HP: I’m working on redemption at Hogwarts

Chapter 51 The antics of cotton bugs

The warm sunlight shines through the glass window on Qiu Zhang who is writing something seriously on the desk. Qiu Zhang's eyes are focused on the books on the protection of various magical animals in front of him, preparing for the optional magical animal course for the third grade. until……

"duang duang duang~"

The sound of something hitting the window was heard. Qiu Zhang immediately looked up and saw an owl with brown feathers coming with a letter. It was Cedric's owl. Qiu Zhang reacted and quickly opened the glass window to let the owl in.

"Why are you here? It's Seid who sent the letter!"

Qiu Zhang gently stroked the owl's feathers, and the owl rubbed Qiu Zhang affectionately, and then jumped skillfully to eat snacks on the plate next to the desk.

"Little glutton!"

With smiles in his eyes, Qiu Zhang quickly stopped the owl's movements, took the letter off of it, and let it eat.

Slowly opening the letter, the simple fragrance of ink came out, and it was Cedric's handwriting inside.

"Dear Qiu, I wonder if the cookies I sent you last time were delicious... The summer vacation is already halfway over, and my father has become interested and offers to take me to the Magic Forest to observe the magical animals in his name. He calls it "letting me go in advance". In preparation for the elective course for the third grade, I want to ask abruptly if you are free in the next two days and would like to join me!


After reading what Cedric said in the letter, Qiu Zhang could no longer hide his excitement. After reading it for so long in the book, it was just what the words said. Now that he can observe magical animals with Cedric, Qiu Zhang Of course I am willing, no, I am very willing!

So Qiu Zhang quickly wrote a reply to Cedric, and even his words were a little playful and tactful because of his uncontrollable excitement. After folding the letter and stuffing it into the envelope and sealing it, Qiu Zhang called the owl back, which was still wailing for food, and handed the trust to it. Then the owl picked up the letter, patted its butt and flew away...

…that day…

After explaining to his mother, his mother quickly agreed and even handed Qiu Zhang the Chinese pastries made by himself in a very formal manner so that Qiu Zhang could give them to them when he went to Cedric's house so as not to be disrespectful of etiquette. Although Qiu Zhang had no choice but to do so, he Take it.

Through the familiar floo powder, Qiu Zhang quickly landed at Cedric's house. Dazzled by the black smoke, Qiu Zhang closed his eyes tightly and squeezed out of the chimney to dust himself off.

"You must be Qiu Zhang!"

A gentle and noble-looking woman approached Qiu Zhang with a kind face and asked softly. She was probably Cedric's mother.

"Mrs. Diggory..." Qiu Zhang immediately knelt down and raised her skirt to salute like a lady.

"Just call me auntie!"

"Hello aunt, this is a snack made at home. I hope you can try it!"

Qiu Zhang bowed politely, stretched out his hands and handed the snack box to Mrs. Digory. She looked very happy and took the snack very fondly.

“I’ve always been curious about Chinese food, thank you so much Qiu!”

Then Cedric and Mr. Diggory gathered behind him, smiling softly at Qiu Zhang in a welcoming manner.

Cedric may have seen his mother and father looking at Qiu Zhang awkwardly, so he immediately stepped forward to hold Qiu Zhang's hand and urged his father.

"Okay, mother, stop asking questions. I'm very nervous and embarrassed... Let's get ready to go, father!"

Mr. Digory responded immediately, picked up his packed backpack and prepared to set off with the two of them.

"Come back early and be safe!"

Mrs. Diggory waved goodbye to the three of them, and winked at Qiu Zhang with a gentle expression.

...The Forest of the Department of Fantastic Beasts...

After Mr. Digory used Apparition to take Cedric Cho Chang to a forest where magical animals lived in his charge, Mr. Diggory took the two of them for a walk.

"This is the Cornish Elf, this is the Thunderbird, this is..."

Mr. Diggory explained to the two of them very carefully. Qiu Zhang even took out a notebook and quill from his pocket to carefully record the characteristics of each magical animal and other knowledge.

Mr. Digory nodded with great satisfaction upon seeing this, and was very satisfied and fond of Qiu Zhang's love for magical animals, but what he didn't know was that Qiu Zhang was just a habitual curiosity about different kinds of knowledge.

As we walked deeper into the jungle, small creatures that were incompatible with the jungle suddenly appeared around us. They were covered in snow-white fluff, each one as small as the size of an insect, and very cute.

"Uncle Diggory, what is this?"

Qiu Zhang curiously nodded at the little creature, and the elf rubbed Qiu Zhang's palm very affectionately. It looked cute and well-behaved, which made Qiu Zhang laugh happily, staring at the little creature with love.

"Oh, cotton bugs, don't underestimate them. Although they are cute and small, they are...very smart!"

At this moment, I don't know how many such little creatures were called to gather together and compact like a very warm and comfortable cotton quilt.

Qiu Zhang stared at them with curiosity and curiously came closer to check. Unexpectedly, this special "cotton quilt" suddenly swarmed up and wrapped Qiu Zhang. Qiu Zhang fell down on the "cotton quilt" composed of elves grouped together. , was carried up into the air by the elves. Only then did Qiu Zhang realize that something was wrong, and hugged the furry elves tightly without letting go.


Cedric exclaimed for a while, watching Cho Chang being kidnapped by the elves, flying around in the air, spinning and playing, as if Cho Chang was a toy he liked very much, and he was tossing and flying around at will.

Finally, the elves had enough fun, and the thick "big cotton quilt" suddenly decomposed. The elves dispersed and flew away. Qiu Zhang suddenly lost his center of gravity and fell from the sky.


There was no pain, but a familiar and warm embrace. Qiu Zhang slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was indeed Cedric's handsome face, frowning slightly and staring at him with worry, his eyes were full of Qiu Zhang's face.

"Qiu, are you okay?"

"I...it's okay!"

Qiu Zhang blinked blankly and answered slowly. As if he was touched by Cedric's heroic and handsome behavior, his heart beat faster and faster uncontrollably. His eyes met Cedric's, and the atmosphere between the two couldn't help but Getting weird...

Mr. Digory looked at the ignorant atmosphere between the two of them, staring at the interaction between his son and Qiu Zhang with an expression of amazement, and an aunt's smile on his face.

Perhaps noticing Mr. Diggory's gaze, Qiu Zhang immediately averted his eyes and shyly came out of Cedric's arms. Cedric also coughed twice in embarrassment and lowered his head, the tips of his ears were red.

"I forgot to mention that cotton bugs like to play pranks, but they only play with the people they like and like... In a sense, Qiuzhang, you are very popular with them!"

Mr. Diggory suppressed his laughter and explained in a low voice. Qiu Zhang smiled helplessly to show his understanding.

"That's really my honor..."

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