HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 808

Chapter 795 Overheard

“Yes, that’s right,”

Ginny said, “But when I looked for him last time, there was no doubt that he was just one boy, not five.

What are those? ”

She pointed to a large pile of pink and purple fluffy balls, which rolled around at the bottom of a cage, screaming harshly.

“Pygmy puffer,” George said. “We can’t make them reproduce very quickly with miniature puffballs. So, what’s the matter with Michael Kona?”

“I dumped him, he was a shameful loser.”

Ginny put a finger into the cage as she said, and watched all the dwarf cats gather around, “They are so cute!”

“Yeah, it’s really lovely.”

Fred reluctantly admitted, “But your boyfriend is a little too diligent, right?”

Ginny turned and stared at him, her hands on her back.

The angry expression on her face resembled Mrs. Weasley, and Harry was surprised that Fred hadn’t flinched.

“You don’t need to control my business.

and also,”

At this time, Ron suddenly appeared beside George with a bunch of merchandise in his arms. She shouted at Ron annoyedly, “Excuse me, don’t make a rumor about me in front of them!”


Ron looked blank and at a loss, looking at his sister inexplicably.

But George and Fred knew to come out to make a relief.

“A total of three Gallons, nine Sicos, and one Nat,”

Fred looked carefully at the boxes in Ron’s arms and said, “Pay.”

“I am your brother!”

“What you took is ours. Three Gallons and nine Sichos. That Nat will spare you.”

“But I don’t have three Gallons, nine Sicos!”

“Then you’d better put things back, remember not to put them on the wrong shelf.”

Ron threw a few boxes away, swearing in his mouth, and made a rude gesture to Fred, but unfortunately, he was seen by Mrs. Weasley who happened to appear at this time.

“If I see you doing this again, I will chant a curse to glue your fingers together.”

“Mom, can I buy a dwarf cat?” Ginny asked immediately.

“One what?” Mrs. Weasley said warily.

“Look, how cute they are…”

Mrs. Weasley walked over to look at Pygmy Pu, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione could just see clearly what was outside the window. I saw Draco Malfoy walking hurriedly down the street alone.

He turned his head and glanced as he walked past Weasley’s Witchcraft and Wizardry.

After a few seconds, he walked through the window. They can’t see him anymore.

“I don’t know where his mother went.”

“It looks like he dumped his mother.”

“But why?”

Harry said nothing.

He was thinking nervously, Narcissa Malfoy herself certainly didn’t want to let her baby boy out of her sight.

Malfoy must have worked hard to get rid of her control.

Harry knew and hated Malfoy very much, he knew there would be no good things here.

He turned his head to look, Mrs. Weasley and Ginny were leaning over to look at the dwarf puffs.

Mr. Weasley happily pondered a Muggle deck of playing cards.

#888#Follow vx. public account [Book Friends Base Camp], watch popular masterpieces, draw 888 cash red envelopes!

Fred and George are busy receiving customers.

Outside the glass window, Hagrid stood with his back to them, monitoring the situation on the street.

“Quick, get in now.”

Harry took his invisibility cloak from his bag and said.

“Oh-how is this, Harry?”

Hermione looked hesitantly towards Mrs. Weasley and asked.

“Hurry up!” Ron said.

She hesitated for another second, then went under the invisibility cloak with Harry and Ron.

No one noticed their disappearance, everyone was attracted by Fred and George’s merchandise.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione squeezed out of the shop as quickly as possible, but when they came to the street, Malfoy had already disappeared as successfully as they did.

“He went in that direction.”

Harry kept his voice down as much as possible so that Hagrid, who was humming a little song, would not hear him.

“Hurry up.”

They hurried forward, paying attention to the shop windows and store doors on both sides of the street, and finally Hermione suddenly pointed to the front.

“He is there, isn’t he?”

She whispered, “Turn left?”

“It’s amazing.”

Malfoy looked around for a moment, then stepped into the Knockout Alley and disappeared.

“Quickly, don’t lose the target.” Harry said, speeding up his pace.

“Our feet will be seen!”

Hermione said worriedly, because the hem of the invisibility cloak was twitching around their ankles. Now it is more difficult for the three of them to hide under it than before.

“It’s okay,” Harry said impatiently. “Go!”

However, Knock Down Alley-this small street closely related to black magic was empty.

As they walked, they looked into the window, as if there were no customers in every store.

Harry suspected that buying – or being seen buying dark magic items during this dangerous and suspicious period would reveal your identity.

Hermione twisted his arm hard.


“Hush! Look! He’s in there!”

She whispered against Harry’s ear.

The shop next to them now is the only shop Harry ever visited in Knockdown Alley: the Bojin-Bok Black Magic Shop, which sells all kinds of dangerous and ominous things.

Sure enough, in the middle of the boxes full of skulls and old bottles Malfoy stood with his back to them, just behind the **** cabinet.

In order to avoid Malfoy and his father, Harry used to hide in that big cabinet.

Judging from Malfoy’s gestures, he was talking enthusiastically.

The owner, Mr. Borkin, was a man with shiny hair and a rickety figure, standing in front of Malfoy at the moment.

The expression on his face was strange, mixed with resentment and fear.

“If only we could hear what they were saying!”

“Yes you can!”

Ron said excitedly, “Wait—damn—”

He fumbled for the largest box, only to drop the two boxes he still held in his hands to the ground.

“Retract ears, look!”


Ron untied the flesh-colored strings and began to stretch them under the crack of the door, “I hope this door hasn’t been used…”


Ron said happily, “Listen!”

They put their heads together and listened intently to the end of the string. Malfoy’s voice came out clearly, as if turning on a radio.

“Do you know how to fix it?”

“Maybe,” Borgin said.

Judging from his tone, he seemed unwilling to make a clear statement.

“But I need to take a look first. Why don’t you bring it to the store?”

“I can’t,” said Malfoy, “it must stay where it is. You just need to tell me how to do it.”

Harry saw Borgin licking his lips nervously.

“I didn’t see it with my own eyes. I’m afraid it’s hard to tell. There may be no way at all. I can’t guarantee anything.”


Malfoy said that Harry knew he was sneering when he heard him: “Maybe it will make you more confident.”

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