HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 896

Chapter 880 There is nothing new in this world (part

There is no need to worry about going to the Ministry of Magic, after all, the main task is not him, but the three children.

So he first came to Grimmauld Place.

When he appeared on 12 Grimmauld Place, Harry just woke up from the panic because of some problems.

Jon knows why he is uncomfortable. After all, his Occlumency can’t be practiced at home, and he is easily infected by Voldemort’s emotions and memories. This is also impossible. As a Horcrux, he must have this kind of reaction.

But then the three of them came to the kitchen downstairs, and Kreacher served them stew and syrup tart.

The house elf was the only one who felt Jon’s arrival, but he did not show any reaction. After all, Sirius was not really dead, and Jon’s position allowed him to order Kreacher to do something. It happened, especially if Harry didn’t order Kreacher to speak.

It’s just that he didn’t expose himself, he just listened to their plan after confirming that there was nothing wrong with these people.

These people analyzed their action plan over and over again, memorizing this plan exactly, and did not return to the room to sleep until late at night.

Hermione saw Jon in the bedroom.

“Teacher, why are you here?”

Seeing Jon sitting on the chair in the room, Hermione was a little surprised. After all, Jon hadn’t told her to come before, and her mental condition had been relatively tight recently, and she had been worried about being discovered.

“Come and see you guys, how are the two little guys recently?”

“Their situation, I don’t think it is very good, especially Harry’s state, he seems to be a bit worrying.”

“This is the fate he must endure as a Horcrux. Don’t worry, it will end soon. It is good for him to endure some pain.”


Hermione was silent. She also knew that this issue was not an important issue, and they didn’t need to consider this situation in the situation they were facing now. Jon was definitely not here today for these things.

Although the teacher-student relationship between the two of them did not last long, there was one thing that Hermione knew Jon very well.

That is, if there is nothing necessary, Jon generally will not appear in front of others in person.

“Tomorrow you will go to the Ministry of Magic…”

Jon was silent for a while and said: “Don’t worry about safety, but there is one thing you should pay attention to. That place is now all Death Eaters. If your identities are exposed, you may be in danger.

——Of course, since I promised to protect you, I won’t let you really appear in a situation.

I can help you get out of there safely and give you enough time to Apparate,

But if there is an accident, if you are caught by someone, remember that you have to change your position immediately, even if the place is exposed, it doesn’t matter.

Bellatrix and the others knew about the existence of Grimmauld Place, but they had never been able to get in before.

It’s no big deal to throw this place out now, they are not interested in this house, they are only interested in you.

During the next period of time, you may face a lot of things. I can’t protect everything by your side, but someone will accompany you. Just know the matter. Don’t tell them two, otherwise. It loses its meaning.

The experience must be experienced, not everyone can be so lucky, to have the opportunity like you,

With more experience, you will understand how complicated the world is,

You know what I am going to do. The next two years are likely to be the two years where the magic society has changed the most. You need to seize the opportunity. ”

In fact, Hermione didn’t understand much, but she nodded anyway.

Jon patted her on the shoulder and left here.

No light overnight.

The dawn is chasing midnight, and it seems to be in a rush.

“Your face is ugly.”

Harry’s room, Ron said when he came in and woke Harry up.

“It will be all right soon.”

Harry answered with a yawn.

They saw Hermione in the kitchen downstairs, facing the coffee and hot rolls that Kreacher served, her face was a little crazy, and Harry immediately thought of reviewing before the exam.


She muttered to herself, nodded nervously at them, and continued to fumble in her beaded pouch:

“The compound decoction…the invisible cloak…

Decoy bombs… this you need to take two each, just in case…

Spit out sugar, nosebleed nougat, stretch ears…”

They gulped their breakfast and moved upstairs. Kreacher bowed to each other and promised to make steak and kidney pie to wait for them to return.

“God bless him,”

Ron said moved: “Think about it, I once fantasized about cutting off his head and nailing it to the wall.”

They stood cautiously on the top of the steps, and they could see two Death Eaters with swollen eyes looking across the foggy square.

Hermione apparated Ron first, and then came back to take Harry.

After that brief darkness and suffocating feeling, Harry found himself standing in a small alley, according to the plan, the first part of the operation would take place here.

The alley was empty, with only two large trash cans.

The first Ministry of Magic staff will not appear until at least eight o’clock.

“Okay,” Hermione looked at her watch. “She should be there in five minutes. After I knocked her out—”

“Hermione, we know,” Ron said upset. “And, I remember we should open the door before she comes?”

Hermione screamed.

