HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 874

Chapter 859 I want to have a dream

At this time, other people also discovered the anomaly.

This is not right!

They cast their sights over, but saw Jon’s black wings floating in front of cinnabar, and the wind wheel fragments in his hands were instilling a large number of similar laws into cinnabar.

Then Cinnabar burped in deep sleep.

Immediately afterwards, something began to wake up.

In the deep blue sea, something seemed to have been called, and it began to fall towards the world.

The ancestors of the Zhu family and Cinnabar’s mother both seemed very nervous, but Grindelwald and Dumbledore stopped them in secret, allowing Jon to do his best without worrying about outside affairs.

Immediately, everything was seen, a wreck that sank in the deepest part of the deep blue sea and had disappeared for a long time. At this moment, it followed the rift created by the previous battle and flowed toward it!

It’s like a dream.

A phantom of the old days.

Only Jon knew that it was the remains of the small world left over after Helga extracted the elements.

There is only cinnabar in the world who has been there and has a relationship with it. What better way than to rebuild a world on the ruins to condense the signs of legend?

Cinnabar didn’t have the idea of ​​leaving this world, but she could become the **** of this world. The Oriental God System had disappeared for many years, and it was time to revive.

Although the resurrection is from other gods, what does it matter?

Cinnabar does not care, and the opinions of others are not important.

In the roar of the outside world, cinnabar was lying in the ruins of the ancient Egyptian **** system, looking up at the dark sky.

She could see the situation outside and knew what Jon had been facing, but she couldn’t wake up, and the legendary omen could not condense. Although she was anxious, there was no way.

The light outside is one after another, it is obviously a huge power, gathered in one place at this time, but it makes people feel beautiful.

She looked at this beauty and didn’t know when, she closed her eyes suddenly and fell asleep.

Dreams are always so quiet and long.

The waves swept from afar and washed on the beach. Cinnabar stepped on the sand with bare feet, watching the little crab emerge from the sandpit, crawl over the back of her instep, and get into the puddle again.

In addition, the book-chasing app I am using recently, [\mi\mi\reading\app\\] cache reading, offline reading!

There was a familiar smell of sea water in the air, just like when I was in a small world when I first entered.

So familiar.

The dark sky has begun to change, and there is light permeating, but this light is not so obvious, it just slowly fills the sky above my head.

The blue sky is reflected on the sea.

Cinnabar sat silently on the reef, watching the waves surging in the distance, rushing to the beach and falling, the sea breeze blowing from a distance, with a fresh breath, blowing on the fallen palace here, as well as the ruined curtains on it. .

There is no scramble.

There is no armed struggle.

There is no ambition and so-called bright future.

All of these have decayed, and in time, they have gradually been overwhelmed.

In the quiet decline, there is only one eternal loneliness and beauty.

After a long time, she suddenly understood.

“So, is this what I want?”

The girl touched her hair: “It’s beautiful, quiet, I don’t even know it, so I like peace so much.”

“Of course you like these,” Jon’s phantom appeared above the sea: “Although you haven’t said it, but you just want to live well, it’s just that in this world, it’s too difficult to be accountable.”

“Are you here to help me?”

Cinnamon didn’t seem to recognize who Jon was. She seemed to have forgotten some things.

“Yes, I’m here to help you.”

As Jon said, he crushed the fragments in his hands into powder, and re-sealed the structure, only stripping out the rules inside.

Re-sealed, as part of the core of the magic net, he threw to the ancestors of the Zhu family, while the other part became the nourishment of cinnabar.

So Cinnabar understood.

The roar came again, only this time from her heart.

The direction of the wind has changed.

“The world is dead.”

she says.

“But I’m still alive.”

The roar in her heart is like the thunder and lightning when heaven and earth are born. In the roar of the wind, it seems that there are countless desperate souls crying loudly, paying tribute to everything that has died.



Cinnabar stood between the sea and the sky, calmly like a statue.

She is here, looking at the world.

The world in the dream is in ruins.

She saw the scene of the fall of the gods, like a movie, which appeared in front of her.

The sky is burning, the clouds are all red, and so is the sea, just red stained with blood.

Fire-like lava flowed in the cracked earth, and the gods fell from the sky, and the heavens and the earth cried bitterly for it, but the wailing sounded one after another, because the gods kept dying and there was no trace.

In the end, even the crying disappeared in the air again, everything was like an illusion of cinnabar, as if there was only a silent scene in front of him.

It’s like a nightmare that makes people feel empathetic.

“But, I know, this is the real world.”

But Cinnabar couldn’t laugh at all. It was like watching a very heavy movie, which made her feel exhausted physically and mentally, and she just wanted to take a good rest.

Is this a dream?

But this dream and reality seemed almost exactly the same, and she couldn’t distinguish it a little bit.

Or perhaps, she never distinguished it clearly.

Jon is not here anymore.

So Cinnabar couldn’t tell whether she was awake or staying in her dream.

Or, she may be just a phantom, a memory that remains here.

