HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 864

Chapter 849 Realistic funeral

In this world, thousands of people die every minute.

People choose to attend the funeral because, on the one hand, we have to look at the appearance of those people who have died, in order to remember the friends and relatives of the past.

On the other hand, it is also because of what we need to learn during the funeral. As for what we learn specifically… In fact, no one can learn.

Many people are ordinary people, and there is no way to resist many things that happen in this world, such as natural disasters, man-made disasters, and the end of life.

Existence is not easy, but even under such circumstances, we are still alive.

The instinct of life is to live hard and fear death.

No matter how powerful a person is, he will inevitably face all this.

“But obviously my brother doesn’t use it, doesn’t he?”

In the pig’s head bar, Aberforth looked at Jon in front of him and said harshly.

“My brother is always such a lucky person. Even if he killed his sister in the first place, he didn’t need him to bear any responsibility. On the contrary, he became the most respected wizard in the world because of his outstanding strength. This is obviously A very ironic thing,

Until now, he was obviously dying, or already dead.

But there was a lover he once ran out of the tower where he was imprisoned and said to my brother that he didn’t need to die, he could save him in another way. This is the dream of many people in the world. What’s the matter?

He doesn’t have to bear anything, and now he is free from all the shackles and enjoys life with his former lover. Only poor people like us are left here to work for his plan. ”

“Come on, Aberforth, you and I know that you are not telling the truth. Although you hate Albus, you don’t hate him so much. At least it is because of his existence that Ariana can survive for so many years. Until Ariana is born again.”

“That’s Ariana worth it, but it doesn’t mean that Albus can ignore his own fault.”

“Believe me, Albus has never ignored his own faults. He has been working hard for the resurrection of Ariane. He has even been quietly supporting Nicholas to study the time converter so that he can return to the mistakes he made. That time.”

“Yes, he did a lot of things, but none of them succeeded, did he?

I think in this world, everything must have an explanation, but you don’t need to explain anything about this, because I know in my heart that the reason why I can save Ariana is because of the pity of Principal Helga, he Promise that our brothers and sisters can be reborn in His kingdom of God, this is true kindness. ”

“Well, I don’t want to argue with you about this matter anymore. I can’t always wake up a person who pretends to sleep. Although the situation is different now, the truth is the same.”

Jon deeply knows how empathetic he is. He can fully understand Aberforth’s psychology. This is a person who dislikes in his mouth but has a very upright body. Although his words are always right. Albus was full of contempt, but he would do anything Albus arranged.

“I think at least for now, I should go back to school first. The Order of the Phoenix must have been messed up. The sudden death of Dumbledore will definitely bring a lot of problems. I’m very confident, but I think it’s better for me to go back in person.”

“Whatever you want, it doesn’t matter to me anyway. If he really dies at some point, I will definitely attend his funeral.”

does not matter.

Jon didn’t stop or slow down, he walked away quietly.

He wants to talk to the members of the Order of the Phoenix first.

Dumbledore is dead in the real world, so everything in the Order of the Phoenix needs to be taken care of by Jon.

But the principle is still the same. Jon doesn’t want his existence to be known by too many people, so he chooses to inform some people, some people who have the right to speak.

Professor McGonagall.

Severus Snape.

Mr. Arthur Weasley and his wife Molly Weasley.

and Sirius.

These people are all people who have direct contact with him, especially under such circumstances, he needs to give these people an explanation.

Otherwise, he couldn’t even explain to them why Dumbledore died suddenly at school, but Grindelwald was not crazy at all.

“Welcome everyone to come to me at this time. Of course, some people have to come, and some people, it’s really not easy to show up here, especially Professor Snape, so in order to save our Professor Snape’s time , I will explain the most important thing first.

