HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 902

Chapter 886 Goodbye.

Text Chapter 886 Goodbye.

“How to put it, it is indeed a coincidence, because next I will go to Godric Valley to Voldemort to arrange for me to stay there, waiting for their arrival.”

“This is not a coincidence, but Voldemort guessed something in advance, or that he has stolen some information from Harry’s mind.”

Jon said in a deep voice.

“As for what I asked you to do, it probably has something to do with this action. I hope you can help me put some memories into the child’s mind. Part of the child’s memory is stored in the original split by Voldemort. In the soul, you are also a Horcrux, so you should know how to open it.”

“But what’s the point of doing this?

I mean, no matter what you did before or what I need to do for you now, these things don’t seem to have any serious meaning, if this thing has something to do with the thing you are going to do. , To be honest, I don’t see how much the relationship is. Your power is already very strong. Why not just kill Voldemort? ”

“Kill him, it’s better to kill him directly, but if Harry doesn’t die, he won’t die. I can’t just kill him just to kill him too, when they face off at Hogwarts. It is the day when everything starts again. I have made all preparations and waited for that day to come. By the way, your rebirth will also be on that day, so don’t worry, let us look forward to it together.”

In the end, Nagini just glanced at him, and still didn’t say much about this matter.

She left.

“Do you know what to do?”

Seeing him leaving behind, Jon asked Hermione.

“There is nothing to do, right? I just need to get Harry to contact her, and I will always be by Harry’s side.”

“It won’t be hers who will be in contact with Harry. Voldemort will let the snake do it instead of her. Although the two of them share the same body, Voldemort knows why. He It’s a snake-like voice, and I know the twists and turns in it too well. You don’t need to follow too closely. I will put a magic on Harry. Once he is in danger, I will remind you immediately. Yes, if possible. , Try to protect Harry, I only talk about him.”

Jon’s order was strange. How could someone ask her to protect this person, and only protect this person, and Harry didn’t have anything special with him.

But Jon didn’t give any explanation for what he said, but silently sent Hermione back into the forest.

Then turned and left.

He has another thing to do, he is going to see cinnabar across the ocean.

Cinnabar is very popular.

After all, nothing happened to the east.

And even if something happened, Jon must be the seer Jon when he came.

“I’m so anxious to find me, is it possible that something has happened over there?”

“That’s not true, nothing has changed, I just miss you.”


Fancy words are of course useless here in cinnabar, after all, this person is smarter, and you can tell at a glance whether a person’s words are true or false.

Jon didn’t lie, but he didn’t particularly miss her either.

At least Jon’s miss is just a miss for his friends, and it hasn’t reached the point where he has to travel across oceans and return to China.

“If you have anything to do, just talk about it. Don’t play around here. It is meaningless. If you have nothing to do, please feel free. I have something to do.”

“I gotta go.”

“Go? That’s OK, bye.”

Zhu Sha turned around to leave, not taking what Jon said as the same thing.

After all, she knew that Jon was leaving the world, and also knew that this matter would not succeed for a while, so she didn’t think about it at all.

“I mean, I am leaving this world.”

“Huh? Why is it so fast?”

At this moment, Cinnabar left in no hurry, but she wanted to know why Jon suddenly changed his mind.

“How should I put it, because of something, anyway, the time to leave is earlier.”

“The time to leave is earlier, can you also advance your strength?”

“Perhaps, my strength has grown a bit fast recently.”

Jon thought for a while and said the truth.

“This time, I’m actually saying goodbye to you. You will definitely be sad when I leave, so I’ll come over in advance to tell you.”

“It’s not enough to be sad. Although the two of us have a good relationship, we haven’t reached the point where you left me and will still be sad for you. I see farewell things like this a lot.”

“Yeah, just treat me as hypocritical. Do you know that there is an old saying that is especially suitable for the two of us now.”

“Are you tired of seeing each other? That’s not enough. Although you have been a bit annoying these days, I still don’t hate you so much. You are my good friend after all.”

“…” Jon choked and said, “I mean, one side is two wide, and each is happy.”

Zhu Sha frowned She thought that Jon might have been possessed by someone, or the memory had been modified by someone else.

“What you said is ambiguous,” she said: “One is not two wide, everyone is happy, it is what the ancients said when divorce, the divorce vows, how do we two have a good time?”

“…Actually, I wanted to take advantage, but I didn’t succeed.”

Jon smiled: “This sentence is not appropriate, then I’ll change another sentence.”

“If you put it another way, I would like to give you something, have you heard of Gu Yange?”

Jon frowned and shook his head.

“Okay, but you must have heard this sentence, this sentence comes from Gu Yange, it says:

The long white rabbits walk around, the clothes are not as good as the new, and the people are not as good as the old. ”

Jon was silent.

He is a very smart person, able to hear the hidden meanings of other people’s words.

But what cinnabar wants to achieve is destined to be impossible.

“It is impossible for me not to leave. I always stay in the past world. It is not a good thing for me. More importantly, I should have more important things to do than staying.”

“These things have nothing to do with me, you don’t have to tell me, I don’t really care where you go, or for whom, or for what, as long as you are safe, but if you have a chance in the future If you do, come back and have a look.”

Jon nodded, and stopped talking.

“Some things don’t need to be said, I understand,

There is no parting in life, who knows that love is heavy,

Clutch is cyclical, and sorrow and joy are attacked one after another.

I wish you a good journey. ”

“Then I, go, goodbye.”

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