“It shouldn’t be like this, is it? At least this is not what I want, not the world I want.”

But everything is so real. She felt the smell of the flames, the crackling sound of burning flesh and blood echoed in her ears, and the smell of smoke made her nose hurt.

Every feeling made her feel that this is the real world.

The absurdity of the world is like a big dream, but the world in this dream feels sad and desolate.

No one responded to her, and Jon was silent.

It was really like an illusion.

A roar echoed in the sky, and a few sparks floated in the wind.

“It shouldn’t be so sad, this is my dream, and there should be my world.”

In the cracking sound of something, the sky darkened again.

A ray of pure white moonlight fell from the sky, and the only star rose to the sky again.

【Moon God·Chang’e】

The law is constructed from this.

That is the mythical power of China, a legend borrowed from Bai Yujing, shrouded in cinnabar.

She became beautiful.

It’s more beautiful.

She floated up to the sky, light and shadow circulated around her, transformed into a round moon, emitting light in the sky, gently shining on this devastated world, the fire and thunder dissipated in the light, and the world had a quiet night sky. .

“The stars are here, the wind is in harmony, the earth is in harmony, and all things are auspicious.”

The wind is no longer violent, and the sea is calm again.

The dazzling stars reappeared beside her, like the goddess of lunar yin in the myth. The earth was cooled by the cold wind. The magma on the ground turned into stone and no longer boiled. Even the collapsed palace began to repair itself.

It seems unrealistic, but it is not reality in the first place.

Dreams should have been so beautiful.

At that moment, Jon brought the head of the Zhu family to Zhu Sha.

In other words, he brought over that part of the magic net.

Provide cinnabar with the permission to continue.

No one moved, everyone knew that today’s things were over, but they still wanted to see the birth of a legend, and one more thing, they wanted to see what extent this new magic net could be used.

See it now,

The role of this force.

Obviously, this power is stronger than what they had previously understood.

Bai Yujing in the sky has gradually gathered strength, giving up the stage here to this transforming new force.

In the dream, Cinnabar’s body began to become hazy, and the body of the outside world also lit up with magical light. Her figure was imagining, using the maximum limit to enter the magical loop of the magic net.

Moonlight began to spread here. At this time, the legendary omen of the girl broke free from the shackles of her body, twisted her body together, and rapidly expanded in the network of the magic net, where the rules of light began to evolve continuously. Proliferation, a round of discs flew out from the center of her eyebrows and extended upwards, as if taking an elevator that could directly enter the deep blue sea, flew upwards at a very fast speed, and fell into the deep blue in an instant. In the ocean of color.

Along with the reverberation of the ocean, there was an echo from the depths of the deep blue sea, and the shadow that had fallen stagnantly began to land again.

Youlan Deep Sea released its authority.

The ruins that were silent in the depths of the ocean have been completely awakened, and the ruins of the small world that were reclaimed by the will of the world have begun to be drawn by cinnabar.

Under the influence of moonlight, it travels faster and faster in the deep sea, but at the same time there are some problems. This small world should not have appeared in the world that humans can observe. The current appearance is destined to Give up something.

Cinnabar began to give up.

All reality is abandoned, only the deepest will and the simplest structure are retained, and then under the influence of moonlight, it begins to reshape.

Jixia let go of the barrier’s access rights, but at the same time, they also began to record this change.

Jon acquiesced in this happening, if they can record anything, then let them.

Cinnabar did not care about these, because she was weaving a dream.

Moonlight began to turn into silk threads condensed into a mirror.

It seems to reflect everything in the world, the vicissitudes of life, the passage of time, the illusory scene reproduces the joys and sorrows of human beings, the birth, old, sick and death of all things, the light is here, the meaning of life is erased, and in the end only cinnabar herself sleeps in the mirror.

The magic net skyrocketed.

At this moment, Jon began to mobilize his authority and let Hogg’s power blend in to improve this place. The magic net in the West has developed for such a long time, and countless people are the nodes of the magic net. Jon’s dreams began to be taken away and sent to Cinnabar’s dreams.

Fusion starts here.

The dreams of ordinary people, the dreams of wizards, and the dreams of beasts and monsters are all turned into cinnabar material, and cinnabar is like an editor, starting to trim his dreams.

There is also the inheritance inherited from the ancient Egyptian **** system.

In that cemetery, the candles that had long been extinguished by time were rekindled. Although the tombstones had collapsed and disappeared into dust, the world no longer remembers the existence of these wills.

But Cinnabar chose to let them come alive.

The stars are shining in the sky, and the family members of the gods who have died in the long past are once again found out from the imprint of time.

Some of these beings are humanoids, and some are not.

Their shadows are very illusory, only faces can be seen.

Some even have only an outline left.

But they all still exist.

The integration of each reality and dream has caused this cemetery-like world to undergo a little subtle change. In the legendary signs of cinnabar, the moonlight runs silently, fusing the help from the present to make those The imprint from time is constantly reborn here.

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