HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 857

Chapter 842 The right way to poison people

Helga wakes up from the long sleep.

She has slept for a long time.

It is very troublesome for a legendary wizard to officially become a god. You must know that in this world, promotion is the most troublesome, especially when it comes to her level, it will take hundreds or thousands of times to make further efforts. .

But when she woke up, she suddenly realized that Jon had grown up.

“The way of becoming a god, the way of promotion,” Jon heard a soft voice in his ears, and then Jon’s phantom appeared in front of her, condensing and becoming an entity: “Unexpectedly, you have reached such a soon Realm, it only took a few years to reach this point. I don’t even know if you are so talented or the world loves you so much.”


Jon bowed his head to salute.

At this moment, Helga presented a very ordinary scene in Jon’s eyes. She was wearing a dense purple brocade robe with golden silk thread embroidered on top of the robe, and the honey badger still perched on the soles of her feet. It seemed to be accompanied by her.

And she carried a crown familiar to Jon on her head. This crown seemed to be not much different from the one left by Ravenclaw. Of course, Ravenclaw’s crown is now being placed at Hogwarts. In the house.

But it is understandable. After all, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw are very friendly friends, and it is normal for them to use crowns of similar styles.

Helga held a scepter about the same height as her own in her hand. In contrast, Jon’s usual rod of the earth was more like an old man’s cane than a real scepter.

“I think we can go out. Some wonderful changes should be taking place outside now, just so you can take a look.”

The purpose of Helga is actually obvious, because a normal god, such as Helga, their promotion path is carried out with the small world they derived. When they become true gods, the small world is also natural. Some changes will happen, but Jon is different.

Jon has no small world.

He does have a structure similar to that of a small world. There is a barrier formed by a force field in his legendary omen. There is indeed a tiny world cycle in it, but this is not a real world, and there is no way to create a spiritual life. .

But if you consider that Jon and Helga chose different paths, then his difference can also exist, but compared to Helga’s path, his path is more difficult to follow.

In fact, after he chose to use this path to become a legendary wizard, he had no other choice.

Of course, he himself had no other ideas.

“After becoming a god, this feeling is indeed different from when I was an ordinary wizard.”

Helga walked in front of Jon, and led Jon to the edge of Magic Castle.

From here, you can clearly see the largest continent in Helga’s world.

And now this continent is undergoing unprecedented changes.

In all directions of the world, the brilliant and mighty melody is played suddenly without knowing where.

All the beings on the continent fell into a deep sleep, no matter whether they were strong or weak, they could not withstand Helga’s control and interference of the entire world.

The world spontaneously celebrates the return of the gods.

A golden glow burst out from the flames in the sky, and the emptiness, the ocean and the space suddenly became smooth, like a silver mirror, tiled here.

Helga waved, and a golden cup emerged in the air and poured outward.

The clear springs spilled out like the nectar on the earth, evaporating in mid-air, forming a thick cloud and mist covering all directions. In an instant, this continent was decorated like a fairyland, extremely beautiful.

Thunder falls, everything is reborn.

The world was transformed into a new look in a short moment.

is no different from the old appearance, but the essence has changed.

After all this is done, then comes the topic.

It’s been too long to come back, but Helga never forgets that she still has a child to teach.

“Are you going to start class?”

“Naturally, we haven’t been in class for so long. We always have to check your learning progress. It doesn’t end when you become a legendary wizard. Your goal is so ambitious. Becoming a legendary wizard is just the beginning.”

“That’s fine, but we have to save a little time. Outside is when things happen.”


Helga closed her eyes, and after a while she opened them, looking at Jon and said.

“In this case, let’s take a trip to the main world.”

The so-called main world is naturally the real world. Helga cannot appear in the real world for a long time, but if it is only a projection, it can still stay in reality for a period of time.

The classroom chosen by Helga is in the crypt of the Smith family.

No one feels their arrival. These people… 80% of these old people spend their time in deep sleep. They will only wake up unless there is something important. Although Jon and their deal started, they still It takes a lot of time to deal with the end of the hand, and it is impossible to end so quickly.

“Your idea is very good.”

Helga said: “Even I think this method is very good. Poison is the most invincible method in the world. They will naturally use it after inspection, but this is still too slow.”


Jon felt that this was the limit he could do, because all the changes in this place couldn’t escape the eyes of these old guys. He could only get rid of them in this way. The wizards outside who helped the evildoer, early Jon had already dealt with them when they were reforming, and the rest of the people were not worried, and they all had to deal with them.

“The disappearance of a family is a very serious matter. This is not the East. There are many people in China, but there are few people here. Every ancient family is precious. No one will let them disappear suddenly, even the Smith family. I have been behind closed doors for years.”

Helga knows this naturally. Jon didn’t say it, but the gods always have some special means. Or, when they want to know something, they can know it in a higher-level way, just look at them. Do you want to, and whether this matter is serious.

