HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 925

Chapter 908 Palace of Destiny

There was a trembling silence for a moment, and people were stunned in horror. Immediately, an overwhelming noise erupted around Harry, shouting, cheering, and roaring. The strong rays of the rising sun shone on the windows, and people yelled at him. Ron and Hermione first rushed. Their arms hugged him tightly, and they almost yelled incomprehensibly. His ears are deaf. Then, Ginny, Neville, and Luna came, along with the Weasleys and Hagrid, Kingsley, McGonagall, Flitwick, and Sprout. Everyone was yelling, Harry couldn’t hear a word, and couldn’t tell who was pulling him or pulling him, desperately trying to embrace a part of his body. Hundreds of people were squeezing forward. Everyone wanted to touch the boy who survived. It was because of him that the nightmare finally ended——

The sun is rising over Hogwarts, and the auditorium is filled with the light of life. People express mourning and celebration, sadness and joy, and Harry is an indispensable part of it. . . Everyone wanted Harry to be with them. He was their leader and symbol, their savior and guide. No one seemed to have thought that he hadn’t closed his eyes overnight, or that he longed to be alone with a few of them. He must talk to the families of the victims, grab their hands, witness their tears, accept their thanks, and listen to the news from all directions in the morning: The people who have been casted with the Imperius Curse are gradually returning to normal, and eating to death Some of the disciples escaped and some were caught. At the same time, the innocent prisoners of Azkaban were released, and Kingsley Shaker was appointed as the interim minister of the Ministry of Magic…

They moved Voldemort’s body to a room outside the auditorium, away from Fred, Tonks, Lupin, Colin Crevey and the other fifty people who died to resist him. McGonagall put the academy table back to its place, but no one entered the academy: everyone was huddled together in a mess, teachers and students, ghosts and parents, horsemen and house elves. Firenze lay in a corner recuperating, and Glop peeped through a broken window. Someone threw food into his laughing mouth. After a while, exhausted Harry found himself sitting on a bench next to Luna.

“If it were me, I would hope for some peace.” She said.

“I’m eager too.” Harry replied.

“I will divert their attention,” she said, “use your invisibility cloak.”

Before Harry had time to speak, she pointed out the window and shouted, “Oh, look, a bubble snot!” Everyone who heard them turned their heads to look, and Harry hurriedly put the invisibility cloak on him and stood there. stand up.

Harry walked in the aisle between the tables and saw the Malfoy family of three huddled together. He didn’t seem to know if they should stay there, but no one paid attention to them. Harry saw scenes of family reunions everywhere. Finally, he saw the two people he wanted to be together most.

“It’s me,” he leaned down between them, and said in a low voice, “Will you come with me?”

They stood up immediately, so he, Ron, and Hermione left the auditorium together. Many pieces of marble stairs are missing, some of the railings are missing, and gravel and blood stains are encountered every few steps.

Somewhere in the distance, they heard Pippi flying across the corridor suddenly, singing a victory song he made up:

We won a complete victory, Potter is the hero,

Voldemort is over, everyone has a carnival!

“This scene is really grand and tragic, isn’t it?” Ron said, pushing a door open, letting Harry and Hermione pass.

Joy will come, Harry knows, but at this moment exhaustion suppresses the happy mood, and every few steps taken, the pain of losing Fred, Lupin, and Tonks is as sharp as a physical wound. He only felt relieved, and only longed for a good night’s sleep. But first he needs to explain to Ron and Hermione that they have been with him faithfully for so long, and now they should know the truth. He recounted what he saw in the meditation basin and what happened in the Forbidden Forest. Before the two companions had time to express their shock and surprise, they arrived. I walked all the way here just now, but no one mentioned this destination.

Since Harry came last time, the stone beast guarding the entrance of the principal’s office has been knocked aside. It was tilted there, looking a little stunned, and Harry didn’t know if it could understand the password.

“Can we go up?” he asked the stone beast.

“Please,” Shimon hummed.

They climbed over it and climbed up the spiral stone staircase that slowly rises like an escalator. At the top, Harry pushed the door open.

He had just caught sight of the **** still lying on the table as he had left last time, and a sudden deafening sound made him scream, thinking that he was under a curse, or that the Death Eaters had come back, or Voldemort had come back from the dead. Up–

turned out to be Huan sucking sound. On the surrounding walls, all previous Hogwarts principals and headmasters stood up and applauded at Harry. Some of them were waving hats or wigs, rushing between the picture frames, shaking hands with each other tightly. They jumped and jumped on the chairs in the painting, Dairis Devonte cried unabashedly, Dexter Fosco waved his earpiece vigorously, Phineas Nigelles used He screamed loudly: “Please note that Slytherin College also played a role! Don’t forget our contribution!”

However, Harry’s eyes only looked at the largest portrait behind the principal’s seat: tears flowed from behind the half-moon lens into the long silver-white beard, and the pride and gratitude on that face were like the singing of a phoenix. Filled Harry’s heart with comfort.

Finally, Harry raised both hands, all the portraits were respectfully silent, wiped his eyes, smiled, and waited eagerly for him to speak. But his words were addressed to Dumbledore, and he carefully considered his words. Although he is exhausted and his eyes are blurred, he must work harder to seek one last advice.