“I almost forgot! Get out of the way—”

She pointed her magic wand at the fire door with iron locks and graffiti next to it, and the door opened with a bang.

They knew through careful reconnaissance many times that the dark corridor behind the door led to an unmanned theater.

Hermione pulled the door closed so that it still looked closed.

“Now,” she turned and said to the two companions in the alley: “We put on the invisibility cloak again—”


Ron finished talking, and put the invisibility cloak on Hermione’s head, as if covering a budgerigar with a wool blanket, while rolling his eyes at Harry.

After more than a minute, they heard a soft pop, and a little gray-haired witch of the Ministry of Magic appeared a few feet in front of them, and was a little bit unable to open his eyes by the sudden light.

The sun had just emerged from behind a cloud, but before she could enjoy the unexpected warmth, Hermione’s silent coma spell had hit her chest and she fell.

“Good job, Hermione.”

Ron Zand said, coming out of the trash can at the entrance of the theater, and Harry took off the invisibility cloak.

Together, the three dragged the little child witch into the dark corridor leading to the backstage. Hermione pulled a few hairs from the witch’s head, took a bottle of muddy compound soup from the beaded pouch, and added the hair.

Ron rummaged in the witch’s handbag.

“She is Mafalda Hopkirk,”

He read a small card. The person who was knocked out was an assistant of the Department of Forbidden Misuse of Magic: “You better hold this, Hermione, and proof coins.”

He handed her a few small golden coins, all with the embossed words M.O.M. [the acronym of Ministry of Magic], which were found in the witch’s purse.

The compound decoction had turned into a pleasant lavender, and Hermione drank it, and after a few seconds it turned into Mafalda Hopkirk and stood in front of them.

She took off Mafalda’s eyes and put them on, and Harry looked at his watch.

“We are a bit late, the gentleman from the magic maintenance department is coming.”

They hurriedly shut the real horse Falda behind the door, Harry and Ron put on invisibility cloaks, and Hermione was still standing there waiting.

After a few seconds, there was another puff, and a little wizard who looked like a ferret appeared in front of them.

“Oh, hello, Mafalda.”

“Hello there!”

Hermione said in a trembling voice, “How are you today?”

“Not great.”

The little wizard replied, he looked sluggish.

Hermione and the wizard walked towards the main street, Harry and Ron tiptoing behind.

“You feel uncomfortable… I’m sorry, I sympathize.”

The little wizard wanted to explain his situation. Hermione raised her voice resolutely and suppressed his words. She had to stop him before he walked into the street: “Here, have a candy.”

“Uh? Oh, no, thank you—”

“It must be eaten!”

Hermione said forcefully, waving the spitting candy in front of him, and the little wizard seemed to be frightened, so he took a piece.

The effect is immediate.

As soon as the spitting candy touched his tongue, the little wizard vomited violently, not even noticing that Hermione pulled a bunch of hair from the top of his head.

“Oh my God!”

She said, seeing him throw up in the alley: “You might have to take a day off!”

“no no!”

He retched, while still walking forward, although the road was not straight: “I must—today—must go—”

“But this is stupid!”

Hermione said in horror: “You can’t go to work like this-I think you should go to St. Mungo’s Hospital to check it!”

The wizard could no longer stand, and was still trying to move into the street.

“You can’t go to work like this!”

Hermione shouted.

He finally seemed to accept the facts she was telling. Hermione, who was holding a disgusted face, barely stood up. He spun around and disappeared, leaving only a bag that Ron tore from his hand at the last moment and some flying things. Vomit.


Hermione picked up the hem of her robe, avoiding the pile of stuff on the ground: “It’s better to knock him out.”

“Yes,” Ron said, holding the wizard’s bag out of the invisibility cloak: “But I still think a bunch of unconscious people are more likely to attract attention.

He really loves work… Throw your hair and potion over. ”

Two minutes later, Ron stood in front of them, short and looking like a ferret, like the sick wizard, and put on the navy blue robes stacked in his bag.

“It’s strange why he didn’t wear it today, isn’t it, since he wants to work so much?

But leave him alone, I’m Reggie Catmore with a name behind it. ”

——At the same time, in the space one kilometer away, the real Reggie Catmore swallowed a piece of candy, and the physical problem was immediately solved.

“President, I’m all right.”

“It’s fine.”

Stephen said gently: “It made you suffer, Uncle Catmore, but in order to save your family, we must do this.”

“No, no, don’t say that, at least when I was studying in Hufflepuff, I never thought that one day I would experience this kind of thing.

