HP: I’m working on redemption at Hogwarts

Chapter 13 The Fright of Flying Lesson

On the first night of school, Qiu Zhang was already looking forward to the flying class on Wednesday. Two long days finally passed, it felt like two long winter days. Qiu Zhang ushered in the Quidditch class he was most looking forward to.

"It's only been three days since school started. Why don't you be so exaggerated, Qiu!"

Marietta couldn't help but sigh when she saw that Qiu Zhang was so excited that he even just took a few bites of breakfast and was about to leave.

"You don't understand. Quidditch is my favorite thing. Don't you dare think! I haven't touched a broom for almost half a month!"

Seeing Qiu Zhang being so excited and excited, Marietta couldn't help but shake her head and smile helplessly. She rubbed Qiu Zhang's head with her hands and did not hesitate to speak.

"Qiu, you are so cute!"


On the lawn...

Qiuzhang and Marietta came to the big lawn where flying lessons were held early. In addition to the first-year students who came here to prepare for flying lessons, there were also a bunch of tall seniors in the distance. The seniors and seniors were wearing protective gear, and everyone had brooms in their hands. They were probably practicing Quidditch.

[Oliver? 】

Qiu Zhang seemed to see Oliver Wood among the seniors.

"Miss Rabbit! We meet again, we are really destined!"

As soon as Qiu Zhang heard the familiar voice, he immediately reacted with stress and frowned fiercely, turned around and ran away.

"Classmate Qiuzhang, you see that meeting each other means destiny. Can you tell us today how you achieved the method of timing the spell effect?" George Weasley came out from the other side and waved hello.

"Are you destined?" Qiu Zhang had a questioning expression on his face and slightly raised his eyebrows, as if he had a helpless look like "I know what you're up to."

"Qiu, that's why the good boys from Gryffindor are so active in this flying class. It would be great if the people from History of Magic Gryffindor can be here."

Marietta looked around and was shocked when she saw that nearly ten minutes before class started, almost all the two colleges were already here...

Qiu nodded silently, then stared at the two brothers with a speechless expression.

"Don't you read the class schedule? Ravenclaw and Gryffindor take flying lessons together. Alas...you don't preview and don't care about the class schedule. You are really ignorant!"

After Qiu Zhang finished speaking, he turned around and pulled Marietta away from the two Weasley brothers, leaving only Fred and George with dissatisfied and angry expressions on their faces.

Class finally started, Professor Huo Qi hurriedly walked out of the group of seniors practicing Quidditch and came to the first-year students.

"Hello everyone, I am Rolanda Hooch, your flying class professor. The important tools in our class are under your feet. Now point your palms at the broom on the ground and say loudly - up!"

Professor Huo Qi first gave a demonstration to everyone. The broom flew up very obediently and was firmly grasped by Professor Huo Qi.

So the students followed suit and started practicing.


Qiu Zhang spoke immediately, and almost as soon as the final sound of "up" fell, the broomstick immediately flew into Qiu Zhang's hand obediently. Qiu Zhang held the broom with satisfaction and raised the corners of his lips happily.

Seeing this, everyone quickly began to practice giving commands to the broom with great anticipation.

"up! up!"


Everyone kept shouting orders, but not many people got the broom in one go. Except for Qiu Zhang, only two brothers, George Weasley and Fred Weasley, succeeded in the first attempt.

"Okay, after grabbing your broomsticks, I want you to ride on them and hold on tight so as not to slide off the back. When I blow the whistle, you all have to push hard and jump up, trying to keep the brooms stable and flying in the air. After a while, he leaned forward slightly and flew back to the ground gently."

Professor Huo Qi slowly walked past the students standing in a long row, making sure to convey his meaning clearly to everyone. The Ravenclaw and Gryffindor students on both sides also listened to Professor Huo Qi's instructions and slowly put the broom between their legs, controlled the broom and were ready to go at any time.

"Then follow my command, 3, 2, 1, go!"

As Professor Huo Qi's sharp whistle sounded, the Gryffindor students couldn't wait to jump up and fly into the sky. The Ravenclaw students on the other side, probably for safety and caution, all listened to Huo Qi. Professor Qi's command was done step by step, and he flew into the sky unhurriedly. Of course, except for our Qiu Zhang, after all, her love for flying broomsticks is also known to everyone. When Professor Huo Qi's whistle sounded, Qiu Zhang rode Holding the broom, he couldn't wait to rise into the sky and began to enjoy his few flying lessons.

Everyone’s expressions were very happy and excited. Probably, sports classes like flying classes are classes that everyone readily accepts and enjoys! Qiu Zhang was also riding a broom and controlled the broom to perform various spinning and leaping movements. It was at high altitude that Qiu Zhang finally confirmed that the one among the seniors with full equipment in the corner of the lawn was Wood.

"Hey! Oliver!"

