HP: I’m working on redemption at Hogwarts

Chapter 101 The Joining of the Weasley Twins

Since Qiu Zhang discovered the magical Room of Requirement, in order to make his plans foolproof, he often went to the Room of Requirement to conduct experiments.

One thing to say, the Room of Requirement is really magical. When you need a room where you can experiment and make potions, the Room of Requirement turns into a large laboratory like a potion classroom, with a few white mice for you to experiment with. experiment.

Although there is no other way, Qiu Zhang, who often conducts experiments with white mice, often feels that the experimental results are inaccurate, but there is nothing he can do to change it. He can only rely on his own efforts to make the medicine more accurate and perfect.


"OK, that's it for today's study. Students, we should remember to practice our newly learned spells when we go back. Let's get out of class!"

Professor Flitwick stood on a high platform made of thick piles of books and shouted loudly. The classroom immediately became noisy. The students all broke away from the class atmosphere and started chatting, packing their things or heading to the next class.

Qiuchang was one of the most anxious people. She packed her textbooks and notes into her bag almost a minute or two before the end of get out of class. She was eager to squeeze in the second after Professor Flitwick announced that get out of class was over. The students unhurriedly took out a long strip of desks and quickly left the classroom, looking very anxious.

"Something's wrong!"

"Something is wrong!"

George and Fred held their arms and leaned on each other. Their eyes fell on Qiu Zhang who ran out of the classroom quickly.

"There's a secret!"

"Qiu Zhang actually didn't tell us something interesting!"

"We are such important friends from life to death, yet you don't come to us for help when you need it!"

George and Fred looked at each other, and both of them smiled at each other in tacit agreement, looking teasingly as if they were about to do something bad.

Then the two of them took steps together, preparing to leave the classroom and catch up with Qiu Zhang.

"Wait, your book—"

Li Qiaodan reminded helplessly as he saw the two people leaving immediately.

"Take it back for us, thank you!"

Fred turned to Li Qiaodan and showed a perfect smile with eight teeth, which made Li Qiaodan speechless and trembled all over.

Immediately, the two of them stopped pausing and immediately went out to catch up with Qiu Zhang. They followed her not far behind until they reached a corner wall on the eighth floor, opened the door and entered.

Both George and Fred looked shocked, and immediately ran over to open the door and got in before it disappeared.

From the perspective outside the wall, the door inexplicably disappeared almost as soon as the two entered, leaving only the bare wall with retro patterns.

"Wow, is there a place like this in Hogwarts?"

Fred looked around and saw a dark, smoky room filled with the strange smell of magic potion, right where the two of them were.

"It's impossible. We've been on night tours since the first grade, and we've already memorized the Marauder's Map by heart. There's no way Hogwarts has such a place that we've never seen before!"

George immediately shook his head and retorted without thinking, but looking around at the unfamiliar scenes and decorations he was still a little in disbelief.

"Fred, have we discovered some secret room that has been hidden for a long time?"


Fred's eyes suddenly brightened, and he kept looking around with expectant and curious eyes.

Suddenly, Fred inexplicably smelled the sweet and delicious orange-flavored cake. He turned his head suddenly and saw George holding a plate of beautiful-looking small cakes and eating them.

"George, where did this cake come from?"

"Oh, you said this, I just suddenly wanted to eat something in my mind, and it appeared. It's amazing!"

George held up the cake and shook it at Fred, but in just a moment, the half-bitten cake returned to its original shape.

"Wow! It's so amazing!"

Fred was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth. The two slowly moved their eyes to each other, and their eyes met, with a tacit and proud smile on their faces.

"See what we found?"

"Every wish comes true!"


"I will sell tickets to my classmates at Hogwarts. I will definitely make a lot of money. It will be so fun!"

The two of them almost threw their heads back and laughed in triumph. Finally, there was a sound and movement from the deep corner of the room. Qiu Zhang slowly walked out of it, his expression full of displeasure.

"You're following me!"


a few minutes ago……

Qiu Zhang rushed to the Room of Requirement and immediately took out his notes and found the page where he made annotations.

"That's right, I said I forgot something? Baby, it's your hair!..."

Qiu Zhang carefully picked up Mouse No. 1 on the soft couch, gently touched its back to comfort it, and then immediately pulled out Mouse No. 1's snow-white fur at lightning speed.

"Wow, there is a place like this in Hogwarts!"

A familiar voice vaguely came from the door, and Qiu Zhang immediately tensed up. He carefully put the white mouse back into the cage quietly, put the fluff into a container, and then approached the curtain next to the potion table with great vigilance. Through the gap, you can clearly see the two tall and active figures with conspicuous red hair under the dim light.

Qiu Zhang immediately held his breath and stayed there quietly without moving, hoping that the two curious brothers would quickly lose interest and leave quickly.

Unfortunately, Qiu Zhang was certainly wrong...

Seeing the two of them starting to have fun on their own without even the slightest intention of leaving, Qiu Zhang couldn't help but cling tightly to the curtain that covered her, feeling uneasy and even helpless in her heart.

She knew it! With all the six years she had known the Weasley twins, how could they so easily lose interest in such a magical room that could fulfill one's wishes!