“The thing hidden in the Golden Snitch,” he said, “I fell in the forbidden forest. I don’t know where I fell, but I don’t want to look for it anymore. Do you agree?”

“My dear boy, I agree.” Dumbledore said, and the other portraits showed a confused and curious look. “This is a very wise and courageous decision, but I am not surprised that you will do this. . Does anyone else know where it fell?”

“No,” Harry said, and Dumbledore nodded in satisfaction.

“But I want to keep Ignatius’ gift.” Harry said, and Dumbledore smiled.

“Of course, Harry, it will always be yours until you pass it on again!”

“and this.”

Harry raised the old wand. Ron and Hermione looked at it with awe in their eyes. Although Harry lacked sleep and was top-heavy, he realized and didn’t like their look.

“I don’t want it.” Harry said.

“What?” Ron said loudly, “Are you sick in the brain?”

“I know it is powerful,” Harry said wearily, “but I was happier holding my wand. So…”

He fumbled in the leather bag hanging around his neck, and pulled out the holly wood wand that was broken in two and connected only by thin phoenix feathers. Hermione once said that it was too damaged to be repaired. He knew that if the following trick didn’t work, it would be completely useless.

He put the broken wand on the principal’s desk, touched it with the tip of the old wand, and said, “Repair as before.”

When the wand was reattached, a red spark burst from the tip of the wand. Harry knew it was successful. He picked up the wand of holly wood and phoenix tail feathers, and suddenly felt a warmth in his fingers, as if the wand and hand were rejoicing at their reunion.

“I want to put the old wand back to its original place,”

He said to Dumbledore, Dumbledore was watching him with infinite love and admiration, “Just let it stay there.

If I die normally like Ignatius, its power is destroyed, right? The previous master will never be defeated again. It is over. ”

Dumbledore nodded, and they smiled at each other.

“Do you really want this?” Ron said. He looked at the old wand, and there was a faint reluctance in his voice.

“I think Harry is right,” Hermione said softly.

“The trouble caused by this wand exceeds its value,” Harry said, “and, to be honest.”

He turned and left the portraits.

“My life’s troubles are actually enough.”

After he left, Jon came out.

“The matter is over.”

He looked at the portrait of Dumbledore and said.

This portrait can convey his words to Dumbledore. After this matter is finished, the plan between him and Dumbledore is completely over.

“I have communicated and passed that the international secrecy law will be completely abolished at the next meeting. After tonight is over, a new change will take place in the UK. Early tomorrow morning, the Ministry of Magic, the Muggle government and the royal family will jointly issue a statement. The statement will be sent to the world, and maybe you and Grindelwald will know about it there too.”

“Thank you, so what do you do next?”

“I will wait for Kingsley to succeed the Minister of Magic and see the implementation of the next new policy. In a week, Joanne will come to interview Harry and them. Two days after the interview, “Harry “The Porter Biography Series” will be on sale all over the world, maybe you can buy one and read it.”

“You don’t seem to think about the resistance, what if this happens?”

“This will not happen. Without external forces, internal driving becomes extremely important. When most people become wizards, if you are not a wizard, then you are inherently caught in a predicament. It is not acceptable to most people, not to mention that they are not unable to become wizards, as long as they want, they can also become wizards, this service, my company is free.”

“It is indeed a very good idea, then I wish you success.”

“Of course I will succeed, after all we have been preparing for so long.”

Jon bowed slightly, and expressed kindness with the previous principals of Hogwarts.

“Then maybe we will see you in the future, I will be leaving soon, goodbye, everyone.”

“Where are you going?”

Dumbledore asked.

“Go where I should go, leave this world, maybe I will come back if I have time.”

Jon seemed to remember something suddenly, and turned his head and said to Dumbledore: “Is Professor McGonagall a good choice to be the principal?”

“Of course, I will always trust Minerva.”

“They have already prepared the portrait of Snape. I made some changes for Snape. He and Filch… It is also a good thing to let them go for a walk. Maybe they will make the choice they want. , Whether it’s accepting new students or finding a new place to live.”

“These have nothing to do with us, they can choose by themselves.”

“Yes, it’s fine to choose by yourself. We always have to make our own choices.”

Jon turned and took a step, leaving the principal’s office.

Professor McGonagall soon became the principal of Hogwarts. In the reform of Hogwarts, such a principal is indeed needed to preside over the overall situation.

The farewell to several professors, just after Professor McGonagall became the principal.

“I think, in any case, separation is always inevitable, at least we still have a choice in this matter, don’t we?”

Although this time is gone forever, it is a good thing after all.

“There is no need to shed tears, Professor Sprout.” Jon took the pendant from his neck and handed it to Professor Sprout, who was wiping his tears. “This is the gateway to the world of the ancestor Helga. The key, I leave it to you for safekeeping, and I also believe that you will find a good successor.”

“Not to Steven?”