Our problem now is very obvious. It seems that after Dumbledore’s death, there will be some problems in people’s minds. But even so, I don’t think there is any harm. If things are not bad enough, there is no way to succeed in one fell swoop. of,

My people have already started to lay out the news network outside, and when things here are over, the eastern side will also follow up the opening of the magic net simultaneously, so we will be the leaders of the world by then…

Professor McGonagall can ask Mr. Weasley to tell you after your question. After all, this matter is a waste of time.

It just so happened that Mrs. Weasley shouldn’t know our specific plan yet, but Arthur did.

…And then Professor Snape. According to our previous agreement, you need to continue to pretend. Of course, I have confidence in you. I will give you the follow-up information through the old method. I will leave it to you for the reform of the Ministry of Magic. Up. ”

There is basically so much information in Jon’s hand, because he has not yet returned to the laboratory to dock with Anthony and the others, and there will be no problems when the docking is over.

“In addition, when facing the outside, we must firmly believe that Dumbledore is dead, especially when facing students-Mrs. Weasley, can you keep the children a secret?”

Molly Weasley looked nervous, but she nodded solemnly, indicating that she knew.

No way, the witch who is closest to Harry around Jon is the witch. She is Ron’s mother, which is basically the mother of Hermione and Harry.

“Speaking of children… I think we must have a lot of things to help our children next, the first is Harry’s coming of age… Oh, Professor Snape, yes, you can go.”

Snape’s figure disappeared in the small room, and Jon turned the subject back again: “Except Professor McGonagall, I hope that the rest of us can begin to recall regularly. The power of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​enough. I The manpower of the company is mainly to cooperate with the royal family to promote the external world. I think that after this year, we will be able to see the new world.”

“Sirius happens to be a dead person right now, I think he will be responsible for the external docking work, don’t you have any opinions?”



“No, it would be better if you didn’t say that I was a dead person.”

Everyone did not express any negative opinions. Jon selectively ignored Sirius’s complaint and hurryed to move on to the next topic.

“The most important thing for us now is Dumbledore’s funeral. This is a signal, so everyone needs to participate. As for the Order of the Phoenix, Arthur, you should be able to do a good job. Just convey my will to them, except For those who don’t need it, Lockhart will use memory magic to control them. Later this list will be provided by…Molly, how about you?”

It’s terrifying that Jon’s aura is full at work. Even Principal McGonagall is a little bit stressed, let alone Mrs. Weasley.

“I… Of course I can. I know the members best.”

“That’s good, I think we can all have a lot of things to do, so move on, Professor McGonagall, can we have a chat on your way back?”

“Of course,” McGonagall nodded: “I happen to have something to ask you, but about me, Arthur and Molly have to say…”

“After the funeral, I think you should have a lot of time to say this. Now we will end the meeting.”

Of course, Jon’s matter is more important than letting Professor McGonagall understand the cause of the incident. He and Professor McGonagall Apparated back to Hogwarts, and then he said: “Dumbledore wants to see you. The right time, so when do you have time?”

“Dumbledore wants to see me? Then why not just…”

“First of all, Dumbledore shouldn’t be here or anywhere now, because for him, this burden has nothing to do with him. Everything we do is just the end, Dumbledore. Lido has done everything he needs to do.

He is dead, and not long before I came out, he just finished his wedding,” Jon lightly said the news: “So from now to some time in the future, he should be with him. Around his partner, this is their honeymoon period.

The reason why he wants to come is just because he is worried, or there are other reasons. I don’t want to know, if you have a suitable time and place, I will help you convey it. ”

“This way…Wait until after the funeral is over. There are a lot of these things. I think we need to be busy for a long time.”

“Of course, if the professor thinks about it, you can inform my students and let her pass it to me.

“Your student?”

“Yes,” Jon blinked. “It’s Miss Hermione Granger. I have trained her alone for a long time.”


All classes are suspended and all exams are postponed.

In the two days after Dumbledore’s death, some students were hurriedly picked up from Hogwarts by their parents-the morning after Dumbledore’s death, the Parvati twins left without breakfast , Zacharys Smith also followed his arrogant father to leave the castle.