The existence of the Smith family is not very important, and naturally it does not take much effort.

She knew easily.

“Dumbledore will soon die according to your plan. At that time, it will be difficult for you to control this situation alone. Voldemort has a very good power. These clumsy families have their own inheritance. Means, they will only think that this matter is profitable and will not really fall to you, so the best way is to solve them first.”

“Your power structure is very good, but not detailed enough,”

Helga’s scepter lightly fell on the ground, and Jon suddenly felt something different around him, as if the world’s will gave Helga a face and let the new-born **** take over:

“If your strength is clear enough, you will find that there are many loopholes here.

After the decline of the power of the world, the existences left over from history have lost much power.

Their strength is only relative, and my strength is absolute.

Your power is stronger than theirs, much simpler. ”

Helga seemed to be saying a long tongue twister, but Jon heard it very clearly.

To put it simply, the strength of these old people was inherited when it was not so difficult, so their strength will be limited to a certain extent.

This kind of restriction makes them unable to exert their powerful strength when their bodies are deteriorating.

And Jon is different. He is a new legendary wizard in this era. He has caught up with the recovery of the world. He doesn’t care about anything, and he is stronger than this group of old people.

It’s just that there are more people in one place, but fewer people in one place.

But everything in this world is not won by quantity.

“In wars, or the use of tactics, can you win if you have more people? Obviously not.”

Helga said softly:

“We exist in this world and operate according to the laws of the world. This is what we have to do when living in this world, but these people are different.

They violated the laws of nature, reluctantly continued their lives, and transformed themselves into this kind of monsters that are not human or strange. Under such circumstances, the world’s suppression of them must be greater than that of you and me.

In fact, this kind of truth is conceivable, but you have never thought about it.

You see how strong I am, and you think that all the people left behind in this world are so strong. This is an incorrect concept.

Strangely speaking, I always thought that you have the ability to see through everything, and you do have this ability. Why are you deceived in this matter? ”

“My ability to see through things comes from the blood of the black bird in my body, but since I became a legend, the black bird has not pulled out.

My condensed legendary omen is too complicated. Most of the computing power and thinking needs to be placed there, so the outside will naturally be ignored.

Otherwise, I would not try the simplest way of using poison. ”

“Poison is not a simple way. In this world, using poison is hard to prevent, but it also needs to distinguish objects.

For example, if you use poison on me, no matter what kind of poison you use, there is no way to harm me, because I am not afraid of the existence of poison, and I can also perceive the appearance of most poisons.

But the poison you used this time is considered very good. The drug made by using the contradiction between vitality and their vital signs is actually not a poison.

I can feel the breath of the flower you stayed here, the breath is very familiar, it seems to be brought out from the small world of ancient Egypt, right?

I have absorbed the power of Isis, but I am able to master the operation and use of this poison better than you.

Do you know why Isis was able to poison Ra in the first place?

Because she put different things in different places, the use of a kind of poison is very superficial, and it is easy to be seen through.

Of course, you were born in Hufflepuff College. I remember the characteristics of my college after a long period of development. The best thing is to identify the properties of herbs. You should also have a certain understanding of the properties of herbs. ”

Jon nodded.

“The best way to use poison is not how intense you make a poison, but to use it according to local conditions. For example, this stone does not have any drug effect itself, it is just a simple substance.

But if you give this stone a little bit of life, then it will undergo a fundamental change. Who will discover this change?

The vitality on the stone, you can let him show it in a special way, such as this flower, or you let it grow out of a grass, this kind of subtle place, no one will find it, and no one will. care,

Who would pay attention, on a pebble under his feet, an insignificant flower grew?

But quantitative changes always cause qualitative changes. This is a purely material decision. When countless kinds of substances are combined, different changes will occur.

Potions, herbalism, although they are teaching you how to use magic, go back to the root and go back to the essence. At the beginning, we let children learn magic, hoping that you can learn how to fight the enemy.

None of the subjects taught in Hogwarts is useless. Although they seem to be ordinary life magic subjects, each subject can be applied to combat, it just depends on how you choose. ”

Jon pondered for a while, then sorted out what he had said later, and then came up with a better way to use the poison.

“I am going to make a transformation. Since I have been here today, I will just use your brilliance to do this thing well.”

“Don’t worry, since I have already been here, do I need you to do something?

This little thing, I can finish it easily, you have more important things to do, instead of wasting your energy on this troublesome thing.

You must always remember that for you, nothing is as important as the matter of becoming a **** as soon as possible.

I also communicated with the outside world when I was asleep, knowing what you took from my world tree,

But what My World Tree possesses is nothing but deduction and accumulation over the years I have been blocked at Hogwarts, which cannot be used as a reference.

Besides, even for reference, you have to be prepared in advance,

What if the time given by the World Tree is wrong?

