HP: I was doing all sorts of things at Hogwarts

Chapter 195 Regulus’ Mission

"Now I am Hall Levin of Slytherin." Regulus said to himself as he walked in the castle, holding the new wand that Dumbledore took him to buy.

He only rested in the hospital wing for half a day, and he was impatient to leave the hospital wing.

He could not rest peacefully while his savior was delirious.

Dumbledore said that when necessary, he could use some tricks to make others believe that he was Hall Levine of Slytherin.

The first one is... Slytherin, Theodore Nott?

I don’t recognize the name, but I recognize the surname.

Regulus thought this, and happened to pass by a Slytherin. He stretched out his hand and asked the other person politely.

"Do you know Theodore Nott?"

"?" The other party looked at him in surprise, "I am."

"...What a coincidence." Regulus said awkwardly.

Theodore looked him up and down, "Are you a Slytherin? I don't know you very well."

"I would like to ask, do you know Avro Greengrass?" Regulus smiled.

Theodore lowered his eyes and then nodded slightly, "I know you. Are you looking for her?"

"No, I just want to ask a question." Regulus thought, "There was someone beside her who gave her a note..."

Theodore showed a puzzled look, but covered it up within a second or two. Although he didn't know clearly, it was about Aphra, and the boy in front of him was still so unfamiliar, so he had to use some words to understand the other person's purpose.

Theodore wanted to pretend to know, but Regulus observed carefully and realized that Mr. Nott did not understand this matter.

Regulus concealed his disappointment, "Okay, excuse me."

Theodore grabbed his arm and asked directly, "Why are you asking about Avro? Are you familiar with her?"

"Not familiar..." Regulus muttered. He had to get away quickly. It didn't matter whether he would be exposed later. Now he had to bring someone out to suppress this student. "Snape...the professor just asked me to do something. I have to reply to him first."

Theodore looked at his leaving figure and was confused. Is there such a person in Slytherin?

He always felt unfamiliar, but Hogwarts didn't have many people for nothing. He wasn't willing to socialize, so it was normal that he didn't know them.

Theodore didn't think any more, turned around and left with the book in his arms.


Regulus sighed and crossed Theodore's name off the list. Asking them one by one like this would be too much to alert the enemy.

Dumbledore might as well just call people to have a meeting, it would save a lot of trouble.

Thinking of Aphra lying on the bed, Regulus shook his head and looked at the second name.

Slytherin, Draco Malfoy.

Malfoy... Regulus rubbed his eyebrows. He had come into contact with Lucius Malfoy. His son's words...


Regulus saw the proud young master in the crowd at a glance, with golden hair, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

He sat calmly near Draco, who didn't notice him.

There was a book spread out on Draco's desk. He had a quill in his hand, but he didn't write a word.

"What are you doing, Draco?" Goyle asked stupidly.

"You don't understand, I'm writing a love letter to Aphra. Isn't it almost Valentine's Day?" Draco replied with a grunt.

"But you've been in this position for a long time," Crabbe said doubtfully. "Ever since I opened the package of the chocolate frog, you've been like this without writing anything."

"..." Draco choked and hesitated, "I want to brew for a while."

Regulus listened to a few words and was silent for a while. Draco still maintained the same action. Regulus glanced at him secretly and stood up decisively.

He crossed two lines on the list and decided to ask someone else.

As expected, Malfoy is not very reliable.

Regulus was worried. Miss Greengrass had a close relationship with Nott and Malfoy. It sounded like Malfoy was still Miss Greengrass's suitor, so she...

Regulus frowned as he thought of the young Dark Lord he faced in the ring.

He could not interfere with Miss Greengrass's attitude.

He just needs to repay her, that's what he should do.

"Cedric Diggory, Hufflepuff." Regulus whispered the name.


"That's Cedric Diggory." A Hufflepuff boy pointed at Cedric, who was sitting in the corner reading a book, asking to focus.

"Thank you," Regulus said gently.

"You're welcome." The boy scratched his head and looked at Regulus twice. I had never seen such a handsome boy before, but it was a pity that he was a Slytherin.

Regulus didn't know what this boy was thinking, so he walked across to Cedric and sat down.

Cedric looked up at him, his eyes full of confusion.

"Hello, I'm Hall Levin from Slytherin."


Maybe he came here to ask questions, or to ask about some school rules and regulations...

The next second, Regulus' words shocked Cedric.

"I would like to ask you some questions about love."

Cedric adjusted his unnecessary glasses, "Huh?" He doubted his ears, but Cedric still thought about it seriously for a while. In fact, it was not like no one had asked him such a question.

"What...what do you want to ask?" Cedric swallowed and looked solemnly at the boy opposite.

"I like Avro Greengrass, can you give me some advice?"

Regulus said something shocking, and Cedric's smile disappeared. He closed the book with an expressionless face.

Cedric raised an eyebrow, "What did you say?"

Regulus babbled with a serious expression, "I like Avro Greengrass."

"You have to know, she is mine." Cedric rubbed the cover of the book, his tone not friendly.

"But you don't know her."

"?" Cedric took a deep breath and tried to calmly chat with the incomprehensible boy opposite him, "How could I not understand her?"

"It's like you don't know what she's been doing lately." Regulus tapped his index finger on the table with a smile on his face.

"..." A feeling of embarrassment welled up in Cedric's heart, and he admitted that he had indeed not had personal contact with Aphra for a long time.

But... where did this person come from?

Is he provoking himself?

What is Avro doing recently?

Cedric was flustered.

"Didn't she tell you?" Regulus pretended to be surprised, "But I happened to be with her yesterday..."

"What did you do?" Cedric asked, suppressing his anger.

"We were in the same room..." Regulus said slowly, "We studied "Advanced Potion Theory"."

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