HP: I’m working on redemption at Hogwarts

Chapter 45 Frustrated Weasley

In the next few games, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw both had mediocre results. In the end, Hufflepuff was fourth and Ravenclaw was third. Gryffindor and Slytherin had to compete in the finals. Compete for this Quidditch championship.

"Yeah wow!"

Slytherin's classmates cheered and were happy for Slytherin's victory, but except for Slytherin, no other house was happy. After all, no referee mentioned such an obvious and excessive foul until the end of the game. This is really The most outrageous thing.

Every player on the Gryffindor team was filled with indignation and stared at the proud Slytherin players angrily, but they couldn't say anything.

"It's so unfair! If I become a referee in the future, I will definitely deduct points from Slytherin until I lose my pants!"

A young man with dreadlocks in the Gryffindor table was so angry that he even threw the flag in his hand.

Slytherin doesn't care what these people say, they won. This is an irreproachable fact, although it is unfair and even dirty...

Qiu Zhang keenly noticed that the Weasley twins, who were always laughing and joking, seemed to be in a unclear mood, and Wood was walking aside to encourage them. He just sighed helplessly.

"Slytherin really went too far! They almost committed all the fouls in the Quidditch rules..."

Qiu Zhang frowned slightly, with a helpless expression.

"There is nothing I can do. I hope there will be commentators and referees who can make upright decisions in the future!"

"Hope so! I hope so..."

...Night Auditorium...

After a day of competition, everyone rushed into the auditorium and started a sumptuous dinner. Qiu Zhang came to the auditorium a little later. After the game, he went back to the dormitory and had a good sleep. He didn't have enough energy to wash up before going to the auditorium.

At this time, there were only a few people eating dinner in the auditorium. What Qiu Zhang didn't expect was that the Weasley twins were still eating their dinner at the dining table with expressions of chewing wax. Qiu Zhang couldn't help but be amused by this strange scene, but George and Fred did not quarrel or laugh and joke with Qiu Zhang as usual. Qiu Zhang finally felt something was wrong...

"In a bad mood? It's really unusual for you to have such a problem!"

Qiu Zhang sat across from the Weasley twins, biting a chicken leg and making remarks in a casual tone as he looked at the two of them.

"We are not downcast!"


Qiu Zhang looked like he was willing to listen, his expression was patient and gentle, and he stared at George Fred with serious eyes.

"We have obviously scored so many goals, if we just hold on a little longer... Damn Slytherin!"

"That's right, if you think about it, they have almost no Chasers at their posts, and they are all attacking our Seeker. It's just...Holy shit!"

Maybe he couldn't bear it any longer, so George Weasley couldn't help but swore a little bit, and poked the table hard with his fork.

"I understand, I also saw those excessive foul scenes. But I think your performance and your style have already surpassed every foul monster in Slytherin. Every student in Hogwarts will be proud of Gryffindor." , after all, despite such excessive behavior, you still adhered to your principles and maintained a stalemate on the field for so long!"

Qiu Zhang tried his best to convey his feelings and encouragement to the Weasley twins. He reached out and gently held George's hand that had blatantly destroyed the public tableware, and freed the fork from George's hand.

Maybe Qiu Zhang's words were indeed useful, or maybe George and Fred had figured it out on their own. The two of them finally did not eat with the dejected expressions, and the raised corners of their mouths had obviously returned to their usual normal state.

"I have to say, Autumn, you are truly our 'good mom!'"

Fred stretched out his hand and made a double quotation mark gesture and said jokingly, his eyes full of admiration and love for Qiu Zhang. Qiu Zhang was indeed laughed out of anger by this metaphor. He was helpless and didn't know whether to hit him or accept this strange metaphor.

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