HP: I’m working on redemption at Hogwarts

Chapter 129 Shattered to pieces

Soon, Cedric and Harry were walking on the dark rattan path and once again found Fleur unconscious and lying on the ground.

"What's going on? Krum also attacked her?" Harry was confused, but he still cautiously stepped forward to help Fleur launch the red waiver signal.

"I don't think so. Krum looks like he's been hit by the Lost Soul Curse. We have to be more careful..." Cedric sighed helplessly and carefully observed the surroundings next to Harry.

Now, only two players, Cedric and Harry, were left, but they had temporarily formed a cooperative relationship. In order not to lose their lives easily, neither one could do without the other.

What Qiu Zhang saw when he chased after him was this scene. The two of them were standing next to each other, one guarding the front, and the other holding a wand with his back turned and looking warily towards his back. His actions seemed funny but also helpless.

Cedric was the person behind him. His eyes were fixed on this side, giving Qiu Zhang the illusion that he was about to see through him.

What the two experienced next was no longer an annoying creature, and they were quickly approaching the end.

Looking at the shining Goblet of Fire in front of him, it seemed to shine brightly in this extremely dim and silent environment. Cedric and Harry looked at each other and were about to step forward together, but unexpectedly the devil's ivy suddenly surrounded them from all directions.

Cedric was pulled down almost immediately, his wand was thrown away to an unknown place, and his body was covered with vines, which entangled him and made him breathless.

Harry reacted quickly and threw an attack spell to repel the vines around him, then immediately ran forward and walked to the Goblet of Fire.

Qiu Zhang silently observed all this beside Cedric. She did not give Cedric any help because she knew that if Cedric did not go to the world on the other side of the Goblet of Fire, nothing would happen to him at all...


She still underestimated Harry's kindness and loyalty to his friends...

"Fire is raging!" Harry cast a spell on the devil's vines that were pressing on Cedric. Soon they retracted the vines in fear, leaving only the charred vines with no attack power.

"Thank you!" Cedric got up from the ground and quickly walked to Harry's side.

Qiu Zhang knew this would happen. There was nothing she could do to stop it, and she couldn't force anything to be done...

She slowly followed forward, and at the moment when the two men held the Goblet of Fire at the same time, she followed them and grabbed the corners of the goblet together.

Almost at the next moment, Qiu Zhang felt that her entire body was about to be torn apart, condensed into a ball and squeezed into the trophy. Soon she crashed into some pillar in a panic, and her back spine was in pain as if it was about to be broken.

"Get rid of those who get in the way!"

A hoarse and cold voice came from afar. Before Qiu Zhang could recover from the pain in his back, a green light flashed and hit Cedric. He was inexplicably unresponsive. The next moment, the fatal pain and the unbearable tearing feeling spread all over Qiu Zhang's body.

Well, now it’s proven that her potion is fine!

At this moment, Qiu Zhang regretted extremely why she didn't take some pain-removing potion in advance, which made her suffer so much now.

The effect of the Death Curse was transferred from Cedric to Qiu Zhang. He should have died without any reaction just like its original effect. But why was he feeling all this so clearly and painfully?

[If you have a trace of guilt or are not determined, you will be counterattacked, and you will share the spell with the person who did the spell...]

Qiu Zhang's mind suddenly and inexplicably recalled what he had seen in the magic book. Could it be that this dead mouse still had any so-called guilt? …

Qiu Zhang forced himself to look up and saw that Peter Pettigrew was not affected in the slightest, and even wanted to make up for it with Cedric.

But Cedric reacted quickly and turned around to hide behind the strange rocks.

"Wormtail, business matters!"

The hoarse voice came again, and Peter Pettigrew obviously respected him unusually. He ignored the weak and incompetent Cedric, and carefully soaked the inhuman thing in his hand into Gugu Cao. In a large pot of steaming soup.

Then, with a clear goal, he pulled Harry over, who was still in a daze.

The blood of the enemy, it couldn't be more simple. Peter Pettigrew made a big gash in Harry's palm with little effort, and blood flowed straight into the soup, but Qiu Zhang was unable to do anything.

Cedric still wanted to step forward to show off, but Qiu Zhang, who was in great pain under the invisibility cloak, held him up and threw a barrier spell to prevent him from stepping forward.

Don’t waste the life you finally saved!

Harry miraculously broke free from Peter Pettigrew's grasp and ran quickly towards Cedric.

Just when Qiu Zhang felt strange, all the tearing sensations on his body and the pain of broken bones slowly disappeared. What came out was the painful wailing of Peter Pettigrew in his ears!

"Good luck indeed!" Qiu Zhang thanked Mei Lin, thanked God, and thanked his mother!

She stood up and had time to look at Peter Pettigrew carefully. He was wearing a black robe, with a metal prosthetic leg vaguely exposed underneath. He was standing next to the soup cauldron and could barely straighten up. He was in unspeakable pain due to the curse of the potion.

"I won't miss this time..."

"Shattered to pieces!" Qiu Zhang held the wand and pointed it at the location of Peter Pettigrew and chanted the spell. The next moment, his body turned into gray-black fragments and disappeared into the world as if it had been exploded by a grinder.

Only then did Cedric and Harry realize that there was someone else here. Based on the familiar sound of chanting a curse, Cedric murmured in disbelief, "Autumn!"

Qiu Zhang lifted the invisibility cloak and revealed himself in front of them. He turned back and smiled at Cedric, his pale face looking extremely haggard.

