HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 847

Chapter 833 Promotion

The only place in Siberia that Jon is worth exploring is the hanging garden left over from the Kingdom of Babylon.

According to the news that Jon got from Helga’s World Tree, this hanging garden was the place where the gods lived among the gods of the Sumerian civilization inherited by the ancient Babylonian kingdom, and in the end, these gods are also Died as the world changed.

And the things left behind after the death of these gods are just the things that can allow Jon to enter the realm of legend without any trouble.

Originally it was not practical to be so troublesome, but unfortunately he had set his own foundation too high before, so he had to do this, but there is also a benefit to this. His legendary realm has already used the foundation of the living gods. To make him a god, you must make him a **** who can leave this world, and according to the transaction made by him and the world will, the world will cannot prevent him from becoming a god.


Everything will be perfect.

Regarding the location of the Hanging Garden, Lena had already taken someone to find it. Without the key in Jon’s hand, they couldn’t open this small world at all.

Jon doesn’t have the key either, he only has a leaf from Helga’s World Tree.

And in fact, there are no keys to this small world.

Just like they did when they went to Egypt, if they want to open this small world, they only need to find a gap in the endless changes.

“Teacher, will you help me take them?”

“Don’t worry,” Grindelwald nodded, “I can help you bring them in. As for the rest, let them watch outside.”

Grindelwald glanced at Lena, and Lena went down to make arrangements.

After a while, the superwoman walked back again, obviously everything had been arranged.

“Then I will start.”

Jon took the leaf out of his ring. Even after it had been taken from the World Tree for so long, the leaf still looked vivid.

He gently touched his finger on the surface of the leaf, feeling the coordinate in the leaf with his heart.

Everything is going very smoothly as scheduled.

He quickly locked the position of the coordinate in his own spirit, and began to use his magic power to drag the entrance towards the sky.

“Prepare, we are going in.”

The door of the sky garden only opened for less than ten seconds, and it was still open in the air, but Jon and Grindelwald still keenly grasped this point in time and led people in there.

This garden is not a tall building as described in history books.

He is no different from the garden in Helga World. It is built on a floating island similar to the Magic Castle. It is very beautiful, but it is like a solidified plant.

is a real garden.

Jon walked into this garden with people. To be honest, every flower and tree here carries a supernatural power that has not yet dissipated, but Jon did not come for these things.

“You can try to absorb the power of the gods in it. It is good for your magic transformation, but you must hurry up, because I will end soon.”

Since he walked into this garden, he has found what he was looking for.

came to the center of the garden. There was a small stone platform, and on the stone platform was a suspended tree sapling.

It is not appropriate to say that it is a sapling, because the little thing is more like a flower.

However, flowers obviously do not have such a strong support ability.

The reason why this garden did not fall is because this little thing still keeps the whole world running, but if this thing is taken away by Jon, then the world will soon collapse.

If Jon is not over before that, Grindelwald will forcibly take him and these people out, so as not to endanger their lives. This is also the advantage of Grindelwald here.

Originally, Jon planned to take this seedling away directly, but this place is the best place to break through. Now that Grindelwald is there, he doesn’t need to worry about safety.

“Then I will start.”

Grindelwald nodded at him.

Seeing Jon sitting on the stone platform with the thing that looked like a crystal ball in his hands, closing his eyes and meditating, the magical fluctuations in the space quickly fell into silence and entered an inexplicable cycle. , The followers gathered around in the garden began to hold their breath and concentrate.

Although they don’t know exactly what Jon is going to do, but after busy these days, they have more or less guessed.

Of course, they didn’t react much to Jon’s promotion to the legendary wizard, because they had just transformed from ordinary people into wizards. The power of the legendary wizard was limited to Grindelwald just bringing them in.

But even if I don’t understand, I can feel the absurdity and incredibleness of this matter.

Those who can be entrusted by Jon to come to Siberia know more or less about the company and the laboratory, so they also know how long it took Grindelwald to become a legend.

How old is Jon?

He is not even half of the fifty years that Grindelwald has been waiting to become a legendary wizard.

“Do you think it will work?”

“do not know.”

“But no matter how you think about it, I don’t think it’s very possible. Didn’t it mean that the legendary wizard is already at the top of the world?

How old is the boss? ”

“It’s not good either.”

Lenna also joined the discussion: “Know that no wizard has ever done the act of transforming ordinary people into wizards How can the boss compare with ordinary wizards?”

“Hey, pay attention, the boss’s teacher is still here.”

In fact, Grindelwald was not standing with them. He stood closer to Jon so that he could deal with any problems at any time, and he was not interested in discussing it with other people.

Now he is in a very nervous mood.

Jon’s whims are indeed whimsical, but it is this whimsical idea that makes the chance of success even smaller.

Of course, the achievement after success is even greater.

But the position he chose is not very good either.

This is the cemetery of the gods.

Grindelwald looked at Jon closing his eyes in thought, and sighed softly.

Even he felt a sense of decay in this world, and Jon’s choice really had to bloom in this decay.

This is certainly not a wrong choice, but whether it can succeed or not requires the will of all the gods who die here to make a decision.

Does    become a legend or end there?

He was not sure.


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