HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 921

Chapter 904 Fold a world into a paper airplane (3)

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Things happen suddenly, in an instant.

Snape received Voldemort’s call, which was communicated through Lucius Malfoy, so Jon planned to look at the problems in the campus first, but ran into Harry halfway.

They are going to the screaming shed.

So Jon also planned to go to the Screaming Shack.

The road was a bit troublesome, but it was still within the reach of the students. He ran desperately, almost feeling that he could leave death behind. He ignored the blazing lights in the surrounding darkness, the sound of the lake scouring like the sea, or the creaking noises from the forbidden forest—even though there was no wind at night. They ran across the playground that seemed to be fighting back, and Harry had never ran so fast in his life. Then, he was the first to see the big tree, the beating willow with its whip-like branches protecting the secrets under the root of the tree.

Harry slowed down breathlessly, avoiding the whipping branches of the beating willow, and looking carefully at the thick tree trunk in the dark, wanting to see the old bark that can calm the big tree. Knot scars. Ron and Hermione also caught up, and Hermione could not even speak.

“We—how do we get in?” Ron panted, “I can—can see that place—if we—with Crookshanks—”

“Crookshanks?” Hermione gasped, bent over and grabbed her chest. “Are you a wizard?”

“Oh-yes-yes -”

Ron looked around, then pointed his wand at a branch on the ground, and said, “Yugadim Leviosa!” The branch flew up from the ground, spinning in the air like being blown by the wind, and then Swish through the dangerous branches of the willow, and rushed straight towards the trunk. It stabbed a place near the root of the tree, and suddenly, the twisted and beaten willow fell silent.

“Pretty!” Hermione gasped.

“and many more.”

For that brief moment, Harry hesitated. The air was filled with the roar and crash of fighting. Voldemort wanted him to do this, he wanted him to come to the door… Is he putting Ron and Hermione into a trap?

Then, reality seemed to surround him, cruel and clear: there was only one way ahead, to kill the snake, and the snake was with Voldemort, and Voldemort was at the end of this tunnel…

“Harry, here we come, go in!” Ron said, pushing him forward.

Harry twisted and crawled into the dirt tunnel hidden under the roots of the tree. It is much narrower and cramped than when they came in last time. The roof of the tunnel is very low. They had to bend their bodies almost four years ago, and now they can only crawl forward. Harry was at the forefront, and he lit his wand, beware of obstacles at any time. Unexpectedly, the journey went smoothly. They crawled forward silently. Harry stared at the wavering light from the wand held in his hand.

Finally, the tunnel began to rise, and Harry saw a long narrow light ahead. Hermione tugged at his ankle.

“Invisibility cloak!” she whispered, “put on the invisibility cloak!”

Harry fumbled behind him, and Hermione slid the slippery dress into his wandless hand. Harry struggling to put his clothes on his body, whispered “Knox”, extinguished the light of his wand, and then continued to crawl forward with his hands and feet, trying not to make any noise. He tensed all his nerves, knowing that he could be spotted at any time, he could hear a cold and clear voice at any time, and see a dazzling green light.

Then, he heard the voice of speaking from the front room, but the gap at the end of the tunnel was blocked by an old box-like thing, making the voice sound a bit muffled. Harry held his breath as much as possible and moved to the gap little by little, looking through the narrow gap between the box and the wall of the cave.

The room over there was dimly lit, but he still saw Nagini. The serpent stayed safely in the gleaming magical protective ball floating in the air, twisting and coiling like it was underwater. Harry also saw a pale, long-fingered hand playing with a magic wand on the edge of a table. Then Snape spoke, and Harry’s heart jumped. Snape and Harry were only a few inches in hiding.

“…Master, their resistance is disintegrating—”

“–There is no credit for you,” Voldemort said in his high-pitched, clear voice, “Severus, although you are a brilliant wizard, I think you are useless now. We are almost It’s about to succeed… it’s almost.”

“Let me find that boy. Let me bring Potter to you. I know I can find him, Master. Please.”

Snape passed through the gap, and Harry stepped back a bit, still keeping his eyes on Nagini, wondering if there was a curse that could penetrate the protective layer around the snake, but he couldn’t think of a single one. He dare not act rashly, once he fails, he will expose his position…

Voldemort stood up. Harry could see him, seeing his red eyes, his flat, snake-like face, and his pale gleam in the dark.

“I have a problem, Severus,” Voldemort said softly.

“Master?” Snape said.

Voldemort raised the old wand and squeezed it carefully and gracefully between his fingers, like a baton.

“Why doesn’t it work for me, Severus?”

In the silence, Harry seemed to hear the hissing of the serpent coiling and stretching, or the hissing sigh that lingered in the air from Voldemort?

“Lord—Master?” Snape said blankly. “I don’t understand. You—you used this magic wand to perform superb magic.”

“No,” Voldemort said, “I only used my usual wand. I’m superb, but this wand…no. It doesn’t show the miracle it should show. This wand is the same as I got from Ollie many years ago. I can’t feel any difference compared to the wand that Van Der bought.”

Voldemort’s tone was calm and thoughtful, but Harry’s scar began to ache again. As the pain on his forehead intensified little by little, he felt the anger in Voldemort’s heart gradually escalated.

“There is no difference,” Voldemort said again.

Snape didn’t speak. Harry couldn’t see his face. He didn’t know if Snape felt the danger and was searching for the right words to make the owner clear his doubts.

Voldemort began to walk around the house. Harry couldn’t see him for a few seconds. He could only hear him talking in that unhurried voice while pacing. At the same time, Harry’s pain and anger continued to increase.

“I thought hard for a long time, Severus… Do you know why I called you back from the battlefield?”

