HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 883

Chapter 867 go away

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“That’s right-he is the best!”

Uncle Vernon pointed to the blank TV screen and said that the Dursleys had seen Kingsley in the news, and he quietly followed when the Muggle Prime Minister visited the hospital.

With this, Kingsley also mastered Muggle dressing skills, and more importantly, there was something comforting in his low, slow voice that made the Dursleys unique among wizards. Kingsley looked at him differently.

However, they had never seen Kingsley wearing earrings.

“He already has a task,” Harry said. “Hestia Jones and Dedalo Dego are more suitable for this job—”

“Even if we look at the resume…”

Before Uncle Vernon finished speaking, Harry lost his patience.

He stood up hurriedly, walked to his uncle, and pointed his finger at the TV.

“None of these accidents were accidents-explosions, plane crashes, train derailments, and everything that happened since we last watched the news.

Someone is missing and dying, and behind all this is him-Voldemort.

I told you that I don’t know how many times, he takes pleasure in killing Muggles.

Even the fog is caused by a dementor. If you can’t remember what a dementor is, just ask your son! ”

Dudley violently raised his hand to cover his mouth. Seeing both his parents and Harry staring at him, he slowly put his hands down and asked, “They… have more?”

“there are more?”

Harry laughed: “You mean, except for the two who attacked us last time?

Of course there are, hundreds, maybe thousands now, because they live by fear and despair—”

“Okay, okay,” Vernon Dursley growled, “You have made it clear—”

“I hope so,” said Harry, “because I am seventeen years old, all those guys—Death Eaters, Dementors, and maybe even corpses—are corpses enchanted by dark wizards— Are able to find you, and will definitely start with you.

If you remember the last time you competed with the wizard, I think you will admit that you need help. ”

There was a moment of silence, and the sound of Hagrid smashing a wooden door seemed to come from far away after so many years.

Petunia looked at Vernon, and Dudley glared at Harry.

Finally, Vernon suddenly said: “But what about my job? What about Dudley’s school? I think a bunch of idle wizards won’t care about these things—”

“Don’t you understand?” Harry shouted, “They will torture you and kill you, just like my parents!”

“Dad,” Dudley said loudly, “Dad—I want to go with the people in the Order of the Phoenix.”

“Dali, you said something clear for the first time in your life.”

He knew that the victory was set.

Since Dudley was so scared that he was willing to accept the help of the Order of the Phoenix, his parents would definitely accompany him: How could they leave their little baby Dada?

Harry looked at the travel clock on the mantelpiece and said:

“They will be here in another minute or so.”

No one from the Dursleys answered, so he left the living room.

Thinking of his separation from his aunt, uncle, and cousin—perhaps never seeing each other again—he felt joyful, but the atmosphere was still a bit embarrassing.

After 16 years of extreme disgust, what can we say to each other?

Back in the bedroom, Harry fiddled with his backpack aimlessly, then stuffed a few owl food into Hedwig’s cage.

They puffed to the bottom of the cage, and Hedwig ignored it.

“We will leave soon, really soon, and then you will be able to fly again.”

The doorbell suddenly rang at this moment, and Harry hesitated, left the room, and walked downstairs, expecting Hestia and Dedalo to deal with the Dursleys alone, which might be a bit impractical.

“Harry Potter,” Harry screamed as soon as he opened the door, and a small man wearing a lavender top hat bowed deeply at him: “It’s a great honor!”

“Thank you, Dedalor,” Harry said, and smiled awkwardly at the black-haired Hesga: “You are so kind… They are here, my aunt, uncle and cousin…”

“Hello, relatives of Harry Potter!”

Dedalo said cheerfully as he strode into the living room.

The Dursleys didn’t seem to be happy to hear such a name.

Harry vaguely worried that they would change their minds again, because Dudley shrank away from his mother in shock when he saw the two wizards and wizards.

“You packed your things and are ready.

Great! The plan is simple, as Harry told you,”

Dedalo said, took out a huge pocket watch from his vest and looked at it.