I already live in this world, so it doesn’t matter where you go,

As a surviving god, I can protect the family for many years, and you need to pursue the things you want to do, but if you are not prepared for these things to fail, then once any problems arise, the result will be you. There is no way to accept it.

The world changes every day, the appearance or disappearance of any thing may cause that day to come early.

You are a very smart person. You know what I’m talking about. If that day comes, and you haven’t made the last step, how do you leave this world? ”

“I do not know either.”

Jon sighed and said.

“Just like you told me, I really didn’t prepare fully,

But in the process of my continuous growth, I gradually realized the splendor of this world,

My accumulation is too shallow, and the time is too short. Even if I store a lot of content in my mind, there is no way to completely offset these problems.

I can only do my best now, if I fail, the result…I also accept it calmly. ”

“Why do you say such a thing?

Before you even try and work hard, you begin to fear the difficulties of the road ahead and the vastness of the world. This mentality is wrong.

I think you are a very mature person. I don’t need me to talk to you about these things. If you can figure it out, I won’t tell you more.

But you always have to remember one thing,

That is,

Since you have chosen to find the unknown road, you must not stop,

People should not feel any regret for their decision, even if the decision has brought bad consequences, do not regret it.

Your decision determines what kind of person you will be in the future, and these are all part of you,

Don’t veto yourself. Your kindness and your evil coexist in one body. They are both you. Since they are you, then these are irreplaceable in this world.

Regardless of whether you make any changes because of this possible result, or the result that has already appeared, these are the factors that will make you deny yourself,

And once you start to deny yourself, you are not far from failure.

Remember what I said in my heart, and then go back and think about how you will go on the next road. Your time is really running out. Are you going to do it again like Dumbledore?

Even if it’s all over again, can you afford to wait so many years and endure so many years of loneliness?

Now, let’s finish what you haven’t done. ”

gently turned the scepter in her hand, and gradually, she released her hand, and the scepter stood on the ground by itself, as if it had merged with the earth.

Jon’s feeling is indeed not wrong. Helga has indeed taken over the space here, but he did not take too much authority, just borrowed the ecological jurisdiction here.

At this moment, Helga is not an elder, but a living god.

The scepter began to radiate its power, but nothing could be seen from the surface, because what really worked was the part of the scepter that was in contact with the earth. On the main body of the scepter, except for the gleam of gems, everything else was seen. Less than.

Helga flicked the light in the air, and the torso of the branch that was stored on Jon’s Legendary Omen was slightly and skillfully scraped off by her, and Jon didn’t even feel it.

Of course, it was because he didn’t fortify Helga, but then again, with Helga’s power, even if Jon felt it, there was no way to make this happen.

Helga intercepted a short section of the branch taken out of Jon’s body, and then did not know what was operated, the small branch suddenly collapsed into dust, and then melted into the surrounding air.

Jon also wanted to do this before. After all, if the air in a place is transformed, it will naturally affect the people living in this area.

But his strength is still too weak, so he didn’t do this.

But now, when Helga does this thing, it seems so relaxed and comfortable.

The dust did not stay in the air for too long, and quickly landed on the ground, melting in as quickly as meeting a ginseng fruit in the soil.

But Jon can feel that this force has not disappeared. They are transforming the surrounding environment, twisting the material in the soil from a very subtle angle.

developed here into a place suitable for the growth of a specific organism.

It’s like humans cannot survive in dense forests full of poisonous gases, but many plants can.

It is obvious that Helga wants to transform this place into such an environment.

It is not particularly difficult to transform an environment suitable for those flowers. The real difficulty is how to prevent people from discovering the problems here.

Helga did not try to modify, but tried to allocate.

She divided the poison made by Jon into one part, one part, and one part of the small content. In this way, every part became unsurprising.

The first part is transformed into wild flowers. This kind of flower that lives in the dark underground is very small. It is completely hidden in the darkness. It will die when you see the light, just like those people who also live in the catacombs. There is no other environment in the world that is more suitable for the growth of poisons than this one.

The second part is air Those wizards who transform themselves into monsters, all of whom have respiratory systems that can filter most of the toxic substances.

Even they themselves are toxic substances. Their blood, even the breath they exhale, may cause a young vital sign to collapse and die.

But the air after Helga’s transformation is non-toxic, it’s just a little special, but it is indeed air.

If it is sucked into the body, there is no possibility of it being discharged again. Even Jon is a little nervous, although he knows that he will not be affected.

After that, is the last part.

This part is special because it is light. The light is always invisible in the dark, but Helga’s light can be hidden in the dark.

In theory, this is a very dim light. Because of its special nature, it can become part of the poison.

The fragrance of flowers and the air are still light.

When these three things are mixed together, to be precise, when they are inhaled into the human body, they will start to interact with each other and gradually accumulate into a deadly poison.

This is the correct way to use poison.


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