HP: I’m working on redemption at Hogwarts

Chapter 49 A heart-to-heart talk with Professor Quirrell

The Christmas vacation passed quickly, and the students at Hogwarts quickly returned to school to start the second half of the school year!

The final practice report for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is about to be handed in recently. After experiencing Professor Quirrell's awkward teaching this year, Qiu Zhang is becoming more and more confused about learning. He can only rely on himself to understand everything, let alone the Weasley twins. The two brothers were hypnotized by Professor Quirrell to a degree comparable to that of Magical Professor Spencer...


"It's really strange. I saw you two coming to the library and looking for me?"

Qiu Zhang sat at the table with his head lowered and his eyes still stayed in his ocean of knowledge about defense against black magic. The Weasley twins looked at each other and awkwardly sat down opposite Qiu Zhang.

“We just can’t take it anymore!” (Fred)

"Professor Quirrell has gone too far!" (George)

"The pungent garlic and the strong smell of unknown herbs are killing us!" (Fred)

Fred and George each wanted to complain about everything about Professor Quirrell, as if things would get better after they said this.

"Then what can be done? Didn't he say..."

"Speaking of adventures and meeting vampires, I know Professor Quirrell has to tell this story hundreds of times!"

Fred interrupted Qiu Zhang's words and directly blocked Qiu Zhang's words to comfort the two of them. George also frowned and picked up the collar of his clothes, brought it to his nose and smelled it, and then made a very disgusting yue gesture, which was extremely exaggerated.

"Don't you want to be so exaggerated!"

Qiu Zhang couldn't help laughing, and reached out to cover the raised corners of his mouth. However, with his curved eyes exposed, it was still easy to see Qiu Zhang's snickering expression behind his back.

"It's true. We just finished it this morning, and now our clothes smell like garlic!"

Fred took the initiative and crossed the table directly to sit in front of Qiu Zhang and pulled his clothes for Qiu Zhang to smell. Qiu Zhang tilted his head back and waved his hands and shook his head wildly.

"No thanks!"

"Hey! Why don't you smell like garlic at all?"

Qiu Zhang was frightened by the voice so close behind him and turned around. It turned out that George had already rushed to the other side of Qiu Zhang at some point. He leaned close to Qiu Zhang's shoulder and smelled Qiu Zhang's shirt. There was no strange smell at all and even a nice fragrance. Some citrus notes…

"Uh, I...I took a nap and changed clothes at noon..."

Qiu Zhang was embarrassed and wanted to move a little bit away, but then he paused when he thought of Fred on the other side behind him. He stretched out his index finger and poked George's forehead to push him away.

"So, what exactly do you want me to do?"

Qiu Zhang finally understood that these two people had been pestering him so slyly today that they even followed him to the library. They must have something to ask of him.

Sure enough, the next moment, Fred George clasped his hands together and said please to Qiu Zhang with a smile, looking very awkward.

"We just thought that you had a good relationship with Professor Quirrell before?"

"Yes, yes, and Professor Quirrell approves of you so much, why don't you give us your opinion?"

"That's right, we don't want to go into his office and stay that long with the risk of garlic poisoning!"

As soon as Fred finished speaking, George immediately slapped his forehead and looked at Qiu Zhang with a sneer on his face.

Well, Qiu Zhang finally understood that the two wanted her to take risks! Crooked Weasley! hateful!

However, what the two said was not unreasonable. Just when Qiu Zhang was about to agree, Qiu Zhang suddenly thought of a possibility...

"You think... could the reason why Professor Quirrell is so strange now be the talking rodent from before?"

With a mysterious look on his face, Qiu Zhang held George and Fred's necks and leaned closer to ask in a low voice.

"What kind of rodent?" George tilted his head in confusion.

"What? And talking rodents!"

Fred was so surprised that he almost lost his voice and almost made Mrs. Pince want to punish them. George also stared at Qiu Zhang with a confused look on his face.

Wait, confused... shouldn't it be Cho Chang who should be confused now? Why don't these two people seem to remember anything?

