HP: I’m working on redemption at Hogwarts

Chapter 11 The first lesson of school

As all the first-year students found their homes, Principal Dumbledore said a word, the dining table was magically filled with food, and everyone officially started the dinner.

"Then the dinner begins now, thank you!"

In an instant, the four long tables in the auditorium were filled with a variety of delicacies, and the atmosphere gradually became lively.

At this time, at the Gryffindor table, the friend next to Wood was staring at Wood with a mocking expression.

"Oliver, didn't you say that the little Quidditch genius, your good sister, would come to Gryffindor? And you said so categorically..."

"Eat your chicken legs!"

Wood picked up a chicken leg and stuffed it into his friend's mouth to silence his friend's joking words.


The next day

"Qiu, wake up!"

With an intermittent call, Qiu Zhang opened his eyes and woke up. Looking at the little girl with reddish golden curly hair in front of him, Qiu Zhang's consciousness finally came back. This was his roommate whom he had just met yesterday. Good friend - Marietta Ikemo.

"Ah, Marietta, I'll get up right now."

Qiu Zhang immediately got out of bed, quickly changed his clothes, and opened the dormitory door. Marietta was sitting in the lounge waiting for him.

"Ah, are you waiting for me?"

"Yes, but so are you. You were so late in previewing yesterday, so you won't be able to get up today!"

Qiu Zhang scratched his head helplessly and smiled awkwardly.

"I'm sorry. But you woke me up and waited for me. It's so, so nice of you! Mary! (?ˉ??ˉ??)"

Qiu Zhang stared at Marietta with bright eyes, full of joy.

"Okay, okay, let's leave quickly, otherwise we might not even have breakfast."


Qiu Zhang nodded in response, and the two held hands and hurried toward the auditorium at a brisk pace.

Soon, after barely finishing their breakfast, Qiuchang and Marietta hurried to attend the first class in the morning.

"Phew! I caught up."

Qiu Zhang and Marietta hurriedly entered the Transfiguration classroom. Almost everyone in the class was here. Qiu Zhang saw Cedric sitting in the first row in the middle of the classroom at a glance.


Cedric also spotted Cho Chang and hurriedly waved hello, showing his standard smile.


Cho Chang and Marietta looked around and saw that only the first row had seats, so they took the opportunity to sit on the row of desks next to Cedric.

"It seems that we will be taking Transfiguration class together in the future, that's great!" There was a hint of secret joy in Cedric's tone that he didn't notice.


Qiu Zhang couldn't hide his happy mood when he saw Cedric, and responded excitedly. Marietta next to her saw this and stared at Qiuchang with a teasing look on her face.

Soon it was time for class, and the cat on the table magically jumped off the podium and turned into Professor McGonagall.


Everyone almost sighed in shock in unison, but under Professor McGonagall's serious expression of no anger or self-importance, everyone silently closed their mouths within a few seconds.

"First-year students, let me introduce myself. I am your transfiguration professor—Minerva McGonagall. From now on, if you have any troubles or questions about transfiguration, you can come to me anytime and anywhere to ask me. "

After Professor McGonagall finished speaking, he was about to start class when he suddenly noticed that Qiu Zhang in front of him had his arms straight up.

"Qiuchang-san, if I remember correctly."

Professor McGonagall raised her hand to indicate that Qiu Zhang could speak. Qiu Zhang put down his raised hand with an expression of admiration in his eyes.

"Professor McGonagall, I would like to ask about the one just now...the Animagus form, right?"

"That's right, but what I'm sorry about this knowledge is that it cannot be formally taught to you in my class. Of course, if you are interested in it and want to learn it successfully, it depends on you whether you can succeed in understanding it or not. Each has his or her own abilities and talents of understanding.”

At the end of Professor McGonagall's words, he even blinked at Qiu Zhang, who was full of curiosity and expectation. He looked less serious and more gentle, or more appropriately, playful.

However, to dare to speculate that Professor McGonagall is naughty is really... inappropriate. . .

"Okay, I understand, thank you Professor."

For some reason, Qiu Zhang became more and more fond of the serious-looking Professor McGonagall in front of him.

"Okay, then we will learn our first lesson today, which is to be able to turn a match into a needle. The match given to everyone is already in their respective seats. After I demonstrate it to everyone, you can practice freely. "


As Professor McGonagall shouted out the spell and waved her wand, the match on the podium turned into a long silver-white needle.

The students in the classroom also started practicing immediately, and the sounds of chanting spells came and went. For a while, the entire classroom became lively and noisy.



With less than a split second between Cho Chang and Cedric, both of them successfully turned the match into a silver needle.

"Yeah! Very good, Cho Chang won 5 points for Ravenclaw, and Cedric also won 5 points for Hufflepuff."

Maybe it was because the two of them succeeded too quickly. They hardly practiced for long and it seemed like they already knew it. The other students in the class gradually became quiet. Seeing the results of the two of them, they did not hesitate to praise them. Envy Cho Chang and Cedric.

Marietta couldn't help but sigh.

"Alas! Now I have to admit that it is better to have a preview."

Qiu Zhang couldn't help but smile helplessly after hearing this. He turned his head and met Cedric's gaze, and both of them raised their eyebrows and smiled in unison.

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