For a moment, Harry saw Snape’s profile, and Snape’s eyes were fixed on the snake coiling in the magic cage.

“I don’t know, Master, but I beg you to let me go back and let me find Potter.”

“You talk a lot like Lucius, none of you know Potter as much as I do. You don’t need to find it. Potter will send it to you. I know his weakness, one of his big flaws. He doesn’t want to look at it. While others are being knocked down around him, and knowing that all this happened because of him. He will stop it at all costs. He will come.”

“But, Master, he might be killed by others by mistake–”

“The instructions I gave to my Death Eaters were very clear. Capture Potter alive. Kill his friends-the more the better-but don’t kill him.”

“But, Severus, I want to talk about you, not Harry Potter. You used to be very valuable to me, very valuable.”

“The master knows that I am willing to work for you. But-let me find that boy, master. Let me bring him to see you. I know that I can -”

“I told you, no!” Voldemort said, and when he turned around again, Harry saw the red light in his eyes and heard the rustling of his cloak, like a snake crawling on the ground. Harry also felt Voldemort’s impatience from the burning scar. “Severus, what I care about right now is what happens when I finally face that boy!”

“Master, of course there can be no problem—?”

“—There is a problem, Severus, there is a problem.”

Voldemort stopped, and Harry could see him clearly again, saw him stroke the old wand with his pale fingers and stared at Snape.

“Why don’t the two wands I use when facing Harry Potter?”

“I—I can’t answer, Master.”

“is it?”

The fierce anger pierced Harry’s head like a nail, and he stuffed his fist into his mouth so that he wouldn’t scream in pain. He closed his eyes, and suddenly he became Voldemort, staring at Snape’s pale face.

“My yew cedar wand was compliant with me, Severus, but it failed to kill Harry Potter. It failed both times. Ollivander told me the twins under torture. About the core of the wand, I asked me to use someone else’s wand. I did, but Lucius’s wand fell apart when it met Potter’s wand.”

“I—I don’t understand either, Master.”

Snape didn’t look at Voldemort at the moment. His dark eyes were still staring at the serpent coiling in the protective ball.

“I found the third wand, Severus. The old wand, the wand of fate, the death rod. I brought it from its former owner. I took it from Albus Dumbledore’s grave Here it is.”

Now Snape was looking at Voldemort. Snape’s face was like a dead man’s mask, as pale and solid as marble. He was taken aback when he spoke, but he didn’t expect that there was a living person behind those hollow eyes.

“Master—let me find that boy—”

“The whole long night, seeing the edge of victory, but I’m sitting here,” Voldemort said, his voice almost whispered, “think, think, why the old magic wand refuses to use its power and refuses to act like the legend has it. Its rightful owner worked miracles…now I seem to have the answer.”

Snape didn’t speak.

“Perhaps you already know? You are a smart man after all, Severus. You have always been a good and loyal servant, and I regret what must have happened.”

“the host–”

“The old wand cannot serve me well, Severus, because I am not its true owner. The old wand belongs to the wizard who killed its former owner. You killed Albus Dumbledore. Just You are alive, Severus, the old wand can’t really belong to me.”

“Master!” Snape protested, raising his wand.

“There can be no other way,” Voldemort said, “I must conquer this wand, Severus. Conquer this wand, and finally conquer Potter.”

Voldemort slammed the air with his old wand. Snape was unharmed, and for an instant, he seemed to think he was temporarily exempted. Then, Voldemort’s intentions became clear. The snake’s cage was tumbling in the air, and Snape only screamed, and the cage covered his head and shoulders, and Voldemort spoke in a snake-like voice.


With a terrible scream, Harry saw that the little blood on Snape’s face had disappeared, and the serpent’s fangs pierced his neck. He weakly pushed away the magical cage, his knees fell to the ground, his face turned pale, his black eyes widened.

“I’m sorry,” Voldemort said coldly.

He turned around, there was no sorrow or regret in his heart. With a wand that absolutely obeyed his orders, he should now leave the shed and clean up the situation. He pointed his wand at the starry snake cage, which floated up and left Snape. As soon as Snape fell to the ground, blood gushed from the wound on his neck. Voldemort quickly left the house, without looking back, the giant snake trapped in the huge protective ball also floated with him.

Harry went back to the tunnel, back in his own mind, and opened his eyes. He bit the joints of his fingers and bleeds so as not to shout. At this moment, he peered through the narrow gap between the box and the wall of the cave, and saw a foot in black boots trembling on the floor.

“Harry!” Hermione gasped behind him, but he had pointed his wand at the box blocking his view. The box hung an inch and floated to the side silently. Harry tiptoed into the room.

He didn’t know why he wanted to do this, why he approached the dying man. He didn’t know how he felt when he saw Snape’s pale face, and saw those fingers trying to plug the bleeding wound on his neck. Harry took off his invisibility cloak and looked down at the man he hated. Snape saw Harry with wide dark eyes, and he struggled to speak. Harry leaned down and Snape grabbed the front of Harry’s robe and pulled him closer.

Snape’s throat made terrible whistling and clucking sounds take…go…take…go…”

It wasn’t just blood that came out of Snape. A silver-blue thing that was neither gas nor liquid came out of his mouth, ears, and eyes. Harry knew what it was, but didn’t know what to do—

An ampoule made out of thin air was stuffed into his trembling hand by Hermione. Harry used his magic wand to fish the silver substance into the bottle. The bottle was full, and Snape’s blood seemed to have run out, and he grasped Harry’s robes and let go weakly.

“look at me……”

The green eyes stared at the black eyes, but after a second, something seemed to disappear from the depths of those black eyes, and they became blank, sluggish and hollow.

The hand holding Harry dropped to the ground, and Snape stopped moving.

It should be dead.

Harry was a little flustered.

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