“Let’s go first, then Harry.

Since the use of magic in your home is dangerous—Harry is not an adult, this will give the Ministry of Magic an excuse to arrest him—Let’s drive the car out first, let’s say, drive for about ten miles, and then Apparate, Go to the safe place we have chosen for you.

I think you can drive, right? ”

He asked Uncle Vernon politely.

“Can drive—? Of course I can drive!”

“You are so clever, sir, so clever. I was completely confused when I saw so many buttons and knobs.”

Dedalo obviously thought he was complimenting Vernon Dursley, and Dursley’s confidence in the plan was obviously gradually lost with every word Dedalo said.

“I can’t even drive a car.”

He murmured, his beard trembling with anger, but luckily neither Dedallo nor Hestia seemed to hear him.

“You, Harry,” Dedalo continued, “waiting for your guard here. There has been a slight change in the arrangement—”

“What are you talking about?” Harry said immediately, “I remember the crazy-eyed guy was coming to show me his entourage?”

“No,” Hestia said stiffly. “Mad-eye will explain it.”

The Dursleys listened to these conversations with confusion, and suddenly a voice screamed: “Hurry up!”

They were taken aback.

Harry looked around in the living room, only to realize that the sound was coming from Dedallo’s pocket watch.

“Yes, we are very tight,”

Dursley nodded to his pocket watch, then tucked it into the vest:

“We are planning, Harry, you leave this house while your family apparates.

In this way, when the spell is broken, you all rush to safety. ”

He turned to the Dursleys and asked, “How is it, all the luggage is packed? Are we going to go?”

No one answered.

Uncle Vernon was still staring at the bulge in Dedallo’s vest pocket with fear.

“Maybe we should wait in the outside hall, Dedalo.”

Hestia obviously felt that Harry and the Dursley family wanted to be affectionate, and maybe they had to say goodbye to each other in tears. It was inappropriate for them to stay in the house.

“No need.”

Harry murmured.

Uncle Vernon’s words also made more explanation unnecessary, and he said loudly, “Well, this is goodbye, boy.”

He stretched his right arm forward, trying to shake hands with Harry, but he couldn’t seem to face him at the last moment, so he clenched his hands into fists, swinging back and forth like a metronome.

“Ready, Dada?”

Aunt Petunia asked, checking the buckle of the handbag while looking for trouble, so as not to look at Harry at all.

Dudley did not answer. He stood there with his mouth slightly open, which reminded Harry of the giant Glop.


He had walked to the door of the living room, and suddenly heard Dudley mumble: “I don’t understand.”

“What don’t you understand, baby?”

Dudley held up a ham-like finger at Harry.

“Why doesn’t he go with us?”

Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia were stunned, staring at Dudley blankly, as if Dudley had just indicated that they wanted to be a ballerina.


“Why didn’t he go together?”

“Oh, he—he doesn’t want to go,” Uncle Vernon finished, turning his face to stare at Harry and asked, “You don’t want to go, do you?”

“Not at all.”

Harry nodded.

“Let’s go down here,” Uncle Vernon said to Dudley, “Okay, let’s go.”

Uncle Vernon strode out of the living room. The people in the room heard the sound of the front door opening, but Dudley did not move. Aunt Petunia staggered a few steps and stopped.

“What’s the matter?”

Uncle Vernon reappeared at the door, ranting and asking.

Dudley seemed to be trying to deal with some thoughts that were difficult to express in words. After a moment of seemingly painful inner struggle, he said, “But where is he going?”

Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon looked at each other, obviously Dudley frightened them. Hestia Jones broke the silence.

“But… of course you know where your nephew is going, don’t you?”

“Of course we know,” Vernon Dursley said. “He walked with a few people like yours, didn’t he?

Okay, Dudley, let’s get in the car soon, you heard the man say, time is tight. ”

Vernon Dursley strode again to the front door, but Dudley did not follow.

“Follow a few people like us?”

Hestia seemed to be annoyed.

