HP: I was doing all sorts of things at Hogwarts

Chapter 14 Train Chat

Harry was nestled in the quilt, tossing and turning unable to sleep. He kept thinking about Aphra's flying robes and bright smile in his mind, and he was depressed, which diluted some of his desire for Hogwarts.

He had moved from the storage room under the stairs into Dudley's old room and was about to go to Hogwarts, so he should be very happy.

Early on the morning of September 1st, Harry was sent to King's Cross Station by Uncle Vernon. He immediately had a new problem, how should he get in? Where is nine and three-quarters station?

He looked around awkwardly, and finally focused on a family that looked strange.

Everyone must be wizards, Harry also heard something about Muggles.

There are two brothers who look exactly the same and have disappeared through the wall.

"Excuse me, how to get to Station Nine and Three-Quarters?"

"It's your first time going to school, dear? It's my Ron's first time too. Don't worry, just walk towards between nine and ten. If you're nervous, you can speed up."

The woman looked very kind, and Harry felt grateful, "Thank you."

Harry's heart skipped a beat and he rushed over with the trolley.

The next second, he came to a brand new world.

The red train is whirring, pedestrians are constantly passing by, and children are saying goodbye to their parents.

Harry was so excited that he planned to go up and find a seat first.

However, he obviously underestimated the weight of the trolley, and Harry got stuck at the entrance, looking embarrassed.

"Fred, George, please help me." The girl's voice sounded, and Harry turned around in surprise.

On either side of Avro stood the twin brothers he had just seen. They readily agreed, and Harry wiped the sweat from his head.

Avro looked at Fred and George. After a summer vacation, they had grown a lot and it was easy to move so many things.

"Long time no see." Harry murmured, his voice not loud enough that Fred and George didn't hear him.

"Long time no see." Avro nodded.

He always felt that she had changed a lot, and Harry felt a little uneasy.

Avro had already changed into the Hogwarts school robe, and the silver-green badge was shining. Harry stared for a moment, then looked away.

"Thank you." Harry thanked Fred and George who had finished their help.

"a piece of cake."

"Oh...are you, Harry Potter?" George noticed the lightning scar on his head and said in surprise.

"Ah, yes," Harry replied.

They looked at each other, as if they wanted to share the news with their families, and then hurried away.

"..." Harry thought about the scene of seeing her again many times, but he still didn't know what to say. He could only show a shy smile, "Shall we go up and talk?"

"Okay." Avro blinked, Draco was still saying goodbye to his parents anyway.

Aphra and Harry found an empty cubicle, during which Aphra met Oliver again.

Oliver sat down with them.

Avro took Lucky and held it in her arms.

"Hello, I'm Oliver Wood," Oliver said cheerfully.

"Harry, Harry Potter."

"Oh -" Oliver was briefly surprised, but didn't have any extreme reaction.

"Aphrodite, you know so many people." Harry looked at her. She was sitting opposite, sitting with Oliver.

Avro smiled and said, "It's okay." She always felt that his tone was weird and sour. Was he jealous that she knew so many people?

"Excuse me, can I sit here?" There was another redhead, and Aphra was stunned. As soon as she saw the redhead...

"Okay, sit down." None of them had any objections.

"Thank you. Hello, I'm Ron Weasley."

Well, Aphra smoothed her hair. If things continue, she will definitely find out all the Weasleys.

"Aphro, Avro Greengrass." She smiled.

Ron looked at her and blinked. Aren't these friends of Fred and George? The one who gave me chocolates for Christmas.

After they finished introducing each other, Ron was still staring at Aphra, which made her feel a little scared.

Harry looked at the badges on their chests and finally asked the question that had been lingering in his mind for a long time, "What colleges are you from?"

Oliver looked at his badge, "Oh, I'm from Gryffindor~"

"My whole family is Gryffindor, and I also want to be in Gryffindor." Ron answered immediately, with great interest.

Avro rolled her eyes inwardly, "Slytherin."

Ron pursed his lips, why was his brother's friend a Slytherin? In his mind, Slytherins are all bad people.

He shook his head and wisely chose to keep his mouth shut.

"Then I also want to enter Slytherin." Harry said frankly, staring at Aphra.

Avro frowned, and after careful consideration, she said, "...You are not suitable."

Harry was stunned and wanted to continue asking.

Avro held Lucky in her arms, stood up and left the compartment, and Oliver quickly followed.

"Hey, my luck!" Oliver lamented.

Avro then remembered his cat and quickly gave it back to him.

"Why do you say Harry is not suitable for Slytherin?" Oliver didn't understand, so he asked sincerely.

"He's just not suitable. If those Slytherins find out that he doesn't meet their expectations, he will be miserable." Avro took out her small mirror and looked at her beautiful face.

"Oh..." Oliver scratched his head naively. He didn't understand Slytherin, but he had been in contact with their Quidditch team, and they were not easy guys to get along with.

Avro saw that he had an upright personality and little narrow-mindedness, so she said a few words to him, "It can be seen that the background of his personality is kindness and purity." It was so disgusting, so she stopped talking, Aphra shook her head.

"So are you." Oliver still remembered that day, when he saw Aphra hugging the kitten that was soaked in the rain, with tenderness and pity, "So are you."

he repeated.

Avro raised her eyebrows, but did not answer, but asked again, "Why aren't you with your Weasley friend?"

"Oh, he became a prefect this year, and he is with the prefects." Oliver said nonchalantly.

"Oh~" Avro nodded understandingly. This Percy Weasley was different from the other Weasleys and Gryffindors she had come into contact with so far. It was quite interesting. "By the way, I I have to go find my friends, see you later."

"Okay, see you later."

Avro scratched Lucky's chin, "See you later, Lucky."

She searched around and found the cubicle where Draco was. He was always surrounded by a crowd of people, and he was sitting in the middle with all the stars in his arms.

There are still old acquaintances, Daphne, Pansy, Goyle and Crabbe, and there is one person that Aphra has never seen before, who seems to be Draco's new friend.

He has wheat-colored skin and upturned eyes. It's quite beautiful, Avro commented in her heart.

"Draco." As soon as Avro came in, Goyle consciously gave her the seat next to Draco. Avro thought for a moment and sat next to her new friend. Draco raised his eyes dissatisfied. He glanced at her.

Avro curled her lips and smiled, "Sit next to me for easy access."

"Get out? Where to go?" The dissatisfaction in Draco's brows dissipated a little.

"Who is this?" Avro asked.

"Zabini, Blaise Zabini." He smiled at Avro and held out his hand.

"Aphro Greengrass." She extended her hand and shook it back.

Draco blinked. He had to think of a way to drag Aphra out to play. He remembered the topic they had just talked about. "We just mentioned that Harry Potter seems to be enrolling this year. Why don't we go and take a look?" ?”

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