HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 816

Chapter 802 Everyone is a good boy who loves class

“So, have people really seen the corpse?”

Parvati Pettil asked in her shrill voice, “Is he really using the corpse?”

“The Dark Lord used the corpse in the past,”

Snape said, “This means we should assume that he will use them again.

All right……”

He walked around to the other side of the classroom and walked towards the podium, his black robe swayed behind him, and the eyes of all the classmates followed him again.

“…I think you are still very new to the use of silent spells.

What are the benefits of    silent spell? ”

Hermione immediately raised her hand.

Snape glanced at the whole class calmly, saw that there was no other choice, and said bluntly: “Miss Granger?”

“The opponent doesn’t know what magic you plan to do,” Hermione said. “This gives you an instant advantage.”

“This answer is copied intact from “Standard Spells, Level 6″,”

Snape said contemptuously, “But it’s basically correct.

Yes, you can achieve an unexpected effect if you don’t read the spell aloud when you cast a spell.

Of course, not all wizards can do this.

This requires a lot of attention and willpower, and some people,”

His gaze stayed on Harry’s face again, “No.”

Harry knew that Snape was thinking of those terrible Occlumency classes last semester.

But he refused to lower his eyes, just glared at Snape, and finally Snape looked away.

“Now, you can divide into groups of two,”

Snape continued, “One tried to curse another, but not to say it out loud.

The other one tried to repel the curse, and he didn’t say anything.

let’s start. ”

Snape didn’t know. Last semester, Harry taught half of his classmates how to cast the Iron Armor Curse.

However, none of them chanted this spell silently.

As you can imagine, a lot of cheating followed.

Many classmates are chanting spells in a low voice, but they don’t amplify the sound.

Unsurprisingly, at ten minutes in class, Hermione successfully defeated Neville’s soft leg curse without saying a word.

Harry thought resentfully, for such a great grade, any reasonable teacher would add twenty points to Gryffindor, but Snape just didn’t see it.

While the students were practicing, he dragged his robe to patrol among them, as before, like a giant bat, and deliberately stopped to watch Harry and Ron practice hard.

Ron was about to cast a curse on Harry, his face flushed and his mouth closed tightly, for fear that he could not stop the temptation to chant the spell softly.

Harry held up his wand, nervously waiting to repel a spell that seemed to be never sent.

“That sucks, Weasley.” Snape looked at it for a while and said, “Come… let me show you…” 

When it was too late, he suddenly turned his wand toward Harry. Harry reacted instinctively, forgetting the silent curse, and yelled: “Armor!”

However, at this time, the iron armor curse he released was too powerful, and Snape was knocked out of balance and hit a table.

The whole class turned their heads and watched Snape struggling to gain his footing, his face full of anger.

“Do you remember that I told you that we were practicing silent spells, Potter?”


“Remember, sir.”

“You don’t need to call me ‘sir’, professor.”

Before he could react, he blurted out this sentence.

Several students around him gasped in surprise, including Hermione.

But behind Snape, Ron, Dean, and Seamer all smiled appreciatively.

“Saturday night, in my office.”

Snape said, “I don’t allow anyone to be rude to me, Potter… even the savior.”

“It’s so pretty, Potter!”

A moment later, Ron giggled happily when they came out for a break between classes.

“You shouldn’t have said that.”

Hermione frowned at Ron and said, “What happened to you?”

“He wanted to cast an evil spell on me, you probably didn’t notice it!”

Harry said angrily, “I’ve had enough of this in Occlumency class!

Why didn’t he find someone else to be his test subject?

What kind of medicine is sold in Dumbledore’s gourd that actually let him teach defensive art?

Did you hear the tone he used to talk about black magic?

He likes them!

All those unpredictable and indestructible things—”

“Yeah,” Hermione said, “I think his tone is a bit like you.”

“like me?”

“Yeah, that’s what you said when you told us how Voldemort felt.

You said, it’s not enough to be familiar with a lot of spells on your back. You still need your whole person, your mind and your courage-isn’t that what Snape said?

Didn’t he say that this involves bravery and quick thinking? ”

Harry didn’t expect Hermione to think that his words were as worth remembering as “Standard Spells”, and he immediately let go of his anger and didn’t say anything.

“Hey, Harry!”

Harry turned his head to look, and Jack Sloper, a batsman on the Gryffindor Quidditch team last semester, hurried towards him, holding a roll of parchment.

“For you.”

Sloper said breathlessly: “I heard you became the captain, when will you start the trials?”

“It hasn’t been decided yet,”

Harry said that he privately thought that Sloper would not return to the team unless the lucky stars were bright.

“I will notify you then.”

“Oh, okay. I had hoped this weekend—”

But Harry stopped listening to him He recognized the slender, slanted font on the parchment. Before Sloper could finish speaking, he hurriedly walked away with Ron and Hermione, and he unrolled the parchment as he walked. 

Dear Harry:

I plan to give you a separate lesson this Saturday.

Please come to my office at eight in the evening.

Hope you had a great first day of school.

you faithful

Albus Dumbledore

and: I like sour soda.

“He likes sour soda?”

Ron said, he read the text message across Harry’s shoulder, his face puzzled.

“This is the password of the stone monster outside his office.”

Harry lowered his voice and said, “Snape will definitely be upset…I can’t go to him and be locked up!”

The two of them were talking happily. Hermione suddenly felt her notebook vibrate slightly, and she quickly looked down at it. Fortunately, neither Harry nor Ron noticed her movement.

There is a line of words in the notebook, it should be an address, and the time is the same as Dumbledore gave it.

She is going to class too.


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