date.

School will start in two days, and Jon is still looking forward to it.

Aside from the irritating things just now, Hogwarts is definitely a holy place for learning magic.

Both the library and the Room for Needs, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has a large number of magic books, and every professor who teaches at Hogwarts has extremely high magic skills—Harry Potter second grade At that time, the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, except for Guidro Lockhart, was a liar who could only forget the spell.

However, if the liar can do so successfully, he must be outstanding. Jon does have knowledge like the professor asks for the oblivion curse. For these magics that involve memory, each is quite advanced and difficult. Self-taught.

Of course, that is two years later.

After recounting the things to bring, Jon stuffed his own collection of several books and a set of old crucibles into the ring on his finger. This ring is a collection in the Smith family’s vault. The effect is similar to that in a Chinese novel. There is a small hidden compartment on the silver ring, plus the space expansion curse and weight loss curse. There is a cubic space in it, which is very convenient for carrying some small items.

“Jon! Are you ready? We’re leaving now!”

Bella’s voice came from downstairs. She was here to tell Jon to leave. Tonight they will go back to Greenwich via the Floo network, and then go from Greenwich to King’s Cross Station.

“Okay, come down now.”

Jon locked the door of the study, glanced at Bella, who was wearing a water-spun long skirt downstairs, and solemnly explained the precautions for him not to be at home with Caledy next to him.

Such as avoiding Muggle intrusion, avoiding others from entering the magic practice room and study room, even his parents cannot.

Kaledi solemnly stated that he would not let down the owner’s expectations, and then watched Jon leave.

This is the eve of Jon’s journey to Hogwarts, and there are still five years before the storm of the magical world arrives.

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