HP: I’m working on redemption at Hogwarts

Chapter 58 Mirror of Erised

The panic episode on Halloween lasted only a moment, and the memories of the students always passed quickly, except for the fact that Qiu Zhang was given a hard lecture by Marietta about coming back so late that night...

In the History of Magic class, Professor Binns slowly explained the contents of the textbook in his long and drawn-out voice. There were only a few students who still insisted on listening to the class, and almost all of them had to meet with Duke Zhou...

"Chow Chang! You must not believe what we found last night?"

"A magical mirror that can glimpse the future!"

As soon as get out of class ended, Qiu Zhang was surrounded by the Weasley twins and was forced to accept their overly enthusiastic and excited emotions.

"OK, OK...awesome!"

"You perfunctory us..."

Um, okay, I was discovered... Qiu Zhang smiled awkwardly. Seeing George's pitiful expression staring at Qiu Zhang with aggrievedness, he helplessly shook his head and retorted to the two of them.

"I'm not trying to deal with you. It's just that in the past three years, you have called me out after class a few times because you really have something serious to do!"

Qiu Zhang turned his head back and forth to look at the two of them, his eyes sincere as if he really wanted to get answers from the two of them.

"Fat-tongued toffee, cheating quill, and a talking music box..."

"Well, well, well..."

Seeing that Qiu Zhang didn't refute anything and just kept saying yes, Fred angrily reached out and pinched Qiu Zhang's lips that were still making perfunctory sounds.

"Stop umming, anyway, you have to remember that this is really a huge discovery! I will pick you up at the Ravenclaw gate at 10pm!"

After Fred finished speaking, before Qiu Zhang could shake his head and nod, he turned around and ran away...

Okay! These two people have really mastered their tempers and dare not refuse before they have a chance to refuse...(/_\)

Mad! ! ! I have to go on a night trip! I, a Ravenclaw student, have gone on night outs with them several times! ! !



Qiu Zhang carefully put on his school robe and walked out of the Ravenclaw lounge as silently as possible. As soon as he went out, he saw George and Weasley, two conspicuous red-haired men, standing at the top of the stairs waiting for him.

"You are stupid, why don't you hide in the corner and stand at the door?"

Qiu Zhang found that he seemed to have lost all his ladylike etiquette as soon as he met the Weasley twins. He didn't know how many times he was surprised by their confusing behavior...

"Aren't we afraid that you won't be able to see us when you come out?"

Fred smiled and leaned forward, staring at Qiu Zhang sincerely. George next to him also looked excited and hurried forward, pulling Qiu Zhang and rushing to the place where he found the mirror...

"Are you in such a hurry?"

Qiu Zhang turned back to look at Fred in confusion, then was hurriedly pulled forward by George. Fred behind him just shrugged in confusion, and then followed him with a smile.

——Gryffindor Attic Corner——

"right here!"

Finally, we arrived at the place where the magic mirror was placed. The moonlight shone lightly through the skylight, but the mirror reflected in it was filled with faint light.

"Qiu, what did you see?"

George hurriedly brought Qiu Zhang to the mirror, his longing and expectant eyes wanting to get some answer from Qiu.

"Okay, okay, I'll take a look right now!"

Qiu Zhang helplessly looked up at the mirror, and a magical scene happened. The mirror actually showed Cedric holding the Goblet of Fire trophy, surrounded by his father and his classmates from Hogwarts. They all had smiles on their faces, as if they were happy and excited that Cedric got the trophy.

"What do you see?"

Maybe he saw Qiu Zhang looking dull and staring at the magic mirror for a long time, unable to regain his consciousness. George shook Qiu Zhang gently and asked in a low voice. Fred next to him also looked attentive.

"Me?...I saw Qiu Zhang's obsession and desire..."

Maybe they didn't hear what Qiu Zhang meant. Fred and George looked at each other with confusion on their faces and tilted their heads to stare at Qiu Zhang, as if wondering whether Qiu Zhang had said it or not...

[Qiu, are you so obsessed with saving him? But...Sed does deserve to be treated like this! 】

Qiu Zhang came back to his senses, looked at the scorching gazes on both sides that were still staring at him, stretched out his hands to turn the two people away from his face, then raised his head and pointed at the carved characters on the top of the magic mirror to explain.

"See that Erised? Turn the characters upside down and it's Desire."

George and Fred immediately began to look at the Erised symbol and make gestures. Qiu Zhang paused for a moment to give the two some time to react, and then continued to explain.

"I have read about this magic mirror in a book. It is the Mirror of Erised. It can make people see the most urgent and strongest desires deep in their hearts!"

After listening to Qiu Zhang's explanation, the two of them sighed in disappointment. They had a great understanding, and they were worthy of being twin brothers!

"Don't be disappointed, this discovery is also very good, at least it is more interesting than your invention!"

Qiu Zhang patted the shoulders of the two of them and comforted them, but this seemed to hit them both even harder...


Suddenly, there seemed to be footsteps coming from one end of the corridor, and they were getting closer. Qiu Zhang immediately took someone's hand and hid in a corner.

He quietly leaned against the wall and poked his eyes out, only to see a little boy slowly walking over. It was Harry Potter from Gryffindor.