The demise of the Smith family is near, but no one knows about it. Jon didn’t kill the family. After all, not everyone knows the old stories.

There is still a little friendship between him and Zacharias after all.

Simo Finnigan categorically refused to go home with his mother. They had a quarrel in the hall, and finally his mother agreed to stay for the funeral, and the quarrel was over.

Simo later told Harry and Ron that his mother had difficulty finding a bed in Hogsmeade, because so many men and women wizards flocked to the village to say goodbye to Dumbledore.

In the evening before the funeral, a pink-blue carriage the size of a house was pulled by a dozen huge, winged silver-mane horses, flew from the sky and landed on the edge of the forbidden forest.

The students in the lower grades are very excited because they have never seen this kind of sight before.

Harry watched from the window a tall, magnificent, black-haired and yellow-skinned woman stepped out of the carriage, and plunged into the arms of Hagrid who was waiting there.

At the same time, a delegation from the Ministry of Magic—including the Minister himself—is arranged to live in the castle.

Harry took great pains to avoid meeting any of them, because he believed that sooner or later they would question him the ins and outs of Dumbledore’s last departure from Hogwarts.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny stay together all day.

Now it’s the end of the term, Ginny’s exam is over, and the pressure of homework is relieved. They spend the whole day together…

Harry knew what he had to say and what he should do, but he procrastinated hour by hour, because he really couldn’t bear to give up what would comfort him the most.

They visit the school hospital twice a day.

Naville has been discharged from the hospital, and Bill is still there to continue receiving care from Mrs. Pomfrey.

His scars are still so shocking. To be honest, his appearance is somewhat similar to Mad-Eye Moody. Fortunately, his eyes and legs are still intact, but his character does not seem to have changed at all.

The only thing that has changed is that he now suddenly loves to eat tender beef.

“…Fortunately he is going to marry me,” Fleur said happily while helping Bill pat the pillow softer, “Because the British always fry the meat too old, I have said this many times.”

“It seems I have to face reality, he really wants to marry her.”

Ginny sighed and said, she was sitting with Harry, Ron, and Hermione by the open window of the Gryffindor common room, looking at the venue in the twilight outside.

“She is not that bad.”

“Well, since mom can bear it, I think I’m fine.”

“Is anyone we know dead?”

“No,” Hermione was taken aback, and said dissatisfiedly, while stacking the newspapers: “They are still looking for Snape, but there is no clue…”

“Of course not. They have to wait for Voldemort to find Snape, since they haven’t been able to find him for so long…”

This kind of conversation is very boring, Ginny ran to sleep soon, and the topic of the trio naturally quickly entered the Horcrux.

Hermione knows a lot, but I can’t say that she remembers the tasks assigned by Jon, like those spells.

And in the end, they inevitably talked about the funeral.

Harry had never attended a funeral before, because Sirius hadn’t died, so there were no bones to bury. Of course, Harry didn’t know about it.

So Harry didn’t know what it would be like then.

What will he see?

How will    feel?

Regarding these, he vaguely worried.

He doesn’t know if Dumbledore’s death will be more real to him after the funeral is over, but now, sometimes that terrible fact almost knocks him down, but more often his heart is blank and numb. . Even though everyone in the castle was talking about it, it was still hard for him to believe that Dumbledore really didn’t exist.

The next day, Harry got up early in the morning to pack his luggage.

The Hogwarts Express train will depart one hour after the funeral.

He came downstairs and found that the atmosphere in the auditorium was very depressing.

Everyone is wearing a dress gown, and no one seems to have much appetite.

Professor McGonagall left the throne-like seat in the middle of the staff table empty, and Hagrid’s chair was empty—Harry guessed that he might not be in the mood to come for breakfast.

But Rufus Scrimgeour was sitting in Snape’s seat, looking very eye-catching.

His yellow eyes scanned the auditorium. Harry avoided his gaze, but still felt very uncomfortably that Scrimgeour was looking for him.