Harry had encountered this attitude before, and the wizards seemed shocked to see the relative indifference to the famous Harry Potter closest to him.

“Forget it,” Harry persuaded, “It’s nothing, it’s really nothing.”

“Nothing?” Hesijia followed, her voice raised very high and unclear: “Do these people know what you have experienced?

Do you know what dangers you face?

Do you know your unique position in the core of the anti-Voldemort movement? ”

“Uh-don’t know, they don’t know.”

Harry said, “Actually, they thought I was a crap, but I’m used to—”

“I don’t think you are trash.”

Harry probably wouldn’t believe it if he hadn’t seen Dudley’s lips move.

He stared at Dudley for a few seconds before finally admitting that Dudley was talking, at least he saw Dudley’s face flushed.

Harry himself was embarrassed and surprised.

“Oh…oh…thank you, Dudley.”

Dudley seemed to be dealing with some inexpressible thoughts, and finally murmured: “You saved my life.”

“Can’t say that,” Harry said. “It’s your soul that the dementor is going to take away…”

He looked at his cousin curiously.

This summer vacation and last summer vacation, they had little contact, Harry returned to Privet Road for a short time, and always stayed in his room.

Harry now vaguely understood that the cup of herbal tea he kicked in the morning might not be a prank at all.

Although he was very moved, he was relieved to see that Dudley’s ability to express feelings seemed to be exhausted.

Dudley opened his mouth, his face flushed, and said nothing.

Aunt Petunia started crying, and Hestia Jones looked at her approvingly. Unexpectedly, Aunt Petunia rushed over and hugged Dudley instead of Harry, and Hestia suddenly became angry.

“Really—really good, Dada…”

She pressed against Dudley’s broad chest and cried: “Much—what a lovely child—the child…will—will say thank you…”

“He didn’t say thank you at all!”

Hesga said angrily, “He only said that he thought Harry was not rubbish!”

“Yeah, but the words came out of Dudley’s mouth, like ‘I love you’.”

Harry said, and Aunt Petunia continued to hold Dudley tightly, as if Dudley had just rescued Harry from a burning house. Harry couldn’t help but look angry and funny.

“Are we going to leave?”

Uncle Vernon appeared at the door of the living room again and snarled, “Isn’t time tight!”


Dedalo Digo just watched these scenes confusedly, and now seemed to come back to his senses: “We really have to go.”

He hurried forward, holding Harry’s hand tightly with both hands.

“Harry—good luck, I hope we will have some time later, and the hope of the wizarding world will fall on your shoulders.”

“Oh, yes, thank you.”

“Goodbye, Harry,” Hestia also took his hand tightly and said, “We will miss you.”

“hope everything is fine.”

“Oh, I believe we will become good friends.”

Digo said happily, waved his hat, and left the living room.

Hestia also followed out.

Dudley broke loose from his mother’s embrace and walked towards Harry.

Harry had to resist the urge to threaten him with magic.

Dudley stretched out his fat, pink hand.

“My God, Dudley,” Harry’s voice overwhelmed Aunt Petunia’s recurring sobs. “Did the Dementors instill another character in you?”

“I don’t know,” Dudley whispered, “Goodbye, Harry.”

“Okay…” Harry said and shook Dudley’s hand. “Maybe Take care, Brother D.”

Dudley almost smiled, then staggered out of the living room.

Harry heard his heavy steps on the gravel driveway, then with a slam, the car door closed.

Hearing this voice, Aunt Petunia, who had been burying her face in her handkerchief, looked up.

She didn’t seem to expect that she would be alone with Harry.

She hurriedly tucked the wet handkerchief into her pocket, and said, “Okay-goodbye.”

Then, without looking at Harry, he strode towards the door.


Aunt Petunia stopped and turned around.

For a moment, Harry had a particularly strange feeling, as if Aunt Petunia wanted to say something to him:

She looked at him with a weird and timid look, as if hesitating to speak, but then she slammed her head, rushed out of the room, and chased her husband and son.

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