Besides, this is to help Harry Potter do things, anyway, it is what I should do. ”

Of course, this is the best, but Stephen will not take it seriously. The Magic Research Society has spent a lot of money to infiltrate a lot of people in the Ministry of Magic, so even if there is no such thing as today, they will still spend their energy to go. Maintain the existence of these people in the Ministry of Magic.

“Don’t worry, what we have to do is to resist Voldemort, but there is no way to put these things on the surface.

But our power is as powerful as you can see, isn’t it?

In any case, we will help you protect the safety of your family. ”

There are some things that must be said no matter whether they can be done or not, especially when this thing can be 100% successful, what is the problem with saying these things?

As a qualified leader, one of the current vice presidents of the Magic Research Association, Stephen always has to think about this organization, and Jon shouldn’t have any opinions… right?

Harry waited for ten minutes, but after a long time it felt like he was lying alone in the alley full of vomit, with the knocked out Mafalda hidden in the next door.

Finally, Ron and Hermione returned.

“I don’t know who he is,” Hermione handed Harry a few black curly hairs. “But he has gone home and his nose is bleeding!

He is quite tall, you may have to change into a big robe…”

She pulled out a set of old robes that Kreacher had washed for them, and Harry went to drink the soup to transform it.

After the painful change was completed, he was more than six feet tall. From the muscles of his arms, he was very strong and he still had a beard on his chin.

He stuffed his invisibility cloak and glasses into his newly changed pants and stood next to the other two.

“My God, it’s scary.”

Ron said, looking up at Harry, who stood in front of him like a tower.

“Take a proof coin of Mafalda,”

Hermione reminded Harry: “Let’s go, it’s almost nine o’clock.”

The three people walked out of the alley together.

After walking fifty meters along the crowded sidewalk, there are two black pointed fences sandwiched between the steps, with the words “male” on one side and “female” on the other.

“See you later.”

Hermione said nervously, and swayed down the steps marked “Female”.

Harry and Ron walked down with some eccentrically dressed men, as if they came to an ordinary underground public toilet with dirty black and white tiles on the wall.

“Good morning, Reggie!”

A wizard in a navy blue robe cried, squeezing the golden proof coin into a slit on the door, and into a small compartment: “It’s **** annoying, isn’t it?

We have to come to work like this!

Who do they think will come, Harry Potter? ”

The wizard quackled at his witty remark, and Ron grinned reluctantly.

“Hey,” he said, “stupid enough, isn’t it?”

He and Harry entered the adjacent cubicle.

The sound of flushing sounded from both sides of Harry, his cat waist looked through the gap under the partition, just in time to see a pair of boots crawling into the toilet next door.

He looked at the left again and saw Ron blinking at him in surprise.

“Want to rush yourself in?”

Ron asked in a low voice.

“It seems so.”

Harry answered in a low voice, his voice low and hoarse.

Both straightened up, and Harry climbed into the toilet, feeling ridiculous.

He knew right away that he was doing it right. Although he seemed to be standing in the water, his shoes, feet, and robe were all dry.

He stretched out a zipper rope and quickly rushed through a short slide, rushed out of a fireplace, and arrived at the Ministry of Magic.

He got up awkwardly, his body was much larger than usual, and he was uncomfortable.

The hall seemed darker than Harry remembered.

It turned out that there was a golden fountain in the center, casting light spots on the bright wooden floor and walls.

And now, a huge black stone statue occupies the center, which is terrible.

Such a giant stone statue, a witch and a wizard sitting on a beautifully carved throne, looking down at the Ministry of Magic staff rolling out of the fireplace.

A few one-foot-high characters are engraved on the bottom of the stone statue: Magic is power.

Harry was hit **** the back of his leg—a wizard just flew out of the fireplace.

“Don’t get in the way, can’t you—oh, sorry, Runcorn!”

The shameless wizard was obviously panic, and hurriedly walked away.

It seems that the person Harry is posing as Runcorn, is very powerful.


Another voice said, Harry turned his head, saw a tiny witch and the ferret-like wizard from the Magic Maintenance Department beckoning to him beside the statue, and hurried over.

“You got in smoothly?”

Hermione asked Harry quietly.

“No, he is still stuck in the toilet.”

“Oh, it’s funny… it’s scary, isn’t it?”

She said, seeing Harry still staring at the statue: “Did you see what they were sitting on?”

Harry took a closer look and found out that the throne he thought was a beautifully carved throne was actually a pile of stone-carved human bodies, hundreds of naked human bodies: men, women, and children were silly and ugly, their bodies twisted Together, supporting the handsome wizard in robes.

“Muggles,” Hermione said softly, “where they should be. Come on, let’s go.”