Among Scrimgeour’s entourage, Harry saw Percy Weasley with red hair and horny-rimmed glasses.

Ron didn’t show that he knew Percy was coming, but he cut his smoked fish very hard.

At the Slytherin table over there, Crabbe and Gore got together and whispered.

Although they are both big and small boys, but without Malfoy’s pale and lanky figure in the middle, without Malfoy giving orders to them, they both looked particularly lonely.

Harry didn’t think about Malfoy more, his hatred was concentrated on Snape.

He has not forgotten the fear in Malfoy’s voice on the top of the tower, nor has he forgotten that Malfoy’s wand had fallen before the other Death Eaters arrived.

Harry didn’t believe that Malfoy would kill Dumbledore. He still hated Malfoy because he was obsessed with black magic, but now this hatred was mixed with a little sympathy.

Where is Malfoy at the moment?

Voldemort threatened to kill him and his parents. What exactly did he order him to do?

Ginny stabbed Harry, interrupting his thoughts.

At this time Professor McGonagall stood up, and the sad whispers in the auditorium immediately calmed down.

“Time is almost up,” she said, “please follow your dean to the venue, and Gryffindor classmates come with me.”

The students lined up from behind the bench, making almost no sound.

Harry caught a glimpse of Slughorn standing at the forefront of the Slytherin team, wearing a luxurious bright green robe embroidered with silver threads.

Besides, he had never seen Hufflepuff’s Dean Professor Sprout so neat and clean, and there was no patch on his hat.

When they walked to the hall, they found Mrs. Pince standing beside Filch, wearing a thick black mask that hung down to her knees. Filch was wearing an old-fashioned suit and tie, with a pattern on her body. The smell of camphor balls.

Harry went out of the gate, came to the stone steps, and found that they were walking towards the lake.

The warm sunlight shone on his face, and they silently followed Professor McGonagall to the place lined up with hundreds of chairs.

There is an aisle in the middle of the chairs, and there is a marble table in front of which all the chairs face it.

This is one of the most beautiful and pleasant days in summer.

There are people sitting on half of the chairs. These people are all kinds of people: some are ragged, some are neat and decent; some are old and some are young.

Most people Harry didn’t know, but some he knew, including the members of the Order of the Phoenix: Kingsley Shaker, Mad-Eye Moody, Tonks-her hair miraculously Turned into a dazzling pink, Remus Lupin-Tonks was holding hands with him, the Weasleys, and Fleur supporting Bill, followed by Fred and in a black fire dragon leather jacket George.

There is also Mrs. Maxim—she occupies two and a half chairs alone, Tom, the owner of the Broken Cauldron, Arabella Feige, Harry’s dumb gun neighbor, and the thick-haired bass in the Weird Sisters singing group. Fiddler, Cavalier bus driver Ern Pran, Mrs. Morkin from Diagon Alley Robe Store, and a few others. Harry just looked familiar, such as the waiter at the Pig’s Head, the Hogwarts Express was on the train. Witch with trolley.

The ghosts in the castle also came. They were almost invisible in the sun, and they could only be recognized when they were walking. There was an illusory light gleaming in the bright air.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny took the last few seats in the row of chairs by the lake.

People are talking to each other in low voices, the sound is like a breeze blowing across the grass, and the sounds of birds are very loud.

Cornelius Fudge walked past them towards the front seat, his face frowned, spinning his green hat as usual.

Afterwards, Harry recognized Rita Skeeter, and was annoyed to find that her red paw-like hand was holding a notebook, and then he recognized Dolores Umbridge, and suddenly became angry. .

Umbridge had a sad expression on the toad’s face, and a black velvet butterfly topped his iron-brown curly hair.

When she saw the horseman Firenze standing by the lake like a sentry, she hurriedly sat on a seat in the distance with fright.

Harry didn’t know if Scrimgeour and other big people really felt sad for Dumbledore’s death. He heard the music, like a fairy music from another world. He forgot his dislike of the Minister and turned his face to look for the music. origin of.