However, seeing the two people start to go off topic while talking, and even want to promote this room to other students by charging tickets, Qiu Zhang finally could no longer quietly watch.

"You're following me?!"

Qiu Zhang opened the curtain of the potion table in the inner room, his face full of impatience and his brows furrowed, making himself look very unhappy.

"Qiu! You're here!"

"OMG! Qiu, you didn't tell us that you found such a fun place. You are so unkind!"

When George and Fred saw Qiu Zhang's appearance, they became even more excited. They came closer and surrounded Qiu Zhang. Their expressions were unified smiles, the kind of smiles that hold back evil in the heart if they don't do good things.

Qiu Zhang immediately pushed George away unceremoniously, then pulled down the heavy Fred's arm from around his neck and pushed him away, pointing his fingers at the two of them as threats.

"I'm warning you, at least until the end of sixth grade, you are not allowed to sell tickets or tell anyone else about the existence of this place. Otherwise -"


Although Qiu Zhang tried his best to pretend to be serious and aggressive, George and Fred could still see Qiu Zhang's embarrassment and nervousness.

Qiu Zhang was immediately so angry at this rhetorical question that he didn't know what to say. He stared at the two of them with wide eyes and pointed at you back and forth for a long time.

"you you you……"

"Hey! Qiu, what have you been busy doing after class these days?"

George thought about the main purpose of their coming here. He looked at the room that Qiu Zhang had just walked out of cautiously, and looked along the gap in the dark blue curtain. He saw a hazy crucible inside that was steaming and emitting a strange smell. The scent of magic medicine.

"Yes, yes, Qiu Zhang, what do you want to do for fun?"

Fred was also quite curious. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Qiu Zhang's finger, which was still pointing at him with his index finger pointing angrily. Looking at Qiu Zhang, there seemed to be a bright glimmer in his eyes, full of vitality and vitality. .


Qiu Zhang suddenly panicked, and didn't know how to answer the two of them for a moment. He subconsciously looked back at the curtain that was still tightly covered, and secretly breathed a small sigh of relief.

"Are you working on some fun new prank?"

George raised his eyebrows and joked in a casual joking tone. Fred was immediately excited and couldn't help himself. His eyes widened with a smile on his face. He took Qiu Zhang's wrist and pulled her into his arms, holding her excitedly. .

"I know it! Qiu Zhang, you will definitely join us. How about, when we earn enough gold galleons, we will buy the store of the Seasoning Joke Shop. Qiu Zhang, you will be our adviser and let us become magic together. The king of pranks in the world!”

The more Fred talked, the more excited he became. It had gradually extended from Qiu Zhang's secret research on prank products to the prank business of the three of them in the future. One arm was around Qiu Zhang's neck, the other was around George's neck, and the three of them were People were hunched over in a circle listening to Fred's ambitions and unlimited imagination.

"Shut up!"

Qiu Zhang heard some strange gurgling sounds and covered Fred's chattering mouth. He only heard the sounds from behind the curtain becoming more prominent.


"Oh no!"

Qiu Zhang suddenly realized something. He pushed Fred away and turned and ran towards the potion table. Looking at the white foam and mist that almost submerged the potion table, Qiu Zhang immediately took out his wand and cast a spell on the potion table.

"Scourgify!" (Cleaned up)

Soon, the mess around the potion table disappeared, leaving only a nearly burned-out cauldron and two trembling white mice in a cage in the corner.


Qiu Zhang looked at the mice with an apologetic look, stretched out his hands to pick them out, and gently stroked them to calm their emotions.

"Qiu! Wow! What experiment are you doing?"

"Um...didn't you say that? A prank experiment..."

Qiu Zhang stammered and hesitated for a long time. Thinking of the steps they had just given him, he immediately went down the steps and agreed with their speculation.

"Cool! What effect does it have?"

Fred and George's four eyes were tacitly aligned and looked at Qiu Zhang expectantly.

"Um... I guess the prank spell I cast on you can take effect on his body, and you won't fall for anything..."

Qiu Zhang euphemistically transformed the effect into another way of saying it, patiently explaining it to the two of them.

"Wow, we want to join in too!"

"No need, I'm alone..."

Qiu Zhang almost refused without thinking. Unexpectedly, George looked at the two white mice in Qiu Zhang's arms and suddenly found an opening. He smiled and reminded Qiu Zhang to recommend him.

"Qiu, didn't you teach us before that the experimental data of guinea pigs cannot be completely similar to that of humans, and there may still be deviations? We can be your guinea pigs!"

"Yes, Qiu, it's necessary! The three of us will be a combination like the kings of pranks in the future, and we will definitely help you to the end!"

Looking at the two of them with sincere eyes and firm expressions, to be honest, Qiu Zhang was moved.

She didn't know that these two prankster brothers who loved to join in the fun were mixed with a playful nature and a serious and sincere attitude to help, but she still couldn't help but feel moved.

Qiu Zhang looked a little dazed. He blinked blankly and looked at George and Fred. Seeing their cheerful smiles and reassuring words full of security, he involuntarily raised the corners of his lips and nodded slowly. nodded.

"it is good……"

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