HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 905

Chapter 889 Midnight visitor

Chapter 889

They walked forward, but Hermione had been thinking about another question in her heart. She was still waiting for that person to appear, even though that person hadn’t appeared yet.

Will the man named Nagini really appear here?

This kind of thought lingers in her heart. With doubt and impulse, she now very much wants to reach into the beaded pouch, and then take out the notebook and ask Jon, but Jon said that he will be very busy these days. , May not be able to receive news from her, so it is best not to disturb him.

But Hermione didn’t know what she should do.

The winter air was very cold, the icy feeling, and the pain of the cold wind penetrating into the nasal cavity was very sad. She couldn’t help but gather her clothes and scarf, but then she smelled another one. taste.

It is a fishy smell.

It’s not pungent, it’s simple, and she has smelled it before.

Not long ago.

On the woman named Nagini.

She looked around and found the source of the smell.

Then she grabbed the boy next to her.

“Harry, stop.”

“what’s wrong?”

Harry wondered, they had just walked to the grave of the unknown Abbot.

“Someone is there, someone is looking at us, I can feel it.

There, next to the bushes. ”

They stood motionless, cuddling together, staring at the edge of Hessen’s cemetery.

But Harry saw nothing.

“you sure?”

“I saw something moving, I can swear…”

Hermione broke free from Harry, freeing her wand-holding arm.

“We look like Muggles.”

“The Muggle that just put flowers in front of your parents’ grave!

Harry, I believe there is someone there! ”

Harry thought of “A History of Magic,” and it said that the cemetery was haunted: What if—?

At this time he heard a rustling noise and saw a small swirl of snowflakes among the bushes Hermione was referring to. Ghosts could not move snow.

“It’s a cat,”

After a second or two, Harry said, “Or the bird.

If it were Death Eaters, we are now dead.

But this… let’s get out of here, we can put on the invisibility cloak. ”

Hermione agreed, because she felt the breath disappear, as if it appeared just to remind her.

Remind Hermione and tell her that it’s ready.

It probably means this.

Well, if this is the case, she can accept it.

They walked forward, but the two of them kept looking back as they walked out of the cemetery.

Harry wasn’t as optimistic as he had comforted Hermione. He walked to the door and stepped onto the slippery stone road. He felt relieved.

The two put on the invisibility cloak. There were more guests in the bar than before, and many voices were singing the carols they heard in front of the church.

Harry wanted to propose to go in and hide, but before speaking, Hermione whispered “Go this way” and dragged him down a dark street.

It leads to the outside of the village, just the opposite of the way they came in.

Harry could see where the house disappeared and the side street turned into a wilderness.

They were so fast that they dared not to go any faster, they passed more windows with flashing lights, and the silhouette of the Christmas tree appeared behind the curtains.

“How can I find Bathilda’s house?”

Hermione asked. Now she was able to determine who the person she was looking for, but in this cold weather, she was a little shivering and often looked back-after all, that person was from Voldemort’s side, and there is no guarantee that she won’t. There are Death Eaters following here.

What if, right?

After all, she still has to be psychologically prepared and other preparations. She is a little nervous, because Jon told her that no matter what happens, you must ensure your own safety. Even if Jon can protect them, it’s true. When it happens, it may not come in time.

The last time the Ministry of Magic happened is an example.

But Harry seemed to be in a daze, which made Hermione startled him: “Harry? What do you think? Harry?”

There was no response, and she tugged at his arm again, but Harry didn’t pay attention.

He was looking at a cloud of shadows at the end of the row of houses, and then he quickened his pace and dragged Hermione over, she slid on the ice.


“Look…Look, Hermione…”

“I didn’t…oh!”

He saw it.

The Curse of Courageous Faith must have expired with the deaths of James and Lily.

In the sixteen years since Hagrid took Harry away from the ruins, the hedges had grown messy, with rubble buried in waist-deep grass.

Most of the house was still standing there, completely covered in dark ivy and snow, but the right side of the top room was blown up, and Harry thought that must be where the spell bounced back.

He and Hermione stood at the door looking at the ruin, which must have been the same as the houses on either side.

“Why didn’t anyone rebuild it?”

Hermione sighed quietly.

“Maybe it can’t be rebuilt?”

Harry replied: “Maybe it’s like the damage caused by black magic, can’t be repaired?”

He stretched out a hand from under the invisibility cloak and grabbed the snow-covered, rusty iron door. He didn’t want to open it, but only wanted to hold a part of the house.

“You don’t want to go in, do you?

Looks unsafe, maybe—oh, Harry, look! ”

It seems to be caused by his hand on the door: a wooden sign rises from the ground in front of them and emerges from the mess of nettles and weeds, like some kind of strange, rapidly growing flower. The golden letters on the sign read:

October 31, 1981

Lily and James Potter sacrificed here

Their son Harry is the only one

The wizard who survived the killing curse

This Muggle-invisible house was kept as it was The ruins are used to commemorate the Potters.

And warned of the violence that caused their family’s destruction

Beside these neat handwritings, various inscriptions were written, written by the wizard who came to pay homage to the place where the “boy who survived catastrophe” escaped from the dead.

Some just wrote their names in never-fading ink, some engraved the initials of their names on wooden signs, and some wrote messages.

The most recent ones are shining on the magic graffiti of sixteen years, and the content is roughly the same.

Good luck, Harry, wherever you are.

Hope you can read, Harry, we all support you!

Long live Harry Potter.

“They shouldn’t be written on the sign!”

Hermione said dissatisfied.

But Harry smiled cheerfully at her.

“Very good, I’m glad they did it, I…”

He paused, and a tightly wrapped figure staggered from the side street, black silhouetted by the lights of the distant square.

Although it was difficult to judge, Harry thought it was a woman.

She walked very slowly, perhaps because she was afraid of slipping on the snow.

The rickety body, bloated posture, and staggering pace all gave the impression of being very old.

They watched her approach in silence, and Harry waited to see if she would turn into a small house on the side of the road, but instinctively knew that she would not.

Finally, she stopped a few meters away, just standing in the middle of the frozen street, facing them.

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