However, Qiu Zhang did not stop. He turned around and walked firmly step by step to the crucible filled with thick soup. He pointed his wand at the crucible and cast a crushing spell to make the crucible crack again. The thing inside that was neither human nor ghost followed. The thick soup flowed out together.

"How dare you!" The hoarse and cold voice came from the little thing who was neither human nor ghost.

Qiu Zhang didn't have any fear or hesitation, and he didn't even think of using any magic spell at this moment.

She just walked forward with heavy steps and squatted down. Then she clenched the wand with both hands and raised her hand to stab the heart of this ungrateful guy.

Voldemort's eyes seemed to be in a trance for a moment. He also tried to lift his gray-green arm, reaching out and gently touching the wand stuck in his body.

At this moment, Qiuzhang's wand broke from the T character on the wand, and Voldemort and the wand dissipated into ashes and disappeared in front of Qiuchang.

Qiu Zhang was still a little stunned. Cedric had walked behind Qiu Zhang unknowingly. His eyes were fixed on Qiu Zhang, his eyes full of worry.


Qiu Zhang sat paralyzed on the ground, slowly turning his head to see Cedric's dusty but handsome face, and his gentle eyes. Then his tense emotions slowly relaxed and he closed them uncontrollably. His eyes fell straight into Cedric's arms.

"Qiu, Qiu!" Cedric shook Qiu Zhang nervously, but there was no reaction.

Even Qiu Zhang's body began to gradually become colder, and his breathing gradually became weak and unnoticeable.

Cedric's eyes were filled with tears unconsciously. He hugged Qiu Zhang tightly and wailed muffledly.

"Cedric, we should go!" Harry, who was also immersed in a sad atmosphere, looked at the place where the inhuman Voldemort disappeared and the wind and sand were once again unusually rolled up, like some weird magic. . He immediately ran up to him and grabbed Cedric to get away.

Cedric also noticed something strange, looking at the faint grains of sand on Cho Chang's body in his arms surrounding her, he immediately picked up Cho Chang and ran towards the Goblet of Fire door key with Harry.

"give me back!"

The terrifying sound suddenly came from behind again. At the last moment when he held the key to the Goblet of Fire door, Cedric couldn't help but look back and saw that Voldemort, who had been reduced to ashes, had transformed into a powerful and tall figure...


They're back!

His face was rubbed on the lawn, which smelled of blood and grass. Cedric hugged Qiu Zhang tightly to protect her in his arms. Everything around him seemed unreal, and only the cold feeling in his arms made him know that Qiu Zhang was still in his arms.

Continuous cheers like a wave of heat came from all directions, with celebratory screams and exciting cheers everywhere. Cedric and Harry were still a little dazed, with a look of uncertainty on their faces after the disaster.

"Why is there a third person..."

"That seems to be Qiu Zhang!"

Someone among the crowd who kept getting closer discovered the unconscious Qiu Chang in Cedric's arms. Her face was pale, her skin was cold, and she could hardly even feel her breath.

Cedric didn't want to hear anything, didn't want to see anything, he just silently tightened his grip on Qiu Zhang, as if he wanted to melt her into his body.

He tried hard, trying hard to warm up Qiu Zhang's cold skin, and to make her weak breath get better...


Cedric finally couldn't bear it any longer. He knelt on the ground with Qiu Zhang in his arms and wailed, his voice hoarse but filled with endless sorrow and pain.

Harry was also standing behind him, his eyes filled with tears unknowingly. His eyes were fixed on Qiu Zhang, and he slowly stretched out his hand as if he wanted to touch but was not qualified...

"Harry! Harry! What happened?" Professor Dumbledore ran over. He grabbed Harry's arm tightly and stared at him.

"He's back...Voldemort is back..."

His words were like a blow to the head, causing everyone present to panic. Fudge was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground, seemingly unprepared to accept this fact.

Mr. Diggory squeezed out from the crowd. He looked at his intact son and finally breathed a sigh of relief, but then he caught a glimpse of Qiu Zhang who was unaware of life and death in his son's arms. He couldn't help but look sad.

Professor Dumbledore looked at Cedric who was still kneeling on the lawn and Qiu Zhang in his arms, and walked up slowly.

He tried to pull Qiu Zhang out of Cedric's arms, but Cedric held on tightly, wrapping his hands tightly around Qiu Zhang and refusing to let go.

"Cedric, you should let Qiu go to St. Mungo's, she is still alive!" Professor Dumbledore slowly advised Cedric, and then he suddenly realized and immediately let go of Qiu Zhang.

"Yes, yes! Nothing will happen to Qiu!" Cedric handed Qiu Zhang to Professor Dumbledore, and then slowly fell to the side as if he suddenly lost strength, and was firmly caught by Mr. Diggory.

"Son, don't worry. Qiu will be fine!" Mr. Digory slowly patted Cedric's back and comforted him softly.

Cedric's eyes just stared at the direction where Qiu Zhang was carried away for a long time, and then he got up and started to chase after him.

"There's no need to worry, Cedric. You and Harry both have to go to St. Mungo's for a physical checkup..." Professor Dumbledore spoke slowly and stopped Cedric's movements.

"So maybe you guys and I can go into the office and talk about what happened?"



At this moment in Mr. Ollivander's wand shop, Mr. Ollivander slowly walked out of the room and saw an orange wand box inexplicably appearing on the counter.

He was shocked for a moment, and he suddenly understood something...

Mr. Ollivander walked forward slowly with heavy steps, opened the orange wand box, and saw a 12-inch wand made of ash intact inside. On the handle, there was a vaguely engraved The little T letter.

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