HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 829

Chapter 815 Life depends on acting

The following days will be very plain.

Hermione quietly bought some books on acting as recommended by Jon. Of course, these books were not seen by Harry and Ron. They were all stored in her dormitory. Every night she would read some of them silently— —It’s like normal, except that she usually reads magic books, but now she is watching how to be a good actor.

In fact, Jon originally planned to let Lockhart teach her personally, but later this plan was dismissed by Jon. After all, Lockhart had to show up in the school if he needed to teach Hermione. After all, Hermione was not. He can be unscrupulous, but fortunately Hermione is very capable of self-learning. Even if she is reading, she can quickly grasp the essence of it. Although she is still a little immature, it is much stronger than the rigid disguise before.

And as Hermione predicted, the time when there is no class in sixth grade is not as relaxing as Ron expected, but must be used to work hard to complete the large amount of homework assigned by the teacher.

Not only do they work hard like they have to deal with exams every day, but the homework itself is also much harder than before.

These days, almost half of what Professor McGonagall taught Harry could not understand, and even Hermione had to ask Professor McGonagall to repeat what he said to understand-in fact, she has a more convenient way, she You can ask for help from the notebook, but he did not choose to do so, because the book said: Don’t always think that you are performing, this is a life.

Experience is the best way.

What makes most people who don’t know the inside story can’t believe is that Harry’s best subject suddenly turned into potions. Thanks to the half-blood prince, Hermione felt more and more “indignant.”

And now they have been asked to use silent spells, not only in Defense of the Dark Arts class, but also in the spell and transformation classes. This is also a bit difficult for Hermione, but she clearly knows that her teacher can do it. To be stronger, let alone a silent spell, it can even be cast without a rod, so she suffocated in her heart and wanted to work hard. This is also the psychology of most students.

Everyone was relieved only when they came to the greenhouse outside.

Of course, the plants dealt with in herbal medicine are now more dangerous than in the past, but when the poisonous tentacles of mandela grass caught them off guard from behind, they could at least chant loudly.

Due to heavy homework and practicing silent spells day and night, Harry, Ron, and Hermione have never been able to visit Hagrid.

Hagrid no longer came to the staff’s table for dinner. This is an ominous sign, and a few times when they met him in the corridor or outside on the playground, he even pretended not to see them or hear them say hello to him. too weird.

“We must explain.”

At breakfast on Saturday, Hermione looked up at the large empty seat at the staff table and said.

“But there is a Quidditch trial this morning!”

Ron said: “And also practice Flitwick’s clear water curse!

Besides, what can be explained?

We can’t tell him that we hate his stupid course! ”

“We don’t hate it!”

“That’s what you said yourself, I didn’t forget those fried snails.”

Ron said with a sad face, “Now let me tell you, it’s a fluke that we can escape.

You didn’t hear how he talked about his foolish brother—if we stayed to continue the class, we might be teaching Glop about how to tie his shoes now. ”

“I don’t want to talk to Hagrid.”

Hermione looked sad.

“Then we will wait until the Quidditch trials are over.”

Harry comforted that he actually missed Hagrid very much, but he, like Ron, also felt it best not to deal with Glop for the rest of his life.

“With so many people applying, the trials may take one morning.”

He felt a little nervous at the thought of facing his first obstacle after becoming the captain.

“I don’t know why the team suddenly became so popular.”

“Come on, Harry,” Hermione suddenly became impatient and said, “It is not Quidditch that is popular, but you!

You have never been as interesting as you are now. Frankly speaking, you have never been as attractive as you are now. ”

Ron was choked by a large piece of salted salmon in his mouth. Hermione glared at him contemptuously, then turned to Harry to play her acting skills. Today she will play a girl who has been snatched from the limelight. .

“Now everyone knows you are telling the truth, right?

The entire wizarding world has to admit that the news you said about Voldemort’s return is correct, and you have really fought him twice in the past two years, and both times you have survived.

Now they call you the savior, how about it, don’t you understand why people are fascinated by you now? ”

Harry looked at Hermione, who had suddenly become stranger, and suddenly felt uncomfortably hot in the auditorium, even though the ceiling still looked gloomy and rainy.

“Also, you have suffered the persecution of you by the Ministry of Magic, and they desperately want to describe you as a capricious person, an expert in lying.

There is also the mark of that vicious woman who forced you to write with your own blood, which can still be seen now, but you still insist on what you said…”

“I can still see the traces left by those guys in the Ministry of Magic when they caught me, you see.”

Ron shook his sleeves up as he said.

“Also, you grew almost an inch taller during the summer vacation, which is also impressive.”

Hermione ignored Ron and said nothing.

“I’m tall too Ron came to such a sentence without thinking.

The owl delivering the letter came, swooping through the rain-spattered window, and spraying raindrops on the heads and bodies of everyone in the auditorium.

Most people send more emails than usual, and worried parents are anxious to know the news of their children, and in turn tell their children that everything is fine at home.

Harry has not received a letter since the beginning of school. The only person who writes to him frequently is dead. He secretly hoped that Lupin would write to him occasionally, but this expectation was also lost.

Therefore, when he saw Hedwig’s snow-white figure among those brown and gray owls, he couldn’t help but be surprised.

Hedwig landed in front of Harry with a big boxy package.

A moment later, an identical package fell in front of Ron. His petite owl piglet was pressed underneath, and he was too tired to breathe.

Harry opened the package, revealing a brand-new “Advanced Potions Making”, which had just been sent from Lihen Bookstore.

“Oh, great,” Hermione said happily, “Now you can return the scribbled textbook.”


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