“No need. Although he is the guardian of the Hufflepuff family, he doesn’t need to give everything to him. The responsibility of guarding the family is already significant enough. Moreover, the way our family is connected to our ancestors is this One is entrusted to the school. Her ancestors and her friends founded Hogwarts in the hope that the school will get better and better. The same is true for me. So, the school will entrust you to the professors.”

He looked at Pepy Ghost next to him again, he was still so naughty, but when he was in the principal’s office, he seemed a lot more calm.

“And the secretary to the principal, I’m afraid you, like Professor Bins, will become Hogwarts’ lifelong secretary.”

“It doesn’t matter, Hogg will be with me anyway.”

Then there is no other problem.

The Hogwarts incident is over. When Jon walked out of the Hogwarts school gate, he happened to meet Joanne, who came to interview under the leadership of the Order of the Phoenix.

“Are you leaving?”

“Yes, I am afraid I will never come back after leaving this time. I have a letter here, I want to ask you to hand it to Hermione.”

“Don’t you go to meet your students for the last time?”

“No need. I am not very responsible as this teacher. I didn’t teach her too many useful things. I won’t bother her at this time. I’m afraid she would cry. Professor Sprout just cried. I It’s still a bit uncomfortable now.”

He turned and left without nostalgia.

He has left enough in this world, that is, those who died in the final battle, he arranged them in Helga’s world.

is simply too kind.

He stood on the deep blue sea and said goodbye to the will of the world.

“So, am I leaving?”

“It’s easy to leave, don’t give it away, don’t worry, there won’t be anything here. All things are under our control. In other words, this thing should have happened in this world, but you He happened earlier.”

“Then I can rest assured, after all it was a lot of hard work, goodbye?”


Jon closed his eyes and unlocked the last part of the memory in his mind.

The next moment, his wings involuntarily swelled out from behind, tearing his clothes, and the world began to reject his existence, because there was no way to bear his existence.

He was at ease with this rejection.

even through this exclusion, breaking through the barriers that protect the world.

his story.

it’s not finished yet.

But his journey in this world has come to an end. This journey was quite complete. The moment he left this world, he seemed to see the light of the future.

The glow of the universe spreads on his wings, like a ray of fireworks lit in the dark night, or a little skylight in the long darkness.

As a mysterious bird.

He can see the future.

What about the future of this universe?

That is not something he can interfere with, his eldest brother, or the Lord, has already done it.

All these plans are for this matter.

Looking for a future for this universe.

The speed of the mysterious bird is the fastest in the universe, because it can jump from one point to another in the overlapping space, so in a very short time, he came to where he wanted to come. .

can’t be said to have come.

Maybe this is going home.

After countless years, he once again returned to the place where he was born.

The place where I was actually born.

In this world, there are countless palaces, and among these countless palaces, it starts from the east and extends to the west, and extends to the center of the world.

There is the center of this world.

There are two majestic halls.

The one slightly to the west is the source of all souls in this universe. It is not where Jon needs to go.

He needs to go to another hall.

When he constricted his wings, turned into a black streamer, and landed in the center of the hall, he just saw the existence of those sitting on the high holy works.

are all his former colleagues.

There are four people here.

Three seats are empty.

“The wise man, the walker, Mr. Guanqi, the mother-in-law.”

He greeted them one by one, and the four beings sitting on the holy throne did not come back to their senses until after he mentioned their names.

After all, these people have countless things to do every day, and it is impossible to put their spirits here all the time.

But seeing Jon, they were very happy.

“Welcome back, Xuanniao, it seems that you are back with the future. We have been waiting for you for a long time.”

“You have to wait a long time, but where did Aunt Yun go?”

“Am I right behind you?”

A familiar voice came from behind, which made Jon turn his head in surprise.

is still a familiar face as expected.

makes people feel at ease.


“It’s good to come back. If you come back, you have seen that one, right? How is he?”

“Everything is fine and very smooth.”

“This is the answer we want to hear, so take a seat.”

The woman called Aunt Yun took Jon’s hand and stepped onto the platform of the Holy See step by step.

These seven seats naturally have a place for Jon.

In this chaotic universe, there are a total of nine ancestor gods who coexist with chaos. They are supreme and have the authority to maintain the world, but for them, the universe is still too big and there are still too many things.

So in this situation, Samurai appeared.

They are not a group of beings serving the ancestral gods, but assistants to help the ancestral gods deal with things . As the mysterious bird, Jon, when he was not Jon, he was already the nether master. One of the rulers of the world is the close attendant of Destiny Ancestor.

The five people sitting next to him are all his colleagues. As for the largest, still vacant seat, it is self-evident who belongs to.

is sitting on the Holy See, which proves that he will start to pick up the things he put down again, and begin to deal with some problems that may occur.

But this was originally one of his jobs.

Although I am still a little uncomfortable, but.

Just get used to it.

“Then, Xuanniao, welcome back,”

The glorious sacred words came from all over his body, and Xuanniao gradually entered the state he used to work here.

It’s just that the holy words have not been finished yet.

In the large and small halls that occupies half of this world, countless figures stand up from their seats and stretch out their hands to stroke their chests.

All beings praised together and shared the highest reputation for maintaining the stability of the heavens.

“Welcome back.”

“The Palace of Destiny.”

(The full text is over.)


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