HP: I’m working on redemption at Hogwarts

Chapter 125 Crazy Crouch

There was still one month left before the third event. Professor McGonagall specially called the four Triwizard Tournament warriors to the Quidditch pitch to announce the content and competition rules of the third event.

Cedric was once again inexplicably removed from class. Sometimes Qiu Zhang really wanted to complain about why such important things couldn't be arranged after class? Maybe I can follow it quietly and take a look...

Soon, almost as soon as get out of class ended, Qiu Zhang received very bad news. Cedric actually entered the hospital wing due to injury.

Cho Chang immediately sped up and rushed to the hospital wing, only to see Cedric and Krum, without exception, looking groggy and leaning on the two beds facing each other.

Next to Krum, Hermione was taking care of him with some worry. From time to time, Ron and Harry would pop up to ask about the situation.

"Qiu!" Cedric noticed the figure at the door. Although his vision was still a little blurry, he immediately pretended that his body was fine, raised a smile and waved to Qiu Zhang.

Qiu Zhang immediately ran to Cedric's hospital bed, nervously holding his hand tightly, looking at him carefully up and down, as if looking for any trauma.

"What happened?" Qiu Zhang couldn't wait to ask. It was no small matter that two warriors were injured at the same time.

Just as Cedric was about to speak, he suddenly stopped talking, looked hesitantly at Harry, and looked at him before he reassured Qiu Zhang and explained.

"Today Mr. Buckman introduced us to the rules of the competition and we left separately, but I heard some strange noises in the woods, and I chased after them and found that it was Mr. Crouch. He seemed...it seemed..."

Cedric hesitated a little as he spoke, as if he didn't know what words to use to describe it more appropriately.

"Mr. Crouch seemed to be crazy. He was grabbing me in a panic and sloppy way. He kept shouting some strange words and was determined to see Dumbledore..."

…an hour ago…

At the edge of the Forbidden Forest, Harry and Krum were discussing something about Hermione and Harry's relationship.

"So you and Hermione are really just friends?" Krum still had a hard time pronouncing Hermione's name, but fortunately he made some progress. He looked serious, as if Harry would punch him immediately if he dared to give an answer he didn't like.

"Yes, I promise. Hermione and I are purely friends and have no other relationship." Harry raised three fingers and swore, nodding to Krum with a serious expression.

"Okay, I believe-" Krum's expression relaxed, and he was about to apologize to Harry when he suddenly saw a man walking in a panic and with his clothes hanging in tatters suddenly emerge from the forest.

"Wait, don't run!" Cedric's voice came from deep in the forest. He ran over anxiously. He was a little surprised when he saw Harry and Krum, but he quickly focused his attention on the ground again. On a nagging man.

Harry first cautiously stepped forward and pushed aside the man who was curled up on the ground, revealing his face. Unexpectedly, it was a man that no one could believe would appear here - Mr. Barty Crouch!

"Mr. Crouch, shouldn't he be recuperating at home?" Cedric was confused. He slowly came closer and squatted down. He looked at Crouch, who had blurry eyes and was mumbling something in his mouth. He tried to get closer and wanted to Listen clearly to what he is saying.

"Dumbledore, I want to see Dumbledore!" Mr. Crouch seemed to have seen some life-saving straw and grabbed Cedric's arm tightly, so hard that he almost pulled his skin to pieces.

"What happened, Mr. Crouch!" Klum didn't dare to get close yet, but he still shouted and asked in the direction of Mr. Crouch.

"I did something stupid and it's all my fault!... I... Bertha... harmed Bertha... Dumbledore! It's all my fault... my son... the Dark Lord... the strong... the threat..."

Mr. Crouch continued to babble crazily and in a variety of garbled words. It was impossible to figure out what exactly happened, but one thing was certain, they needed Dumbledore.

"Harry, go find Professor Dumbledore now. We'll watch him here!" Cedric calmly made a plan and told Harry to leave quickly.

Seeing that Harry was still a little at a loss, Cedric immediately ordered loudly, "Go!"

Harry moved immediately, turned around and ran quickly towards the castle. Looking at Harry's back, Cedric's eyes were full of worry. Krum was still a little panicked. He turned around and looked nervously at the direction Harry left. He was at a loss and didn't know what to do...

Suddenly, Mr. Crouch stormed out, pushed Cedric away, stood up, picked up a stone, and hit Klum hard with his back turned to him.

Krum fell to the ground unconscious, with a big bulge on the back of his head. Cedric stood up in embarrassment, and just as he was about to take out his wand, he found that when he fell, the wand had fallen down his sleeve to the ground far away.

When Mr. Crouch saw this, he wanted to run away, but Cedric couldn't allow it. He immediately stepped forward and hugged Mr. Crouch tightly, using his best strength to control him.

The two of them went from a standing position, struggling and fighting each other, to falling to the ground. In the end, Cedric was kicked away by Crouch, and then turned around and ran away.

"Be imprisoned quickly!" A voice of casting a spell sounded from behind. Mr. Crouch's hands and feet were immediately bound by an invisible force and he fell straight to the ground.

Fortunately, Professor Dumbledore and Professor Moody arrived in time.


"Wait! Professor Moody?"

In the hospital wing, Cho Chang immediately interrupted Cedric's description and looked back at Harry with confusion in his eyes, but he didn't know whether he was continuing to ask Cedric or questioning Harry.

"Does that mean Professor Moody and Mr. Crouch appeared at the same time?"

Harry nodded slowly with a solemn expression, and Cedric on the hospital bed behind him confirmed Cho Chang's doubts in a low voice.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, I just feel that Professor Moody seems to appear at the most critical moment every time..." Qiu Zhang spoke meaningfully, with some self-deprecation in his words that was hard to detect.

"What about Mr. Crouch? Why isn't he in the hospital wing?"

"Mr. Crouch has been taken to St. Mungo's by the Ministry of Magic for more professional treatment." Cedric answered patiently, and Qiu Zhang slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

At least this way, it can be ensured that under the protection of the Ministry of Magic, Mr. Crouch will not have such dangers and accidents for the time being.

Everything that happened today was too weird. Qiu Zhang suddenly thought of Mr. Crouch's intermittent words mentioned by Cedric...

Is Bertha dead? As Mr. Crouch's wife, why did she die? Mr. Crouch said it was all his fault, so why blame him? And his son...

Qiu Zhang suddenly had a bad premonition. Maybe his initial guess was correct all along, and now Moody is Barty Crouch Jr.! And the person who died in tears in Azkaban was most likely Lady Bertha, Barty Jr.’s mother!

Love, what a beautiful and painful thing!

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