So, he saw them in the clear green lake under the sun, just a few inches below the surface of the lake, which reminded him of those corpses, and fear hit his mind again.

A chorus of ordinary mermaids sings in a strange language that he doesn’t understand. Their pale faces are rippling and purple hair is floating around them.

The music made the hairs on the back of Harry’s neck stand up, but it was not harsh.

It speaks plainly of grief and despair-Harry looked down at the emotional faces in the water, thinking that at least they were saddened by Dumbledore’s departure.

At this time, Ginny stabbed him again, and he turned his face.

Hagrid walked slowly along the aisle in the middle of the seat.

He was crying silently, with bright tears on his face. Harry knew that he was holding Dumbledore’s body in his arms, wrapped in purple velvet studded with gold stars.

Seeing this scene, a heart-piercing pain surged to Harry’s throat: For a while, that strange music, and Dumbledore’s body so close to him, seemed to take away all the warmth of that day.

Ron looked very shocked, his face pale.

Big tears kept dripping on Ginny and Hermione’s legs.

They can’t see the situation ahead.

Hagrid seemed to put the body carefully on the table. He was walking back down the aisle, blowing his nose vigorously and making a trumpet-like sound. Some people cast dissatisfied glances at him. Harry saw Dolores Umbridge among them…

But Harry knew Dumbledore would not mind.

When Hagrid passed by, Harry wanted to say hello to him friendly, but Hagrid’s eyes swelled into a seam, and it was strange that he could still see the path under his feet.

Harry looked at the back row where Hagrid was going, and understood what was pointing him.

The giant Glop was sitting there, wearing a jacket and trousers the size of a small tent, with his huge, ugly head hanging down, looking very docile, even understanding.

Hagrid sat down next to his half-brother, and Glop patted Hagrid on the head hard, causing all four legs of the chair to sink into the ground.

Just then, the music stopped, and he turned his face and looked ahead again.

A small man with thick hair and a plain black robe stood up from his seat and came to the long marble table.

His voice was a little choked, so that the people in the back row could not hear clearly, and only vaguely heard a few words:

“Noble spirit”……”Academic achievement”……”Great mind”……

The sound of splashing water came from the left. He turned his head and saw that the mermaids had all emerged from the water and were listening carefully. Harry remembered that Dumbledore was squatting on the water’s edge two years ago, and talking to the leader of the mermaid in the language of a mermaid at almost the place Harry was sitting at the moment.

Harry didn’t know where Dumbledore learned the mermaid language.

He has not asked him so many things, he has so many things to tell him…

Then, suddenly, terrible facts struck him, more merciless than ever, undeniable. Dumbledore is dead and no longer…

He tightly grasped the cold locket in his hand, his hands hurting, but still couldn’t stop the tears from welling up in his eyes: he avoided the gazes of Ginny and others, and looked at the distant lake. In the Forbidden Forest, the little man in black is still making a monotonous and dull speech…

There is movement in the forbidden forest because the horse people also come to express their condolences.

They didn’t come to the clearing. Harry saw them standing half-hidden in the shadows, looking at the wizards here motionless, their bows and arrows on their side.

The little man finally finished speaking and returned to his seat.

Harry waited for other people to stand up. He thought there would be people talking, such as Lord Minister, but no one moved.

Suddenly, several people screamed.

A dazzling white flame burst out from Dumbledore’s body and around the table: the flames rose higher and higher, covering the body. The white smoke curled up into the air, showing all kinds of strange shapes: for an instant, Harry seemed to see a phoenix flying into the blue sky happily, but then the flame disappeared, and a white marble tomb appeared there. , Wrapped Dumbledore’s body and the table on which it was placed.

Countless arrows hid in the air like a shower, causing a few screams, but they fell far away from the crowd. Harry knew that this was the mourning of the horses. He saw them turning around and disappearing into the shady bushes. The murlocs also slowly sank into the green bottom, and were no longer visible.

The funeral has ended.


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