Qiu Zhang held the broomstick with one hand and raised the other hand high, waving it widely to greet Wood in the distance. Almost as soon as Wood heard Qiu Zhang's voice, he immediately raised his head and looked towards the source of the sound. Seeing Qiu Zhang so happy and carefree, he was somehow infected, and his face was filled with a smile that couldn't be concealed.

"What's wrong, Wood."

A teammate noticed Wood's big smile and waved in front of Wood's face to call Wood back to his senses.

"My genius sister!"

Wood's face was filled with pride and his smile became even brighter. He pointed at Qiu Zhang who was flying freely in the sky and introduced it, as if he had done something worthy of pride.

"Look at you smiling so much that your face is almost broken..."

The classmate shook his head helplessly and couldn't help laughing when he stared at Wood's funny expression. He grabbed Wood's collar and forced him to go to training.

Here, Professor Huo Qi also looked at the time and felt that it was almost time. He blew the whistle to tell the students to prepare for landing. Although the students were still unfinished, after hearing the professor's instructions, they slowly controlled the broomstick's descent.

Qiuchang was slowly preparing to descend. Suddenly, he saw a figure flashing in front of him, followed by Marietta's frightened scream. Cho Chang immediately realized that Marietta's broom was out of control and chased Marietta on the broomstick.

The speed of the broom has exceeded the maximum speed that Qiuzhang can usually control. The wind around him whizzes past the tips of his ears, but it is still a little short of Marietta in front. Qiuzhang continued to accelerate, leaning close to the broom stick. The originally gentle breeze became sharp and stinging at Qiuzhang's speed, sliding past Qiuzhang's face like a blade, and the only sound left in his ears was the roar of the wind. The sound of the outside world is no longer in my ears.


Qiu Zhang made a strong effort and caught up with Marietta's broom. He caught Marietta who was about to fall off the broom, and the broom spun around wildly for a few times before flying away quickly. At this time, Marietta had no one to rely on, and could only rely on Qiu Zhang's weak-looking hands to hold on tightly.

Qiuchang wanted to drag Marietta onto his broom, but he was powerless because his strength was too weak. His eyes shifted and he saw Professor Huo Qi on the ground trying to control his crazy broom to avoid hurting his classmates. Well, he was already hurt. He knew it when he saw the little boy lying in the corner who kept shouting. Qiu Zhang knew that he could only rely on himself for now. He held Marietta tightly and did not let go. He was still trying his best to control the broom to slowly descend. Seeing Marietta's panicked face turned pale with fright, Qiu Zhangsui was not much better, but he still did not forget to comfort her.

"Mary, don't be afraid. It will be fine. Just hold on to me and don't let go."

As the broom slowly descended and was finally about to land, Marietta couldn't help but relax and held Qiu Zhang's hand loosely. Qiu Zhang might have been too tired, so he couldn't help but let go of Marietta. Fortunately, it was very close to the ground, and Marietta only accidentally injured her ankle when she fell.

"Oh! Akizhang-san, because of you, Marietta Exmo was not seriously injured in the hands of that crazy wand. For this, I will add 10 points to Ravenclaw."

"Thank you, Professor."

Qiu Zhang had just relieved himself, but still responded to Professor Huo Qi in as energetic a tone as possible.

At this moment, a short professor with a white beard came from the distance—Professor Filius Flitwick.

But the professor seemed to be in a hurry and ran over. He called Qiu Zhang by name and asked Qiu Zhang to follow him. This suddenly made everyone excited, thinking about Professor Flitwick's explanation that Qiu Zhang flew so fast just now to save people, and there were no illegal regulations.

Maybe everyone thought that Professor Flitwick was so hurried and serious because he saw Cho Chang sprinting to chase the crazy broomstick. But Professor Flitwick didn't explain much. He just bowed and said hello to Professor Huo Qi before taking Qiu Zhang away.

Wood, who was training with his teammates in the distance and worried about Cho Chang, couldn't sit still at all. He put down his bat and chased after Cho Chang and Professor Flitwick.

"Professor, professor, it's all a misunderstanding!"

The sight of Wood hurriedly chasing away made the teammates behind him go blank. They immediately looked at each other and shrugged in silence. They packed up various balls and tools and planned to leave.

"Merlin's socks! Did you just see that?"

Fred still had an expression of disbelief on his face, but he poked George next to him with almost the same expression.

"I saw...her, how did she do it..."

"I don't know...but, she's so handsome! She's so cool, she's turned into an afterimage. Did you just see her?"

Fred also watched Cho Chang's back following Professor Flitwick and couldn't recover for a long time. He was deeply impressed by Cho Chang's flying skills.

"My God! Is there anything she can't do?"

George sighed unconsciously, but this doubt suddenly brought Fred back to his senses. Fred raised the corners of his lips and smiled crookedly.

"Of course! She doesn't know how to play pranks, otherwise she would become Miss Rabbit..."

Fred turned his head and happened to look at George who had just turned his head, and smiled at each other.

"Yes!" (laughing)

The two of them didn't know what new ideas they had, and they suddenly became energetic again.

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