Harry seemed to have just discovered the magic mirror. He stood in front of the mirror and stared at it blankly, subconsciously shouting "Mom! Dad!"

Then he suddenly remembered something, turned around and ran towards the Gryffindor lounge.

"Phew, we're finally gone! But why should we hide from Harry? He's an ally!"

Fred stretched out to relieve his body being squeezed by the small space, and complained in confusion.

Qiu Zhang didn't explain anything, he just smiled awkwardly and said, "Subconscious reaction! Haha..."

As soon as the three of them walked out of the attic where the magic mirror was placed, they saw Harry's voice coming again, and someone else was scattered in their footsteps...

Qiu Zhang immediately grabbed the two of them and got into the corner to observe secretly.

"So why are we hiding again?"

Fred was quite puzzled, not to mention that the person Harry brought this time was their own brother Ron, and there was nothing to be afraid of...

Seeing Harry and Ron standing in front of the Mirror of Erised, chatting and not wanting to leave in a short time, Qiu Zhang was still thinking about using the living map points to find another way out, but suddenly he discovered a surprising thing. Shocking existence...

"Peter Peddie Road..."

Qiu Zhang murmured subconsciously. The Weasley twins did not hear clearly and turned to look at Qiu Zhang in confusion. Qiu Zhang did not respond. He just stared at the name of Peter Peddie Road on the Marauder's Map, which happened to be almost the same as theirs now. The overlap, to be precise, is the complete overlap with Ron Weasley who is in front of the Mirror of Erised...

If there hadn't been a problem with the Marauder's Map, there would have been only one possibility - Animagus!

Qiu Zhang's eyes were fixed on the big, dirty, dark brown mouse held in Ron's hand in the distance, and he did not look away until the two people in front of the mirror left...

"Qiu, Qiu Zhang!"

"Qiu! Are you okay?"

After George and Fred kept calling, Qiu Zhang finally came back to his senses and looked at the two worried people with confused expressions.

"what happened?"

"You also said, did you know that the look in your eyes just now was terrifying to death!"

"Yes, yes, Qiu, you were scary just now, even scarier than when you met Ms. Pingsi who was making noise with her classmates in the library!"

The two of them exaggeratedly twisted their facial features into Ms. Pingsi's usual angry expression, making Qiu Kai happy.

Qiu Zhang knew that the two of them realized that something was wrong with their emotions, so he laughed cooperatively to reassure them.

"By the way, can you lend me the Marauder's Map for a few days? Use it well and pay it back to you!"

Qiu Zhang shook the map in his hand and asked in a gentle manner.

"What are you talking about? We found the Marauder's Map together, you can use it as you like!"

Fred waved his hand, telling Qiu Zhang not to be so polite. Qiu Zhang was amused by Fred's pretentiousness. He and George looked at each other and hugged Fred in a tacit understanding and gave him a slap!

"I'm calling you a fool!"

George blew on his fingers, triumphantly blowing Fred's brains out.

-------small theater--------

"So why were you so unified at that time? It must be a magic mirror to see the future?"

Qiu Zhang tilted his head in confusion and asked.

"Because we all saw the same picture, we thought it must be true!"

Fred opened his mouth to answer with a smile on his face, as if he could still think of the beautiful picture in the mirror...

"Wow, that's good. What did you see?"

"We bought the joke shop in the future and became the joke shop that dominates the entire wizarding world!"

Fred waved his hand, as if he wanted to point out the country, and nodded confidently.

"Oh ~ so awesome!"

"Isn't it? And..."

Before Fred could finish his words, George covered his mouth. Seeing Qiu Zhang's eyes filled with doubts, he awkwardly began to riddle mysteriously.

"Secrets, and secrets!"



Time goes back to the night when the Weasley twins met the magic mirror...

"Merlin's socks, George's mirror is so amazing!"

Fred stood in front of the mirror with a shocked face, looking at the two grown-up people inside, with Qiu Zhang sandwiched between them, standing in front of their own joke shop, cutting the ribbon for a new branch...

Qiu Zhang seemed to be more beautiful as he grew up, with a gentle and intellectual beauty unique to the East. With a tender smile, he looked lovingly at Fred outside the mirror.

"What about you, George? What did you see?"

Fred turned to look at George curiously, only to see that he seemed to be addicted to it, his eyes were blurred and dreamy...

"Same as...same as you!"

George paused for a long time before slowly answering such a sentence. Fred looked at George in surprise and smiled excitedly.

"Then do you think this is a magical mirror that can see the future?"


George nodded perfunctorily.

But in fact, George lied. He and Fred did see the same things, but they were also very different...

For example, Qiu Zhang in the mirror is not standing between the two of them but next to him, George, and holding hands tightly with George...

For example, Qiu Zhang in the mirror excitedly took the initiative to step on his feet and hugged George for a kiss after the ribbon-cutting, which was lingering and loving...

Looking at the intimate and ambiguous atmosphere between himself and Qiu Zhang in the mirror, George knew that it was probably not a magic mirror that glimpsed the future...

However, who can be sure that everything inside will not be realized at some point in the future? I am willing to give it a try...

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