"This is what we saw secretly in Qi Luoyang's office during our three-night tour last time..."

Qiu Zhang couldn't believe it and reminded the two of them again. They still looked confused when they saw them. They were even very curious and eager to try the talking rodents Qiu Zhang mentioned, but he had no memory of that night at all. Qiu Zhang I couldn't help but stand on end in fear, my eyes were dull, I didn't know what to say or what to do!

[Did Professor Quirrell erase the memories of both of them? Then why did you leave yourself alone? It was because you forgot, because you didn’t see yourself that night... No, it’s impossible...]

Qiu Zhang was so puzzled and confused that he couldn't answer. He just looked at the two of them with concerned eyes. Seeing that the Weasley twins still looked cheerful, he could only force a smile and pretend it was nothing...


"We really can't stand it anymore!"

"Professor Quirrell has gone too far!"

"The pungent garlic and the strong smell of unknown herbs are almost killing us!"

Hearing that the Weasley twins repeated the first few sentences as if the NPC was forced to restart, Qiu Zhang's eyes were stunned, and then he just lowered his head and spoke silently.

"I'll go talk to him!"

--------split line--------

…Quirrell’s Office…

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a knock on the door. Quirrell shook his body in fright and spoke cautiously.

"Please come in!"

After receiving permission, Qiu Zhang slowly opened the creaky old wooden door and entered the house holding the plant specimen book he had prepared.

"Professor Quirrell, I heard that you like to collect plant specimens. This is a collection of specimens of various magical plants that I personally made and want to give to you!"

Qiu Zhang slowly approached Professor Quirrell and handed the plant specimen book to Professor Quirrell. Professor Quirrell took the bid book timidly and hesitantly.

While Professor Quirrell was looking at Qiu Zhang's specimen ledger, his eyes were completely immersed in it. From time to time, Qiu Zhang carefully looked around at the layout of Professor Quirrell's office, his eyes lingering on the counter where the rodent he saw that night was empty. Nothing.

"Thank you Qiu Zhang, I like this gift very much!"

Professor Quirrell's sincere thanks came, and Qiu Zhang immediately looked away and looked at Professor Quirrell. He saw Professor Quirrell with a smile on his face, and his fingers carefully caressing the herbarium ledger that Qiu Zhang had carefully prepared, his eyes full of affection. .

"As long as you like it, Professor! I actually have a merciless request for you to come here today, Professor. It's about the fact that you bring a large bunch of garlic with you to class, which sometimes interferes with my efficiency in attending classes. I wonder if the professor can reduce the possibility of garlic. , of course not..."

Maybe Qiu Zhang looked around the office for a long time and found nothing. She didn't know what to say, so she could only give Professor Quirrell serious feedback on what her classmates meant.

After Qiu Zhang made the suggestion, he immediately bowed to say goodbye and planned to leave. Just when I turned my head, I didn't expect that a voice like Professor Quirrell came inexplicably from behind.

As for why it's like... maybe it's because Professor Quirrell has never spoken so clearly, without stuttering, and with a sad tone since this semester!

"Aiuchang-san, what if there is someone you respect and admire very much and you can help him regain his peak strength, but it will cost you a lot?"

There was a hint of sadness and sadness in Professor Quirrell's tone. Qiu Zhang's figure who was about to leave slowly paused. After a moment of silence, he sighed and spoke slowly.

"If this person is really that important, then I will accept it without hesitation, but do I really understand him? Am I really important to him? Maybe I am just a tool, so should I still accept it? What? I don’t know, I just hope that I can do my best to make the right decision that follows my heart.”

When he said the last sentence, Qiu Zhang slowly turned around and his eyes met Professor Quirrell's complicated eyes.

Qiu Zhang didn't know the purpose of Professor Quirrell leaving her alone with her memory? Qiu Zhang only knew that maybe Professor Quirrell also needed help, and maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing to remember...

Qiu Zhang only knew that at this moment, the two people's eyes collided, and they saw different answers in each other's eyes. Maybe Professor Quirrell would make the right choice, maybe not...

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