HP: I was doing all sorts of things at Hogwarts

Chapter 176 There are too many boys around you


A group of students were sitting in the Room of Requirement, looking at the two large English letters on the board.

A strange emotion suddenly surged in Harry's heart. He seemed to be given a mission.

Maybe he wasn't ready, maybe he was already ready.

Harry unfolded the parchment. It was a long list with dense writing on it.

"I've compiled some useful spells... I'm sure I know how to do it." Harry thought for a moment and added, "This was taught to me by a very powerful friend."

Cedric gave Harry a meaningful look and said, "I also have a friend. We used to practice spells together for several years."

He emphasized the last few words.

Harry knew he was talking about Aphra.

Harry raised his head and met Cedric's gaze, both of them were silent.

Hermione looked down at the spells listed on the parchment and tried to smooth things over, "Okay, the most important thing for us now is to choose a leader."

Harry also knew that now was not the time to fight over Aphra, business was more important.

Everyone's eyes were on Harry and Cedric.

Ernie stood up, "I think Cedric is more suitable to be a leader."

"But Harry has been exposed to Voldemort more often, so I think Harry can do the job." Ginny also said.

Luna sat aside, looking calm and calm.

The Hufflepuff students and the Gryffindor students were at a stalemate, but Cedric and Harry stopped arguing and became humble.

Harry waved his hand, "Cedric is better than me, he is suitable."

"Harry is better than me, so he is suitable."

"You are the student president and a warrior of the Triwizard Tournament. You are suitable."

"You helped me several times during the Triwizard Tournament. You even saved my life then. You are suitable."

The two of them gave in, and the others fell silent.

This scene looks familiar.

Harry couldn't help but think of the scene during the Triwizard Tournament, when they had been arguing for a long time, and Harry grinned.

Cedric also scratched his head. He recognized Harry as a love rival and rival, and he also recognized him as a teammate now.

Ron poked Hermione, "What are they doing?"

"Maybe... I'm being modest." Hermione was a little confused about them.

Luna bent her knees and clapped alone, breaking the silence.

"This team looks pretty good, I give Harry my vote."

"I vote for Cedric." Galani raised her hand without hesitation.

"Harry," Ron said firmly.

After a show of hands, Harry won by a slim margin.

"Then let's work in pairs and start practicing from the Disarming Charm." Harry stood up and said to Cedric, "One of us will guide everyone in the practice."

"Okay." Cedric nodded, the two of them performed their duties, and everyone quickly got into the mood.


Avro was sitting on a stool, with Umbridge in front of her and Draco, Goyle and Crabbe beside her.

"Miss Greengrass, I would like to invite you to join the investigation team. You will have higher authority to manage the students." Umbridge said with a smile, her eyes full of shrewdness.

Avro said "Ah", and she was thinking about how to refuse.

"Professor... I, am I not quite qualified?" Avro lowered his head in embarrassment, his brain running wildly.

"I believe you are a very talented and capable witch who can take on the role." Umbridge said firmly, "Mr. Malfoy also recommended you to me."

Avro gouged out Draco, who was unaware and very happy.

"Professor, I'm a little busy with my studies," Avro kept a good smile, "Now is the critical moment for studying -"

"Yes, of course, I know," Umbridge interrupted, "but this is undoubtedly a good experience and you will need it. It will be beneficial if you enter the Ministry of Magic in the future."

Avro was skeptical, but she didn't speak.

She pinched Draco quietly, and Draco straightened his back and looked at her with wide eyes.

"Professor, I..." Avro saw Umbridge's expression change, and she swallowed her words. Some people are unreasonable, and it's useless to say more, "Okay, Professor."

"I will inform you of the specific situation when the time comes." Umbridge was extremely satisfied. She nodded and left gracefully.

Avro frowned and pushed Draco unceremoniously, "What are you doing!"

"What's wrong with me?" Draco looked aggrieved.

Avro discovered that one by one they were tricking her more and more. Is this the price of being passionate?

"You idiot!" Avro was angry, "I don't like her, and you still insist on dragging me over!"

The more Avro thought about it, the angrier she became. Still unable to offend her, she punched Draco several times. Draco hid and ran away, shouting with his mouth wide open.

"Don't run!"

Draco hid behind Goyle, and Aphra pulled Goyle away - she didn't pull him away, Goyle got out of the way automatically.

"Don't fight! I was wrong!" Draco covered his ears and ran out of the classroom.

"Kill you!"

Draco stumbled and Avro caught up to him and grabbed his hat.

Draco was choked by fate and could only struggle on the spot.

"I was wrong! Miss, I really don't know!"

Just when Draco was struggling, he felt something was wrapped around his neck. Draco felt cold. He grabbed the thing around his neck pitifully. Was he going to die here?

Avro looked at Draco with a look that looked like an idiot. Only then did Draco feel that something was wrong. He felt the soft touch in his hands for a while, and then lowered his head.

A blue-gray scarf was wrapped around his neck, and Draco's eyes lit up.

"I thought you didn't want to knit it for me." Draco whispered, burying half of his face in the scarf, "It's so soft."

Avro crossed her arms and said, "I originally planned to give it to you as a dog, but suddenly I wanted to strangle you with this, so I'm trying to tighten it for you." She glanced at Draco, "If you don't want it, just give it back to me."

"That's not okay. If you give it to me, it's mine." Draco wrapped the scarf tighter, "Did you knit it yourself?"

"..." Avro snorted, of course not, she used magic to weave it and finished it in one night.

"I thought you didn't want to talk to me anymore." Draco followed behind Aphra, immediately smiled and followed her step by step, Draco was extremely excited.

"Why do you think so?" Avro felt a little funny, because he was obviously the one who avoided her first.

"Because there are too many boys around you."

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