HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 823

Chapter 809 Hermione vomited


Harry said tentatively, “Is the thing you want to tell me related to the prophecy? Is it to help me… survive?”

“It has a lot to do with that prophecy.”

Dumbledore said, his tone was so casual, as if Harry was asking him what the weather would be like tomorrow, “Of course I hope it will help you survive.”

Dumbledore stood up, walked around the table, and walked past Harry.

Harry turned eagerly in his chair, watching Dumbledore leaning down in front of the cabinet by the door.

When Dumbledore straightened up, he held a shallow stone basin familiar to Harry in his hand, with a circle of weird symbols engraved on the mouth of the basin.

He put the **** on the table in front of Harry.

“You look worried.”

Indeed, Harry looked at the **** with worry and fear.

For this weird artifact that stores and displays thoughts and memories, the several experiences he had had before were quite enlightening, but they were all very uncomfortable.

For example, the last time he broke in without permission, he saw a lot of things he didn’t want to see.

However, Dumbledore had a smile on his face.

“This time, you enter the meditation basin with me… and, more unusually, you are permitted.”

“Where shall we go, sir?”

“Walk down the memory path of Bob Ogden.”

Dumbledore said as he took out a crystal bottle from his pocket, which contained a whirling silver-white thing.

“Who is Bob Ogden?”

“He worked in the Magic Law Enforcement Department.”

Dumbledore said, “He has been dead for some time.

But before he died, I tried to find him and convinced him to tell me these memories.

Now, we are going to accompany him to a place he visited during his mission.

Harry, stand up…”

But Dumbledore couldn’t pull out the cork of the crystal bottle: his injured hand seemed to hurt and he didn’t listen.

“May I come, sir?”

“It’s okay, Harry—”

Dumbledore pointed his magic wand at the bottle, and the stopper jumped out immediately.

“Sir-how did your hand hurt?”

Harry looked at the scorched fingers with disgust and sympathy, and asked again.

“It’s not the time to talk about this, Harry, it’s not yet time.

We have a date with Bob Ogden. ”

Dumbledore poured the silver substance from the bottle into the meditation basin, and they slowly rotated in the basin, emitting a faint gleam, neither liquid nor gas.

“You go in first.”

Dumbledore pointed to the meditation basin and said.

Harry leaned forward, took a deep breath, and plunged his head into the silver material.

He felt his feet leave the office floor.

He passed through the rotating darkness, falling down, falling, and suddenly, the strong sunlight stabbed him to close his eyes.

Before his eyes adjusted, Dumbledore landed beside him.

They were standing on a country road, with tall, tangled bushes and hedges on both sides, and the summer sky above them, as clear and blue as forget-me-not flowers.

About ten steps away in front of them, stood a short and chubby man. He was wearing a pair of glasses with very thick lenses. His eyes were reduced to two points, like the eyes of a mole.

He was reading a wooden road sign that protruded from the bushes on the left side of the path.

Harry knew this must be Ogden, because he couldn’t see anyone around, and he was wearing an ancient quirky outfit like those inexperienced wizards who wanted to dress like Muggles: a striped swimsuit outside. She wore a tuxedo coat and shoe covers on her feet.

As soon as Harry finished looking at his weird appearance, Ogden walked quickly down the path.

Dumbledore and Harry followed. As he passed the wooden signpost, Harry looked up at its two indicator arrows.

The one pointing to their path said: Great Hangleton, 5 miles.

pointed in the direction Ogden was going and wrote: Little Hangleton, 1 mile.

They walked for a while, and there was nothing else around, except for the tall bushes and hedges on both sides, the vast blue summer sky above their heads, and the rustling figure walking in front of them in a dress coat.

Then, the path turned to the left and descended steeply along the hillside, so they suddenly and unexpectedly found a valley, which was presented in front of them in an unobstructed view.

Harry saw a village, which was undoubtedly Little Hangleton, located between two steep hillsides, and the church and cemetery were clearly visible.

On the hillside opposite the valley, there is a very magnificent mansion surrounded by large green grass.

Ogden trot involuntarily because the downhill road was too steep.

Dumbledore took a step further, and Harry speeded up and followed behind.

He thought Little Hangleton must be their ultimate destination, so he was wondering why they had to walk so far, just like the night they went to find Slughorn.

Soon he realized that he had made a mistake. They were not going to the village.

turned the small road to the right, and when they turned the corner, they saw the hem of Ogden’s tuxedo and he disappeared in a gap in the fence.

Dumbledore and Harry followed him on a narrow dirt road,

The shrubs and hedges on both sides are taller and denser than the ones they passed just now The dirt road is winding, potholes, and full of rubbish. It descends as steep as the path just now, and seems to lead to a small patch of darkness below. Woods.

Sure enough, the dirt road connected to the undergrowth without going too far. Ogden stopped and drew his wand. Dumbledore and Harry also stopped behind him.

“Actually, I think it’s the first time people appear like this,”

Jon leaned against a tree and looked at Hermione who was vomiting madly and said, “But I never thought that your reaction was so big, but it’s normal. Just wait until you learn how to apparate.”

Originally, he didn’t intend to use Apparition to move here, but now the Ministry of Magic is no longer the former Ministry of Magic, so he no longer uses Apparition, which is relatively more wasteful of magic power.

Although there is no less, it is actually dangerous to cut through the space. If he is alone, of course there is no problem, but with Hermione, it is better to choose a safer way.

Hermione was about to spit out her bile. Of course, she wanted to use her wand to inflict a spell on herself, but she couldn’t even recite a complete spell, and Jon was standing by, looking at no help. .

doesn’t look like a teacher at all.


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