They merged into the flow of wizards and wizards and walked to the golden gate at the end of the hall. While scanning around as inconspicuously as possible, they did not see the distinctive figure of Dolores Umbridge.

They walked through the golden gate to a smaller hall and saw people line up in front of the golden gates of twenty elevators.

They had just entered the nearest line when a voice said: “Cartmore!”

They turned their heads, and Harry’s stomach cramped.

A Death Eater who was present at Dumbledore’s death strode towards him, and the Ministry personnel next to him dropped their eyes and said nothing.

Harry could feel fear permeating among them. The man’s gloomy, slightly cruel face did not match his gorgeous, flowing robes inlaid with gold threads. Someone in the line by the elevator cried out flatteringly: ” Good morning, Yaxley!”

The man ignored it.

“I asked someone from the Magic Maintenance Department to fix my office, Catmore, it has been raining in the house.”

Ron looked around, as if wishing someone to chip in, but no one said anything.

“It’s raining… in your office?

That—that’s terrible, isn’t it? ”

Ron smiled nervously, and Yaxley’s eyes rounded.

“You think it’s fun, don’t you, Catmore?”

“No,” Ron said, “Of course not—”

“You know I’m going downstairs to interrogate your wife, Catmore?

I felt quite surprised, why didn’t you hold your hand there and wait with her.

Are you going to draw a line with her already, huh?

It may be wise, remember to find a purebred next time. ”

Hermione gave a soft cry in horror.

Yaxley looked at her, she coughed faintly, and looked away.


Ron stammered.

“The woman I marry will never be confused with that trash, but suppose my wife is accused of being a mudblood.”

Yaxley said: “And the head of the Legal Enforcement Department of the Ministry of Magic has a job to do. I will definitely treat this job as a top priority, Catmore, do you understand what I mean?”


Ron whispered.

“Then do it, Catmore, if my office doesn’t dry out completely in an hour, your wife’s blood composition will be more problematic than it is now.”

The golden fence door in front of them slammed open. Yaxley turned and walked towards the other elevator. Before leaving, he nodded at Harry and gave a disgusting smile, apparently thinking that Harry would teach Carter this way. Moore expressed appreciation.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione entered their elevator, but no one else entered, as if they had an infectious disease.

The fence door slammed shut and the elevator began to rise.

“what do I do?”

Ron immediately asked the two companions, as if a catastrophe was imminent: “If I don’t go, my wife—I mean, Catmore’s wife—”

“Let’s go with you, let’s not separate—”

Harry said, but Ron shook his head desperately.

“That’s really sick. We don’t have much time. You two go to Umbridge. I’ll go to Xiu Yaxley’s office-but how can we keep it from raining?”

“Try to end the spell,”

Hermione said immediately, “If it rains due to a curse or a spell, it should stop.

If you can’t stop it, then there’s something wrong with the weather curse. It’s a bit more troublesome. You can protect him from the curse with water and fire for now—”

“Say it again, slower—”

Ron said, looking for a pen in his pocket anxiously, but the elevator trembled and stopped.

An empty female voice said: “Fourth floor, the Department of Management and Control of Fantastic Beasts, including the Office of Beasts, Alien and Ghosts, the Fairy Liaison Office, and the Pest Counseling Office The fence door opened again, and two wizards were placed in. There are also a few lavender paper airplanes flying around the light bulb on the top of the elevator.

“Good morning, Albert.”

A bearded wizard said to Harry with a smile, then glanced at Ron and Hermione.

The elevator creaked up again.

Hermione was giving Ron anxiously in a low voice. The wizard approached Harry, squinted at him, and whispered, “Dirk Creswell?

The fairy liaison office?

Good job, Albert, now I’m pretty sure I will get his position! ”

He blinked, and Harry smiled, hoping it would please him.

The elevator stopped and the fence door opened again.

“The second level, the Magic Law Enforcement Department, contains the Department of Prohibition of Misuse of Magic, Auror Command and Wisengama Management Agency.”

Said the hollow female voice.

Harry saw Hermione give Ron a light push, Ron hurried out of the elevator, and the other wizards got off, leaving only Harry and Hermione in the elevator.

As soon as the golden fence door closed, Hermione said hurriedly: “Harry, I think I’d better follow him. I think he is at a loss. If he gets caught, the whole plan—”

“On the first floor, the Minister of Magic’s Office and Logistics Office.”

The golden fence door opened again, and Hermione took a breath.

Four people stood in front of them, two of them were talking closely: a long-haired wizard in a gorgeous black robes embroidered with gold, and a short, fat, toad-like witch with a velvet bow in her short hair and a chest on her chest. Holding a clipboard.

HP approached the wizarding world https://

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